Sunday, March 19, 2023


 There is an adage that says integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is looking. I'd say that is a good summation. We see a lot of virtue signaling going on these days. Ribbons, flags and buttons. Donating to this cause or that, making your monthly contribution through automatic payments so you don't even have to think about that it. I can even wear a tee shirt to show others and inspire them to do the same. Yes, today integrity is making sure others know you are doing the right thing. 
 But more disturbing to me is this idea that by doing whatever you like in public, makes it right. It's the only way I can think to explain the actions of some people these days. Take these parades I've seen on the news. Gay pride, or whatever they call that, when people dressed in leather outfits are leading others dressed as dogs and hitting them with a whip. The public display is supposed to somehow normalize that behavior. Making a public display of deviant behaviors makes it normal? I don't think so. But I can think of no other intent to those displays. Drag queen story hour at the library. This is to benefit the children? I don't think so. I think it is deviant behavior once again on public display in some misguided attempt to have it considered normal human behavior. It isn't! 
 I'm quite aware that people have been engaged in such activities since the beginning of time. I'm quite aware that it occurs in every nation and culture. It still doesn't mean that it is normal or acceptable. The reason all that was in the closet is because it isn't normal or acceptable. It was done when no one was looking, hopefully, so that no one outside that circle would know. Opening the closet door and making it a public spectacle doesn't make it normal. There are activities that should remain private. It's as simple as that. As long as those activities do not involve hurting others in some fashion, or create some public hazard, no one needs to know beyond the participants. Pornography is certainly popular. There is no denying that. I'm sure many people watch that stuff but never admit to doing so. Does that mean we should just put it on regular television or social media sites? Why not, everyone is looking at it. Then no one has to hide that. The reason is, it isn't normal in our society to display such activity. 
 And that's the normal I'm talking about. I don't want that to be the normal thing in this society, in my community or country. Nor do I want guys pretending they are girls, girls pretending to be guys, unisex bathrooms, and an educational system telling my children and grandchildren that stuff is normal. It isn't. It's called gender dysphoria or was until recently, now it's being called transgenderism. It was treatable mental illness not too long ago. Today the "experts" say they are not treating a mental illness they are treating the stress, anxiety and depression caused by this mismatch between what gender they are and what gender they think they are. It's true I'm no expert on any of that, but you are treating a mental illness! The mental illness is what is causing the stress, anxiety and depression. Convincing the person that it is normal, doesn't cure the illness! It may serve to mask that illness in the same way pain medication leaves you feeling great, but it didn't stop the pain or cure the problem. 
 Is normal whatever is allowed? That appears to be the case with man. I suspect that is what caused religion to become a thing in the first place. Our Gods, or whatever forces we wish to believe control human behavior and indeed the fate of man himself, have always provided guidance on what is right. If it is allowed, it is normal.  At different times, in different societies all sorts of things were normal. Holding slaves, beating your children, abusing animals, killing your enemies, robbing, stealing, pillaging, all the normal things. Those things were right? They were normal. If we allow it, it becomes right. Doesn't mean it is though. Just means it is allowed. And there are things that just shouldn't be allowed to be normal. That's my feeling anyway. 
 The LGBTQA+ community, according to a Gallup poll, comprises 7% of the population. That figure has doubled in the last decade. It's becoming the normal thing. Why has that changed? I believe it is simply because it is what is being allowed. It's the new normal, the new thing, it's trendy, and signals to others how progressive you really are. It doesn't hurt that it allows you to channel your base desires either, now that it is alright. Now that it is allowed. Pandoras box and the closet door both served a purpose. Those who fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. 

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