Thursday, March 14, 2024

the message

  Well, we have the whole tic-tok thing going on. It has passed the house and sent to the Senate. Tic-tok is to be banned from the United States unless they sell that company to someone else.  The fear is it is being used to collect data on the American people and exert influence over our actions. Yes, it's the damn commies once again. Hey McCarthy warned everyone about all of that years ago. Often called the second red scare, it was perceived as an attack on the left. It was the Russians then, now it is the Chinese. Is this the beginning of the third red scare? The first red scare began in the early part of the twentieth century and was concerned with Bolshevism and anarchy. In 1952 Charlie Chaplin was exiled from the United States when he was refused reentry. He was thought to be a commie. That was during the second red scare. Now tic-tok is under the gun.
 This time the narrative is a bit different. Tic-tok isn't going to be banned, not really, if they divest themselves of the communists that is. As long as they don't have to, by law, share whatever information they should obtain through that platform with the communist Chinese. Nothing to prevent them from "sharing" however, either for profit or just because. We are not trying to suppress the freedom of speech, just who can hear it. This being an election year everyone has to get on board with this or risk losing support. No one in America likes the communists! You can't say you support the right of Tic-Tok to operate in the United States and still have any political career. It's a real sticky wicket to be sure. Only way to go is with the ban that isn't a ban, but will ban tic-tok in the United States. Well, until it is sold to someone that doesn't have to share whatever information they gather. We'll be safe then. Yeah, that should secure everything alright.
 The only opposition I'm hearing is from those hollering about freedom of speech. Those folks that believe by banning tic-tok their first amendment rights are being taken away. My question to them is, ever hear of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Linkedin? Are you being banned from posting on any of those platforms? You could argue that you are by the "terms of usage agreement" you sign before using them. So, to my way of thinking that is a mute point. It's more like Tic-tok and it's not fair to take it away from me. Tic-tok is my life! I say, get a life. No one is saying you can't be a communist. You just can't share being a communist with the Chinese government. 
 Now will this ban actually do anything. I have serious doubts about that, although I'm not opposed to banning them completely. Never hurts to send a message. This started during the Trump administration. The state department urging congress to ban tic-tok in the United States. Really it is an effort to hit them where it hurts, in the proverbial pocketbook. We don't want the Chinese profiting off of that platform. Justification has to be provided and the fact that they are communists is enough. It's a concern of National Security! Of course, the border isn't a concern to this administration, can't build a wall like Trump was doing, but we can ban the commies! It's all political posturing. That's all it amounts to in my opinion. 
 Still, I support it. I like the idea of it. Send those communists a message. A message that is a bit more stern that what they have been hearing. Keep it up and we will stop buying Chinese electronic products as well. We're keeping an eye on you and what you are doing. Better knock it off! It's rather like your parents taking away your social media because you have used it in an inappropriate fashion. Back in my day it was no television until your homework was done! We don't want to ban tic-tok, we want you to enjoy it safely and with confidence, but the communists are listening. What's worse they are influencing you trying to turn you into a communists too! This ban is for your own good and the good of the nation. The purpose is simply to send a message. That's the deal. 

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