Thursday, June 2, 2022

Being there

 Leaving later this morning for a quick trip to New York. My son is havng a heart surgery at the hospital in Albany. We will, of course be there. Unsure of all the protocols and restrictions but we will be there anyway. We do know only two allowed in the room at one time. As far as any covid testing requirements or that sort of thing, I can't say. No matter, the importance lies in being there. It's a necessity for ourselves and hopefully a comfort to him. We'll be there before, during and after. As soon as he is stable, heading back to Maryland. Last thing somebody needs recovering is company. And yes, we would be company in his home. 
 It's one of those subtle things in life. When the kids grow up and move out we become comapny in each others homes. Despite all the talk, the sentiment and insistance that we're family, we are still company. We are company because it is a disruption in the normal routine. You do feel the need to entertain. Can I get you anything, is this alright, what do you wnat to do? You feel like you should be doing something. It's a bit unsettling. That is my experience anyway, I'm certain it is different with others. I have a brother in law that makes himself quite comfortable in any situation, any home he happens to be in. I'm not saying that is a negative thing, just that it is a thing. In some ways I envy that ability. He doesn't appear uncomfortable at all, whereas, I feel like an imposition. I know, it's one of those things. It all depends upon how you were raised.
 I'm confident that the surgery will go as planned and a speedy recovery will follow. I've done some reading about the procedure, the recovery time and all that. I even have an online Doctor to consult, thank you Dr. Webb. Without a dog in the fight, as the saying goes, I can trust his opinion and advice without question. It is an amazing thing the way they can replace heart valves these days. The procedure is mininumally invasive, done with a robotic arm. My surgery was done the same way, with a robotoic arm. I think they should sell the videos of the procedure, you know, like a keepsake. 
 Time to get organized, get ready for the journey. I have a support system in place for Morris. Plenty of water and food available. I also have "wellness checkers" lined up to visit with him. Just those last minute things to do. It is a drive of a little over five hours according to Google maps. I'm headin' north! The gas will cost as much as the motels! Fortunately I do have a small car, a four cylinder Ford that gets decent mileage.I'll be the old guy in the right hand lane everyone goes around. I do try to avoid that left hand lane as my old ford doesn't have a lot of pep! I've reached that point in my life that I don't care either. I'll get where I'm going, later. There isn't any sooner. I'm finding I like life in the right lane. 
 The importance lies in "being there" not getting there. Something us old people understand. When you're young you are impetuous, but that changes with time. You do learn that just "being there" is enough. 
                       You're going where? How long? What you talking about?  

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