Thursday, June 9, 2022


 Remember when you were in high school? You had your little group that you generally hung around with. Sometimes called a clique, they were your friends and acquaintances. Some you were close to, and others were friends of friends, a term even Facebook employs. Today they might be called "cults" by those that don't agree with the political viewpoints of the other group. "Cells" is also a common term. That tendency to associate yourself with a certain group of people continues into adulthood. It really revolves around the whole birds of a feather philosophy. Nothing wrong with any of that. 
 Now on social media outsiders often interject themselves into the conversation. Our groups are not so tightly organized, nor secure. We usually respond to things we overhear that disturb us. That is the reason we respond. I'm certainly a frequent offender of that, I can't help it. Call it a character flaw if you like, I call it call making conversation. The objective is not to change your mind so much as present the other side of the coin. Debate is what some would call it. There's a fine line between conversation and debate though, and the line is often blurred. When you begin to feel anger, it is time to leave the conversation. 
 I have blocked a few people from my page over the years. I refuse to acknowledge them altogether. It's easier for everyone. Once a member of the group now someone to avoid. It's a two-way street and I am well aware of that. It's all good as the kids say today. I have been surprised to learn that little has changed over the years. That is to say, those that I hung around with years ago are still the ones I hang around with today. Those that I didn't agree with or get along with way back then, mostly I still don't. I have been surprised a few times to learn that someone isn't at all what I thought them to be. 
 It just seems like today we are being forced to pick sides. You can't just be neutral anymore. Some call it division, and I'd say it was an accurate description. We are all supposed to rally around a certain flag, symbol or emblem of some sort. You're supposed to do that while acknowledging every other flag, symbol or emblem is equal to yours. Thing is, that's not how it works in real life, in reality. One chooses a flag, symbol or emblem because they do think it better than the others! That's just how it works! It has little to do with anything else. It is personal preference. It doesn't indicate that you dislike or hate others, it indicates this is what I choose. You wave your flag and I'll wave mine! 
 You know what has exactly two sides? A simple Democracy. That's correct, a simple Democracy is where the 51 rule over the 49. Exactly two sides, yes and no. Right and wrong. But we have a Constitutional Republic ( if we can but keep it as Franklin pointed out) where the majority is generally considered to be two thirds. It is in that atmosphere that other ideas, other opinions, other ideologies are allowed to exist. In a simple Democracy, it does not, it is either this or that. Period. Oh but if life where only that simple. It isn't. The minority will generally rebel against the majority at some point. It's usually due to economic reasons truth be told. The majority will attempt to appease that minority with monetary compensation or privileges in some form. But that only extends so far before "strong arm" tactics are employed. Eventually, against the odds, the minority rebel.
 Left vs Right, Conservative vs Progressive. The battle lines are being drawn. The groups are forming. All that is needed is a leader to rally the troops. We saw a bit of that on Jan 6. Was it an attempt to overthrow the government? No, I don't believe that was the intent at all. I believe it was the voice of the majority. Was it the right way? No, of course it wasn't the right way, and no one is defending that. The mob mentality is almost never right! There are those that will get caught up in the crowd, emboldened by that security. Yes, there is security in a mob, as strange as that may seem. You always have the followers. 
 Remember such events were reported as "activists" and " a cry for social justice" prior to that event. Mobs occupied city blocks, looted, burned and destroyed millions of dollars of property. No outcry of insurrection! Not until the seat of power was threatened. It was alright when it was your neighborhood, never forget that. Is there any search, any inquiries as to who is responsible for any of that? No, just silence. And the cry today? Disarm the citizens, those that would speak out, those willing to take action. The arm is much stronger when the people are made weaker! Exactly what the founding fathers were keenly aware of. Even then it wasn't an easy thing to get people to understand, that's why it took an addition to the Constitution, what we call the Bill of Rights. 
 Bottom line is this; you can't strengthen the Republic by the removal of Rights! That is the path used to create a simple Democracy which, as history shows, inevitably leads to a dictatorship. What makes the Republic strong? The people. The only thing standing between Government and the People is our Constitution and Bill or Rights. That is the purpose of those documents. To create a contract between the people and the government. The people rule, not government. What group are you in? Do you wish to rule or be ruled? If you hope is to rule, you had best be stronger than the other guy! A simple fact. 

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