Friday, June 10, 2022


 Didn't watch the Jan 6 commission present their report. No need to. The final report will be, it's Trump fault and he should be prosecuted. That's the whole deal, the entire purpose of the commission. It'll be a made for television movie after the mid-term elections are completed. 
 So that topic has been covered and I'll move on. When I went to be with my son during his surgery I did go to a Starbucks. I went with my son's brother-in-law. I was asked what kind of drink I would like. I answered, a black coffee. Just a plain black coffee. Turns out you have to choose between two of those. I was told one was called "robusto" or some such thing, a stronger blend than whatever the regular coffee would be called. I probably have that wrong, but you get the idea. Nothing is simple, straightforward or easy anymore! All I want is a cup of coffee, black. That means I don't want sugar, cream, froth, foam, flavors, umbrella's or piñata's in if! Is that too hard to understand? I was a bit tired and annoyed. I'm always annoyed at Starbucks! My granddaughter used to frequent the place, but she has moved on from that, she's learning. It doesn't have anything to do with politics, it has to do with economic realities. Like I said, she's learning. 
 I've mentioned all this before, what haven't I talked about, but I think it all ties together. There are just too many choices! Look at the chip aisle as an example. Plain, ripple, ones that pre-formed made from a paste, corn, so many flavors I can't even begin to name them. Only thing I know for sure is, all those flavors are created using salt! Greasy potato chips, the plain old-fashioned kind, with a touch of salt were bad enough, but we have elevated that to a new level! 
 There are just so many choices no one can commit to anything. In fact, that's the new thinking, everything new is better. If you are not changing your mind every time something new is offered, you're not being progressive! You are hanging on to old fashioned, outdated ideas and need to let go. Like marriage, for instance. Just between a man and a woman? How backward is that? Two genders? There are as many genders as you want there to be. I can choose to kill one body that's inside my body because that's my choice! It's health care. Borrow money and then have to pay it back. Outrageous, I borrowed that money, but it didn't make me wealthy. It didn't provide me with the means to meet the terms of the loan. I was pressured into it anyway, so I shouldn't have to pay that back, you should pay that back. I was only eighteen when I signed those papers, I didn't know. 
 So, we have reached a point where we are talking about raising the age limit to buy a semi-automatic assault style rifle to 21, banning the sale of menthol cigarettes to everyone 21+, had to chuckle when I read that because you have to be 21 to buy tobacco products anyway, and insisting grade school children can "identify" themselves as whatever gender they feel like. Oh, and we must use the proper pronoun based on their choice. You mustn't state the obvious, if he says he is she you shouldn't correct that statement, just agree. Soon all the answers on tests will be like that and everyone gets a 100%. 
 It's interesting to note that 18% of the states in the United States allow an 18-year-old person to be elected governor! Yes, it's true, At eighteen they could be legally and duly elected as Governor. They couldn't buy a gun or cigarettes but they could command the state's national guard! An additional six states set the min age at 25, proof of age must still be shown to purchase those cigarettes though, at least in Maryland they would, the signs all say if you look younger than forty you will be checked! Not sure what forty looks like compared to thirty five or so. Personally I quit that habit but was never asked to produce ID at any time. Guess I always looked forty. 
Yeah, it's a crazy time to be alive in America. I grew up believing in Truth, Justice and the American way. Read where that has been changed too. Now Superman says Truth, Justice, and a better tomorrow. Well Superman be woke now that he is gay. In fact, he is super gay! A bisexual he has entered into a gay relationship according to reports that I have read. Can Batman and Robin be harboring secrets as well? The Bat Cave really just a closet? 
 Well, when I was growing up my father had a saying. Whenever you were undecisive, or changing your mind every two seconds, hesitating and just in general stalling to make a decision, he would say. "either shit or get off the pot" Yeah, we need more of that! Make a choice, decide on whatever, and stick with it! Whatever you call what we have been doing isn't working. Time for a change. Let's go back to the American way. Back to where you made your own bed, and you slept in that! And that, that was your choice. You paid for it too, good or bad, you were responsible for that.   


  1. I KNEW you'd report it this way after NOT watching it. HE made his bed and HE's got to sleep in it. HE's going to pay for it, for sure.

  2. You might have learned something, had you watched. There was PLENTY of evidence just last night....might want to watch the rest in the coming weeks. June 13 is the next one....

  3. Ben the thing with Starbucks …I don’t like it. Cost way to much. Even the little kids want it….
