Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Reasons Why

When I first stated writing down these random thoughts and memories my thought was to record my life stories for future generations. To leave a written record. I felt then and still do that the written word is important. It is my hope that future generations of Reicharts will read these ramblings with some interest and possibly amusement. Whatever the case, I hope they are at least preserved. I want to leave something permanent,as I think, we all do. As to the value of their shared wisdom and insight that will be left to the future to decide. Certain wisdom is timeless and other wisdom is transient. Dependent on time and circumstance. Social conscience and accepted behaviors. And now, lo, these 695 posts later, I have reached another conclusion. A part of these writings is to explain the reasons why. It is not enough to know what a person has said or done, but knowing the reason why. It is the reasoning behind the choices that make the story interesting. In that lies the difficulty. To lay bare ones thoughts is not an easy task. Open yourself up to vulnerability. To explain the reason for your choices but not to rationalize them. Blatant honesty is often not a pretty thing or an interesting tale. Mostly it is quite difficult. I often approach from a oblique angle. Diversion with humor is also a good tactic.
So now my writings will continue on a different tact. I will attempt to refrain from rambling about politics and current events. I wonder how relevant those subjects will be in the future. I'm thinking I will now try to include some of the reasoning and thought behind my stories and observations. I wouldn't be surprised to learn things about myself. I do have to write within certain constraints though. I wouldn't want to embarrass anyone, or myself for that matter. So while my thoughts are honest, how much can I honestly convey in this forum ? An interesting dilemma. Time will tell.
I have thought it would be really something if I could record my innermost thoughts with complete certainty that no one would read them until after my passing. But not by any generation that actually knew me in person. Protecting the innocent so to speak. I don't think that is possible or practical. And the big question remains, would anyone care enough to read them ? And if they did read them would they hold any meaning other than a casual interest ? A sort of voyeur to the past.
I'd like to think my writings could be used as a guide. A sort of users manual for life. Having a problem ? Refer to blog number so and so. Need some independent advice ? Perhaps some practical guidance like don't store chicks and clams in the same area.  { see blog Chickens and Clams dated 8-18-11 }. At least that's how I see it. And I will conclude by saying, the reason I write these blogs has little to do with anyone else, but everything to do with me. Call it ego or narcissism but I think I just may write something important if I write enough. You have to go through a lot of oysters to find one pearl you know ! 

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