Friday, June 19, 2020

The enablers

 Remember when we were told, God helps those who help themselves? Remember when we were taught accountability? Remember, you made your bed now lie in it? Remember when we were told, no use in crying over spilled milk! Well I remember all of those lessons and more. Those lessons instructed us in real life, in the reality of living in this world. It really was up to us to succeed, to make the correct choices and decisions. We were " pushed " from the nest, just as baby birds are, and expected to fly. If you didn't fly, you fell to the ground. It's an interesting thing, the Robin, among other species of birds do that, and do that as soon as possible. Why? It gives the fledgling bird the best chance at survival on its' own. They need to learn at an early age to get by on their own. Parents today could take a lesson from nature in that regard. And that brings me to todays thought, enablers.
 Enabler is a term we hear used to describe those that encourage, or at the very least allow, inappropriate behaviors in others. How do they do that? By being nonjudgmental. That's right, by not telling the person what they are doing wrong, why its' wrong, or reassuring that person that, even if it is wrong, it isn't their fault! Sounds like a liberal Democrat to me. In fact in my way of thinking the Democratic party should just change their name to that, The Enablers! Their agenda appears to be complete dependence instead of independence. You can't do it on your own. Didn't the " enabler in chief " Barack Obama clearly state that when he said, " if you have a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. " In fact he said it twice. What party is the champion of social programs? The Democratic party. What do social programs ultimately lead too? A socialist government is the answer. Yes, it sounds great when someone wants to give you something, for free. Thing is we all know nothing is really free, there is a price to be paid. If not with our money with our freedom. Dependence is not independence! That's exactly why the mother bird pushes that baby from the nest, so the baby bird learns independence! Was a time we called it tough love, back when we still had a grasp on reality and acknowledged that. Today the Democrats want to substitute the word empathy for discipline. It's not your fault, as long as you understand it is someone else's fault and can find some reason for that, doesn't matter if that something happened a few centuries ago, it's not your fault! For that reason you mustn't judge. You should already know; it's not your fault. Your only responsibility is to enable that person to continue doing whatever they choose to do! Well as long as it benefits you that is, as long as it reinforces your power, position or wealth. Should they interfere with that, well then, we'll help them to death! They will submit no matter what.
 How will the enablers accomplish that? Simple really, say whatever they want to hear, promise whatever it is they want, and normalize their behaviors. In the end they will become dependent upon the enabler. They will come to understand they will collapse without them and agree to whatever terms the enabler demands. No different than an alcoholic or drug addict, they will debase themselves to get that fix, get that need satisfied. Pride becomes a word applied to justify debauchery. I'm proud to be dependent! After all, it's not my fault.
 Consider this: there is a deadly virus, we should all shelter in place. close the small businesses and restaurants, if this virus spreads it will be your fault! Doesn't matter if you actually have the virus or not, wear your face covering and stay six feet away from others. But we won't close the liquor stores or pot dispensaries. No, they are essential. Why? To enable those that are alcoholics and pot heads to continue doing that. To make them stop is dangerous, it could kill them!  After all, it's not their fault.
 Consider this: a couple of bad cops kill a black man. Riots ensue. The police are then vilified for being racists and any attempt to control the rioting is met with cries of racism. Liberals close down a police station. they set up an autonomous zone! What is the response from the Democrats? The enablers say, defund the police! They will restore order by what means? Tolerance, just allow them to do as they please. If that isn't a description of enabling I don't what is. And the main stream media keeps feeding the message, all white people are racists, except for the Democrats, except for the enablers, they are wearing Kente scarfs and taking a knee! Yes, for now they are, until they gain control. Then things go back to the old ways. The only answer will be, more social programs! In the end you have what? A socialist government run by the enablers.
 The real problem in all of that is eventually the enablers become dictators. They grow weary giving after they have given away everyone else's money. The story changes when it is their own money they have to give away. When they have to actually make good on their promises they will falter. The enablers will abandon those not contributing to their cause. They will demand complete loyalty to the party. You either comply or be eliminated. You become a slave to the state. Just what the enablers wanted all along.   

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