Wednesday, February 28, 2024


  I was called awful yesterday. I didn't know it until I got up this morning and began checking my Facebook page. I was just sipping that first cup of my morning coffee and there it was. In fairness to the commentator, I was told I could be awful so I'm taking that as I'm not awful all the time. I try to find the positive in things as much as I can. Mostly I'm just not easily offended although I will enter a defensive mode rather quickly. What was in the old days called a quick wit, or being a smart ass, depending. I own all of that. I won't use an old cliche and say it doesn't matter, it does matter, but it doesn't change who I am. I don't want to be called awful but sometimes I am, to some apparently. It really didn't come as a surprise.
 That tends to happen when someone doesn't agree with my opinion. I make no claims on being expert on any subject or topic and so everything I offer is my opinion. I often will not provide any "citations" to enforce my opinion. I'm not writing a thesis or taking a final exam on anything. Much of what I have learned is based solely on experience and observation. It becomes much easier when you are detached from whatever topic you are discussing. That was called objectivity at one time, nowadays terms like racist, misogynist, hatred and ignorance may take the place of that. Usually accompanied by some name calling. Again, none of that comes as a surprise. It's human nature. It's why we are still fighting wars after thousands of years and many of those wars are over the same thing. 
 I just don't think it is awful to tell the truth of things. It may be awful to hear, offend your sensibilities a bit, or hurt your feelings, but the truth isn't awful. Yes, I know, it is my truth. Everyone has their own truth. I feel the same away about that when you call me awful or ignorant. That's your truth, not mine. Still the obligation remains, to tell the truth as I see it. The offering of my opinion is a gift, you can either accept it or not. I admit it is better when you politely decline that offer rather than throw it back at me. Either way, it doesn't change the truth as I see it. 
 There are times when you need to be made uncomfortable to facilitate change. That's the simple fact of the matter. In my experience the things that make me uncomfortable are the things I am most likely to change, like rolling over in bed. Sometimes there are things I can do and sometimes there isn't anything I can do at all. It's a fallacy that you can change everything, no you can't. There are universal truths that will remain regardless. 
 I think it is a good thing when I make others uncomfortable with a truth. It may be my truth or yours, that isn't important. What is important it that I made you think about whatever it is I'm offering my opinion on. The weight of that opinion is determined solely by you! It's satisfying when that weight causes a shift. The objective is to effect a positive change. Remember I'm telling you what I think so that change should be what I want. That's the positive. Are you surprised? You shouldn't be. 
 It's quite easy to get others upset, that takes no thought at all. It's far more difficult to get others to examine their truth. Most will simply dismiss an opposing opinion outright! They may begin to provide "citations" to reenforce their idea. Those citations may be a higher education, statistical evidence, polls and the opinions of highly respected individuals. Could be I am just too old to understand! That is one of my favorites. Well because you can only gain so much experience, see so much, and learn so much, there's a limit on that! I'm just too old. Sometimes, I'm awful. 

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