Wednesday, June 8, 2022


 You cannot legislate success. That is my thought as I listen to all the candidates making that promise. I hear it all the time. If we give more money, if we make available this or that, we will level the playing field. As for me I want to repeat an old adage to those people, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink! And, I know this is an unpopular statement, but the water has been available for a long time now. It isn't my fault they aren't drinking! 
 Successful people, however you wish to define that, come from all walks of life. It is their personal drive, their personal desire to succeed that sets them apart. Yes, it is easier for some than for others, no denying that, but everyone has a chance. Never has this been more true than today. As far as education goes the entire world library is at our fingertips. You might have to walk to the local library to use it, I had to walk to the library too, but it is there, available to everyone. There was a time when education wasn't available to everyone but that time has long since passed. 
 I had a discussion the other day about all of that. We agreed, eventually, that our views were significantly different. When it comes to "opportunity" in this world you are subject to circumstance. It's no one's fault in particular. It is just the circumstance into which you are born. All the other stuff is either excuses or reasons, depending upon your viewpoint. We often say we are a victim of circumstance, as though circumstance itself were the problem. I disagree saying circumstance just defines the starting point, not the finish line. Each of us can change our circumstance. It is all a matter of how much do you want to change, and how hard are you willing to work to change that circumstance? You can make it on your own. In fact, you can't really say you made it on your own if you are getting help! Remember when Obama said, if you have a business you didn't get there on your own? He thinks you can legislate success and that is what I'm talking about. You can't and you did get there on your own! 
 We need to dispel this notion that simply attending school will somehow makes us successful people. Yeah having a solid education is essential, no argument there, but that education  has to be beneficial to your success. As we are seeing right now, holding a degree doesn't guarantee a thing! As my father was fond of pointing out, the world is full of educated damn fools. There is no escape from a simple fact, it takes work, personal sacrifice, and commitment to be successful. There is no easy path. The thing to remember about success is simple; you set the destination! If you base your success on what others say is success, you will likely be disappointed. That is just a simple fact.
 It's no different really than attempting to legislate morality, values, or ethical behaviors. You can't do that either. All you can do is provide penalties for non-compliance. If you decide there is no punishment, you are giving tacit approval to that action. It's like the issue we are facing with guns. It's the people using the guns that is the problem. You will not make bad people good, by punishing the good people. The truth is all you are doing is further enabling the criminals. It's against the law to assault people. People are assaulting people, the guns aren't assaulting anyone! My only point here being, you can't legislate that stuff. 
 Equal opportunity doesn't guarantee equal results. We have all heard that and it is the absolute truth. What is opportunity? It's a chance. It's a chance to change your circumstance. No one in this country is restricted from taking a chance, from changing their circumstance. It may not be easy, but it can be done. Prior to 1865 there were those that were unable to change their circumstance. They were in bondage. Wasn't only those of African descent either, although they were in the majority in that category. But since then, no one has been prevented from changing their circumstance. Obstacles abound, no doubt about it, but opportunity exists. It's up to the individual to grasp that brass ring, it is not the job of government to put you on the ride!  

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