Tuesday, March 14, 2023


 The question is, is doing it for yourself enough? It is certainly something we are all told. Whenever we get discouraged or down that is the advice our friends and family will give us. Just do it for yourself, it doesn't matter what others think. The important thing is to make yourself happy. That's the underlining message in that. The question is, is that enough? 
 It's a sticky wicket as the saying goes. On the one hand yes, you should please yourself, do what you like. On the other hand, we all have that need for affirmation. No man is an island entire of itself. (John Donne) I believe that to be the truth of the matter. Those that are recluses, loners or anti-social beings often suffer mental issues. They become self-absorbed and lose the ability to relate to others. I believe we all have that need to share. When we share what pleases us, we want others to enjoy it also. If they do not that is a disappointment. Disappointment can lead to discouragement and discouragement to melancholy. 
 The reaction from others has to be genuine for it to be satisfying. It isn't the same when you ask for it. I expect that is one problem extremely wealthy people struggle with. Are those people genuine in their affection for you? I have read many stories about the lifestyle of wealthy people that certainly don't seem like anyone I would care to be around, well unless it is profitable to me that is. Even that has its' limits though and so far, that limit hasn't been tested. Fame and fortune have eluded me somehow, not sure how that happened. 
 Should you modify your behavior to gain favor from others? That is to say engage in activities you don't necessarily enjoy, but love the attention it gains? Virtue signaling is what it has been called in recent years. The wearing of ribbons, flying flags and lending support to all manner of questionable moral or ethical practices. I don't know, but perhaps that is enough for some. I don't know if there is anything wrong with that either. I suspect however that perpetrating a deceit against yourself can't be a good thing. I can't see that as being truly satisfying. Seems to me a bit of resentment would creep into the picture. 
 So that brings us back to the question. Is doing it for yourself enough? I guess the real question should be, should doing it for yourself be enough? My answer is non-committal, sometimes. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. When it is, it is because I was doing that for me. When it isn't, it is because I did not receive the reaction, I believed I would get. The disappointment comes from expectation. I am getting the honest reaction I want, just not the reaction hoped for. That is why others will tell you, just do it for yourself. 
 Well, yeah that does lessen the chance for disappointment, although if we are honest with ourselves, we may still be disappointed. That usually happens when I try to paint a picture or sing a song. I occasionally still try to do those things hoping things have changed, so far, no change.
 Is it the process or the result that is important? I think that is central to answering the question. If you simply enjoy doing whatever it is, just do it, like the Nike people say. I think, for me, it is the result that is important. Whether it solely please me or pleases others I want the result to be pleasing, as it seems like a waste of time if no one enjoys it, or it serves no useful purpose. The question remains, is it enough? 

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