Friday, June 12, 2020

on repeat

 Apparently we are back to tearing down statues. That and Nascar bans Confederate battle flags. Well, because those flags don't represent anything but racism. Whereas I don't agree with that, I can see the reasoning behind it. The civil war was fought over a number of reasons. The one most often cited by modern historians is States rights. The war was fought defending the right of each state to govern itself without federal intervention. Yes that's true, of course the issue was just what right they wanted to keep. The right to enslave human beings was that right! And what was the reason for that? Economic considerations is the short answer. It could be argued, and has been, that the institution of slavery was fading away anyway, as mechanical means became available to replace human labor. Think Eli Whitney and the cotton gin. The quest to replace human labor with machines continues until this very day. It's all around us. Machines are always cheaper in the long run.
 Now I'm hearing about defunding the police departments. Joe Biden says he doesn't support that but does support withholding government subsidies' should they not perform according to government standards. In short he doesn't support defunding them, just withholding funds. I guess I'm missing something there as I don't see the difference. But whatever it takes to get votes I suppose. It's like all the Democrats suddenly wearing Kinte scarfs. Pandering? Yeah, I'd say so. Strangely a short time back there would have been an uproar about that citing cultural appropriation! Guess not this time. In Seattle the people have taken over a police station and renamed it a people station. I say let them have it, let nature take its' course as they say. I feel bad for the ones that don't support any of that, surely there are a few sane people in Seattle, they can't all be liberals. Guess none of them ever read Lord of the Flies or if they did, understood the message. They soon will is my feeling. But maybe it is related to this common core education our children have been subjected too, not too many moral lessons in any of that as far as I can tell. It's all touchy feely stuff these days, let's avoid the realities whenever possible. Have an unwanted baby? Just kill it, your choice.
 Mr. Floyd was eulogized for two weeks. The unrest continues following what can only be seen as a homicide. There is no disputing that fact. Now that he has been laid to rest, his brother testifying before Congress on the injustice, some legislation will follow.  Just what will that entail? I hear Police reform is on top of the agenda. The banning of choke holds, already illegal in the majority of police departments, and other procedural measures. A look at history will show that the Police departments have responded to the actions of the criminals. Back in the 1920's the police carried a service revolver and may or may have a long gun. The gangsters, think Al Capone, Scarface Nelson and others all had " tommy " guns. When confronted by the police they opened fire! The police were vastly outgunned and in defense began arming themselves in response to that. The escalation has continued to the point where police have to wear bullet proof vests, helmets, and full tactical gear. Why? Is it because the police want to dominate the streets, they are a military force? No, they are trying to stay alive while protecting you and your rights. The criminals don't care about laws and legislation. Now I'm not saying Mr. Floyd was a criminal and deserved to be placed in a choke hold. The Police officers responsible for that have been arrested and face charges for their actions, as they should. But are we now to handcuff the police in effecting an arrest whenever the subject resists? Are we going to insist the police only bring a knife to a gun fight? Should we just allow criminals to flee unchecked? Keep in mind I'm not talking about Mr. Floyd.
 I wonder, does it not occur to anyone else that by allowing violence, destruction and rioting to change the laws, that it what will be employed every time? It's like dealing with a child really. If you give them the toy every time they cry and throw a fit that is what they will do every time. Yes there are those that stage peaceful protests, a right guaranteed to us by the Constitution. I don't have an issue with any of that. What I do take issue with is rioting, looting, destruction of property and all of that. That's not a protest, that's a riot! A society without law and order is not a society at all. Are we now to restrict law enforcement to the point it is ineffective? Yes there are bad people in the police department, yes there are instances of injustice and abuse. Yes, there is bias and prejudicial treatment. Bottom line however, you can't legislate morality or ethics! There is no test for that. I hear one thing being discussed is that all Police personal records should be public information. I should be able to see and read any Police officers personal work history, personal file, on demand. I ask, would you agree to that? If you do can I read all your personal files, everything anyone ever wrote down about you? Would that be alright? You want a loan from the bank, I should be able to examine any and all personal files you have, not just ask the people you provided as a reference. No, I want to ask the boss that fired you from that job when  you were 18, or the person you still owe ten bucks to on a lost bet. Yes, I should be able to access any of that information, on demand, at any time, for any reason. As an employer I should have access to everything, you know, to make an informed decision about you. After all, what if you are just a troublemaker, your last employer said so, I wouldn't want to hire you. Were you involved in a physical altercation years back? You might snap again, at any moment, better not hire you. What about any tattoos you may sport, are they offensive? I wouldn't want to offend anyone that comes into contact with you, even if I don't mind those tats. I could get sued!
 Well, all I can do is wait. What's next? No one knows what the future holds. A study of history isn't a bright and shining star. It is that that troubles me the most. Seems like so few learn from the past. That's why they want to tear it down, take down any reminders of that past. In that way we can, at some point, say once again, let's try that. We have forgotten. The one that do remember will be dismissed as old fashioned, out of touch and dismissed. Yeah, all that was a long time ago, it couldn't happen today! Well, except history does have a way of repeating itself.       

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