Sunday, March 26, 2023

my theory is

  I was asked what I thought critical race theory is. I didn't attempt an answer on that post as I felt it would take a blog to explain what I think. And that is what a lot of these blog postings of mine are, an explanation. Yes, my explanation, and you may or may not agree with it, just like your parents may or may not have agreed when you were explaining why you did whatever you did. It was never because everyone else was doing it, or was it? Well, I have to admit that the majority of the time that was the impetus behind the action. I did want to fit in, be cool. Thought I'd give it a try. It was always a measure of risk and reward. I was a pretty "good" kid because I didn't take a lot of risk. I required a larger reward than some I knew. But anyway, I was asked about critical race theory.
 Now I have read various opinions by a number of scholars, politicians and pundits. I've listened to all the arguments. For me the whole "theory" is just a bunch of nonsense. These so called scholars have taken a mole hill, a simple basic fact of life, and made it into something else. Something to make themselves appear learned and so much more enlightened than us average folks. People with a lower level of education can never understand such a subtle nuance in society.  It's bull. The deal is simple. People do not like other people that are different than themselves. That's it. Laws and institutions are established by those people in a position of power that can enforce those rules. Race has little to do with that. It's about power! This critical race theory, at its' core, wants to do the same thing. It wants to establish that as law, enforced by those with the power to do so. 
 The underlining message in this theory is simply that all laws and institutions created by our government, and indeed all European governments through the ages, where created by racists. The white people of the world have done this systematically over centuries. Black nations never did that, they have always been open and accepting of everyone. Remember they didn't take slaves, they sold them. Their nations never made any laws that reflected systemic racism. They simply attacked their enemies without bias.
 At the core of this theory is the term race. What is race? The scholars can't agree. Some say it is based on certain physical characteristics. Other will tell you it is based on culture and beliefs. I'm with the second group. Race is all about culture and belief. It's not a theory, it's fact that people just don't like people that are different from themselves. They may be amused or entertained by them, but they don't want them to exercise any power over them. It's about power, not race. In the early 1970's a man named Derrick Bell, a civil rights leader, developed this critical race theory. He was concerned that the civil rights movement had slowed down and some things were being reversed. Yes, the problem was equality was being realized. But even with all the changes, the removal of past barriers, the black man was still facing discrimination. 
 Maybe it wasn't legal anymore, but it was still happening! And so, he developed this theory. Generally, white people don't like black people. They are suspicious and untrusting of them. As a result, they have created laws and institutions to protect themselves from them. The black people don't have the power to force their beliefs, their culture and their laws on the rest of the population.  Even today blacks only comprise about 14% of the population, outnumbered by Hispanics and whites. Laws are being passed by those folks! It must be in the system. Yes professor, we have a government controlled by the majority. Imagine that.
 The bottom line as far as I'm concerned is a simple fact of life. Everyone wants to be treated equally, until they are. It is at that point that everyone looks for an edge. There is surely some reason I should get just a little more than everyone else. If I have high school diploma, I should make more than someone without. If I have a college degree, even more. And if I'm a professor I am certainly much better than some uneducated workman! I should enjoy certain privileges because of my fame or fortune. I should get this or that because I'm disabled, old, infirm, mentally challenged or being marginalized in some way. I'm not equal! I'm only equal when I'm just a bit better than you. And that is what this theory is all about. A reason I should get more than the majority. The theory is, history is just racist, the whole white race is racist, and therefore the black race should get more. It's all because of the color of our skin. Well, that's the professor's theory anyway. Mine is a bit different. Those in power always make the rules regardless of race, creed or national origin. They will continue to make the rules as long as they have the power to enforce those rules. And that's all there is to it. Not difficult to understand at all. 
 All that being said I feel like I should preface that with this statement. It may not be what we wish it to be, but it is what it is. And you are not about to change it. 

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