Tuesday, March 28, 2023


 Once again, I hear about a school shooting. They are always especially heinous as children are targeted. The perpetrator going for the emotional jugular. The mental defective in this latest assault was a transgender. That's what the news is forced to say when the reality is it was a guy with a mental illness, among them thinking he was a woman! But we are supposed to overlook that, gender dysphoria is just a normal thing, no problem there, and we are going to fund transitional surgery for children. Then they can grow up with a mental defect and everyone else will not notice. Of course, the blame will be placed on guns. Two assault rifles and a handgun were used in this episode. Nothing wrong with the mental state of the person, it was the guns that assaulted those six people.
 The problem isn't the gun, it is mental health. And we are enabling this with all this woke garbage and inclusiveness. As we have removed religion and religious instruction from our homelife and moved it to televangelists, mega-churches and Sunday concert and side shows, we have seen an increase in mental health issues. The more we assure those with a mental health problem that they will be forgiven for anything they do, will receive treatment, and held up as an example of "recovery" without consequence it will continue. I see these examples of success all the time on television giving testimony, writing books, and being treated like a star. Sure, they were addicts robbing and stealing from friends and family alike, but they have changed. And if it is shown that they haven't, that is just a relapse, a temporary setback. Certainly, they shouldn't be punished for that, it isn't their fault. It's the drugs, the drugs are addictive. We should provide counter acting drugs to those that are sober, so they can administer this to the addicts. That way they can live again to take more drugs in the future. It's the drugs' fault you know. 
 At least in this last case the perpetrator was shot and killed quickly. How many lives were saved by that action? And yes, it took another gun to make that happen. A gun in the hands of a sane person that knew exactly what to do. I feel absolutely no sorrow for that guy, dressed as a woman, that got shot and killed. He got exactly what he deserved. That saved the taxpayers a lot of money too. Case closed. A nutjob attacked innocent people and got eliminated. Bravo! 
 In the movies, in those old westerns there were always gunfights. Armed citizens shooting each other all the time, the bad guys robbing banks and shooting up the town. That is Hollywood, a fantasy. The reality is during the period of the "old west" a time frame of about twenty years, only ten documented gunfights took place. Historical fact. The majority of the people owned firearms for a variety of reasons. Not that many walked around with a gun strapped around their waist. Those that did were quite aware of the dangers. The typical old west town was much safer than living in New York City today. The difference back then? People lived with reality. Yes, that's the long and short of it. There was little of this make-believe world that so many survive in today. The real world is far less forgiving than your neighbors. That was the reality everyone was aware of. Mental illness was recognized as just that, you're off your rocker. 
 It's time to get real people. Guns aren't the problem. Mental health is the problem. Good mental health starts with a single word, no. Parents need to say that, teachers need to say that, and government needs to say that. No. The fact is you aren't special, you are the gender you were born with, it isn't an assignment it's a fact. If you screw up, you will be held to account. You will not be given unlimited chances to correct your issues. I will tell you what the problem is, and it is up to you to fix that. I don't care how you feel, what you think, or what you want. Sometimes the answer is a simple, no. That's where mental health begins with the acceptance of reality. Reality begins with, no. But I'm: no, you are not, you will not, and you cannot. Deal with it. 

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