Monday, June 6, 2022


 Well it's pride month. A celebration of what exactly I don't know. Why we should dedicate an entire month to the choice of about three per cent of the population I don't really get, but whatever. Seems everytime I hear a new story about this group of people another letter has been added. LGBQTIA+ is the last one, I think. I would just simply change it to, NOYDB. None of your damn business. That's my attitude anyway. It isn't any of my business what you choose to do, that is on a need to know basis. Thing is, even among the "community" members they don't agree on what the letters actually mean. 
 I really do feel like what I said yesterday. Just beciuase I don't agree with you, doesn't mean you're wrong. It simply means, I'm right. And yes, it is a choice. The idea that it isn't, is a fallacy. We can all choose to do whatever it is we want to do. It is a conscious decision, same as smoking, eating, drinking or whatever. Physical addition is a thing, I get that. It is a physciological change in your body. Choosing to engage in specific behaviors is a choice. That is under your under your control. You can choose to continure doing what you want, or choose to quit. Yes, you can convince yourself that you can't do it. Doctors, therapists and other "professionals" will certainly go along with that, after all, it is to their advantage. Telling you, you can't do it yourself isn't making them any money! 
 Then it comes down to the excuse/reason; everyone else is doing it. That's the response most people will use when they feel what they are doing isn't right but they want to do it anyway. So rather than exercise self restraint they join in. When confronted about that choice the response will be, everyone else was doing it. The fact remains that about three per cent of the population are "doing" that. It doesn't make it wrong, it does make it an abberation. It's different, not the same thing at all. And if we all want to be treated the same, why are we setting ourselves up as different? I'd say holding parades and flying flags is certainly doing that. Try explaining to a child exactly what pride month is. I'll wait. 
 " What are LGBTQIA+ people daddy?"  They are people that choose to live a different lifestyle than we do. " What do they do different?" Well, uh, they uh, love one another whether they are boys or girls. " But we love boys and girls daddy." Well yes we do, but not the same way, it isn't the same kind of love. " What kind is it?" 
That is where the conversation leads. Now you have to attempt to explain carnal pleasure, which is a differet thing from love altogether. It is something that may be enjoyed with someone you love or someone you don't. In short, you don't need one to have the other. It really is a matter of choice. You can even enjoy that all by yourself! Then you need to explain why we are celebrating that choice. The choice of carnal pleasure.  


  1. NOYB is right.....but YOU keep making it your business. And you're also right about not 'getting it'. I doubt that narrow minded people will EVER get it....IT'S THEIR CHOICE TO LIVE THEIR WAY, NOT YOURS! GET OVER IT!

  2. PS.... YOU won't accept that some are living who they were BORN to be.... CREATED to be....but again, that's none of your business either. Live your horrid life as you do, answer to the CREATOR later....and good luck with THAT!
