Sunday, June 7, 2020


 Aren't we all just victims of circumstance? We may overcome some circumstances, circumstance of our environment, but others we may never overcome. There are things that you can't change. Let's start with the obvious, the color of your skin. You are what you are. Regardless of any attempts to alter that, it will remain. Today we hear about gender identity, an attempt to change that, you can't. Your gender is a matter of circumstance. Yes it's true that science can manipulate that somewhat today through medical intervention but it's a very rare thing. My only point being in 99.99% of all births the sex of the child is a matter of circumstance. How one feels about that when growing up, I mean wanting to change that, I couldn't say. It sounds like a mental issue to me. Perhaps that too is just a matter of circumstance. The circumstances being right to allow that to ferment in your mind.
There are other circumstances as well. How about your height? You can't change that, if you are tall or short or something in-between. To a certain degree your weight is a matter of circumstances. And we have to admit some people are just more physically pleasing to look at. Some folks can sing, dance, play musical instruments, paint, write, any number of " natural " talents. All just a matter of circumstance. In all those cases the circumstance causing those actions was your birth! You had nothing to do with that, no control, no input in the matter, it was just a matter of circumstance beyond your control.
 Now your environment can be changed. You can change that through any number of avenues. We can change for the good or the bad. It is only the vehicle we choose to utilize that determines the results. What we call, the straight and narrow, is the most assured way of reaching the goal. A focused ,lazer like approach! That is how we become " successful. " At least what our society defines as successful. To a degree that is also a matter of circumstance as well. What society where you born into? There are many, many , sub-societies in our society. The choice is yours however, you may choose to leave the society you are in for something different. That doesn't mean that other society will accept you however. Another circumstance beyond our control.
 As humans our troubles begin when we blame others for our circumstance. It isn't out fault. That's an accurate perception, it isn't our fault. The blame has to be placed elsewhere. That is the default mode for humans when things aren't to their liking, blame someone else. We are born with that instinct, if that is what you want to call it, to shift the blame. Even toddlers will do that, it wasn't me, not my fault. We begin to attempt to alter the circumstance. Thing is, you can't change the past, you can't change circumstance. Circumstance relates to the action that occurred. Circumstances created that result. The best one can do is accept those circumstances. That is sometimes mistakenly construed as embracing our culture. In short, just because everyone else is doing it, I should too. I'm sure you heard that one from your mother, I know I sure did. Cultural identity? Isn't that just perpetuating circumstance? I'd say it was the set up anyway. So what do we do?
 Our actions will define our future. Some will become martyrs and some become perpetrators. The vast majority reside somewhere in between. I read somewhere that a martyr is a man who cares so much for something outside him, that he forgets his own personal life. A suicide is a man who cares so little for anything outside him, that he wants to see the end of everything. We glorify the martyr and mourn for the suicide, for what was lost to us, by circumstance. The martyr is held up as an example, someone to emulate, sometimes. At other times we just say, he was passionate. All of that is subject to circumstance. We can't change circumstance the only thing we can change is ourselves. When we learn to quit blaming others for our circumstance we will have taken the first step. I've heard it said, every journey begins with one step. Life is a long journey, get stepping is my advice.

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