Monday, February 13, 2023

you know

  Maryland is installing a new administration on the state level. We have a new governor, and he has made his choices for a cabinet, etc. Today they are holding hearings for his pick for administrator of the juvenile justice system. Now I'm sure not many of us ordinary citizens have ever paid much attention to that. But in today's digital age, social media and media coverage all that has changed. I don't think the people are really taking an interest in that but simply responding to the news reports. I have to admit I fall into that category. I have never done a lot of research into the candidates the governor choices for his various programs and such. It appears to me the news is designed more to incite than to inform. I get it, that's what get the ratings, the viewership. People love to watch a train wreck, hear about outrageous behaviors and drama. Now this candidate for leading the juvenile justice system has been quoted as saying, he doesn't think anyone under the age of 21 should be charged with a crime. His reasoning being a child's brain isn't fully developed until they are 25. That's the science! We are supposed to trust that science. The long and short of it is that if they commit a crime, it isn't their fault! Anything they do should be expunged from the record when they reach 25. Well, they really shouldn't have a record at all is what this candidate is saying, the one the governor himself chose. Yes, it is a democratic administration.
 We all know that juvenile crime is on the rise throughout the country. We all know the gangs employ these kids for the very reason the penalties are less severe. It's easier to convince a juvenile that doing so is cool and that they will get street cred. Their brains aren't fully developed. Well, the science may say that, but it isn't what I heard growing up. No, I heard, you're old enough to know better! And that is at the crux of the matter. How old do you have to be to know right from wrong? If our brain isn't fully developed until we are 25, why do we enlist military members as early as age 17? Should we be arming those kids? We allow kids to vote at 18 with undeveloped brains? James Monroe was 18 and Alexander Hamilton 21 when they were involved with composing the Constitution! And that was well over two hundred and forty years ago! Where their brains developed? 
 If we hope to curb juvenile crime you have to begin with accountability. You have to hold those kids fully accountable for their actions. I hesitate to place a number on what age you know better. I understand that everyone develops at a different pace. But I do believe if children are held accountable in some fashion they will "learn" at a faster pace. Let's not forget that children learn at an early age how to manipulate their parents, siblings and others. Yeah, they know. It's something we laugh about today but was very real when I was growing. The threat of corporeal punishment implied by these words; I'll give you something to cry about! I learned early on that honey got more flies than vinegar. I stood a much higher chance of getting what I wanted by being the sweetest kid I could. Any challenge to authority was quickly squashed! There was no discussion, there was the rule. Sentences prefaced with, I don't care what so and so is doing where common. And of course, the ever-popular admonishment, you know better. The worst part about that was, you did know better. 
 This candidate to lead the juvenile justice system would remove all accountability for their action when they reach 25. Now he does say they should be "corrected" but not incarcerated. They need to be treated with compassion and understanding. And no matter what they did it shouldn't follow them their whole lives. Now we're not talking about stealing a candy bar, this guy is talking about crimes like murder! All crimes. Rape, extortion, assault, possession of a firearm and a host of other crimes just erased as though they never happened. The punishment would be to be placed in school to receive a higher education, have counselors assigned to you, and given special privileges. That is the consequence of doing crime in this new system. Can't afford to go to college? Just rob someone on the street and get caught. Problem solved. You can get your degree completely free of charge and have no record when you reach 25. No mention of that allowed. I'm certain no one would take advantage of this progressive system to gain an advantage. No, they wouldn't do that. If they do it will be because, they didn't know better, they were only 24.  

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