Wednesday, February 15, 2023


 This morning's nonsense on the news is the surgeon general saying there should be an age limit on social media. He would like to establish a threshold at 13 years old. You would have to be 13 to be on social media. Now first off that is the job of the parent, not the government. The parent has to purchase the devices, well, because we've all heard about child poverty, and the parents have to pay for that internet access. And just how you would go about enforcing any such law? Is the government going to monitor all social media platforms looking for those that are cheating? If the government wants to prosecute people for lying about their age on social media, they don't have to wait for a law! Shocking I know, but not everyone is being truthful about that. As a side note their profile pics aren't either!
 This is the same government that says children as young as five should receive sex education. They should be allowed to make life changing decisions regarding their gender identity. Another part of the government is saying a child's brain isn't fully developed until they are 25. For that reason, they should be exempt from prosecution as it relates to crimes. The Democrats want to lower the voting age to 16 why? Because those young people are so informed and intelligent, they should be allowed to participate in government. They aren't being influenced by social media. 
 Now age restrictions aren't anything new. We all know about them as they relate to alcohol, tobacco, seeing certain movies and gambling. Why are all those things restricted to those over 18, 21 or in some cases 25? The reason is control. Those items have to be purchased from someone. The person selling the product is to be held accountable for that. The moral or religious values are not being enforced just the legal aspect of the sale. And we all know kids have been getting those things forever anyway it's just a little more difficult and the cost is a little higher. But how are you going to control access to social media? Who will be accountable for that? The social media outlet? How are they supposed to verify your age? Will documents need to be provided to establish your identity? It is being said that having to produce an ID to vote is discriminating and unconstitutional. But having to produce ID for Facebook will not? Certainly, seems like a vehicle to collect additional data to me. Data is valuable stuff to various marketers and such. 
 Now what happens to someone underage if they are caught purchasing those items not allowed? Seriously, what happens to them? The short answer is, not much. The justice system doesn't prosecute them. The justice system goes after the seller, not the buyer. So, it would have to follow that whoever provided the devices and access to social media would be held accountable for a minor using that. Are the parents to be prosecuted? The surgeon general isn't saying the kids shouldn't have the devices just that they shouldn't be allowed on social media. Everything else available on the internet is just fine, I guess. Nothing to be found there that would influence a young mind. I know I have googled the most innocent of things and the results returned where shocking! Fact is there isn't much you can type on there that will not return something relating to sex, sales or social activism. 
 What punishment would the parents receive? How do you penalize bad parenting? A lot of that going on without any interference from the government right now. What is the government supposed to do? Will the government then confiscate all devices and ban their homes from receiving internet? Oh, and you can't go to any establishment with free wi-fi either! No McDonalds or libraries for you. What would be the point in making a law that is totally unenforceable? The surgeon general should issue recommendations but that is all. Nothing wrong with informing parents that studies have shown social media can be harmful to young children, so can the jungle gym and see-saw. As far as I know neither of those are illegal although not found very often these days. But to attempt to make a law restricting access to social media? You can't. The barn door is wide open, in fact, it is off its' hinges altogether. That is just talking nonsense! 

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