Wednesday, February 21, 2024

it's cool

  The state of Maryland "legalized" the use of marijuana a short time back. I put legalized in quotes because marijuana use and possession is still a federal crime. Just because a state refuses to enforce that law it doesn't legalize that law. I won't go into that discussion at this time, however. But I live in an upstairs apartment and my downstairs neighbors are obviously taking full advantage. They are a young couple and I get it, it's the thing. They don't create any disturbance, no loud parties or anything like that. Both have steady jobs and are working toward whatever future they have planned. Good for them and I fully support them in their efforts. It's nice to see a young couple doing their best, gives me hope for future generations. My only complaint is when the smell of that stuff drifts up into my apartment. Somebody is selling them skunk weed! Hey, I was young once, back in the day when you bought that stuff in back alleys and measured it with your fingers. Four fingers to the ounce. Or so I was told anyway, I wouldn't have any first hand knowledge of any of that.
  That happened last night, guess they were celebrating something. The odor was quite strong and woke me out of my sleep. I did recognize what it was though and rolled over. I was reminded of my first experience with that product. That happened at the Great Lakes Naval Training center in 1971. I had finished basic training and was moved across the street to the training center where I would be taught about steam engineering. I was to attend Machinist Mate "A" school. A machinist mate is concerned with a ship's main propulsion system and auxiliary systems as well.  My dorm room was actually just a cubicle. The front side was open, no door there. On either side were two bunk beds and two desks. The outside wall had a window. That was it. The bathroom and showers were at the end of the hall communal style. I was assigned the top bunk on the left hand side.
  So, there I was sleeping in my bunk when I woke up and smelled smoke. Smelled like the carpet was burning to me. I looked down and there were three guys standing in a circle by the window. They were passing this cigarette around. Now being the nice guy that I am I spoke to them saying hello. Then I offered them one of my Marlboro cigarettes saying no need to share I have enough for everyone. This made those boys nervous. I remember them asking me if I was cool. I replied sure, I'm cool. Heck who isn't cool. I don't think they believed me as they threw their cigarette butt out the window and quickly left. That was the first time I had actually seen and smelled pot. I was to see it quite often after that and during my years in the navy. That was one of the first questions asked when going to a new command, are you cool? That quit when I reached the rank of second class petty officer. by then, you're a lifer and lifers aren't cool. 
 I don't care if someone is smoking pot. I don't agree with the legalization of its' use for a number of reasons. The reasons don't matter to anyone but me, so I won't bother with those right now. I'm just amused at times. This new generation, well two generations now as I've been a grandfather for over twenty years, rallying for legalization, using the same old arguments I heard back in 1971. The terminology has changed a bit, but they still use a "code" language to fool us old squares. I admit I'm not familiar with the latest terms however. Being cool and having some Mary Jane I'm thinking is out of style. I'm expecting at some point all of it will legalized. I've watched as gambling, by whatever name you want to call it, has become the normal thing. In fact, gambling revenues are funding education programs, at least that is what we are told. The days of having your "book maker" and placing a bet secretly is over. Now it's lottery games, casinos and online wagering. A perfectly acceptable pastime, nothing unsavory or disreputable about any of that. It's cool!   

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