Wednesday, June 17, 2020

a common cat

 Yesterday afternoon I built my very first catio. Yes, a catio, a patio for my cat. Morris, like all cats is a very curious creature always running from window to window chasing whatever. I made him a few window seats for that purpose. Now with the windows open I have seen him sitting inside the window as close to the screen as he can get. It's obvious that he wants to be outside, but Morris is an inside cat. That's the reason they call them house cats you know, they stay in the house. My wife had suggested I get a harness and walk him. Well that's as likely to happen as seeing me riding a bicycle with a helmet on! No, just no. Walking a cat? Really, I understand my testosterone levels drop after the age of forty, Frank Thomas filled me in on that, but I've still got testosterone! No, no estrogen in this system, not one bit! But Morris does deserve a taste of the outdoors, so a cation seemed like the best solution.
 I live on the second floor but there is a small roof on the backside of the house that covers the downstairs utility room. So the cation door is in the window at the end of hall and rests on that roof. I purchased a pet door and fitted that into a " wall " that fits into the window opening. That will allow Morris to enter and exit the cation whenever the mood strikes. On the outside is a screened in patio that measures 16 by 24. Completely enclosed in wire he is safe in there from other critters. It's not that much room but enough that he can sit of lie down and enjoy nature. I enticed him to go out there yesterday evening. The birds were singing, the squirrels running in the trees, and Morris was sitting upright on his patio. I'm thinking he felt like the Lion king! They may have taken the animals out of the cages on those boxes of animal crackers but not Morris, Morris is still caged. I figure I'm doing all the animals outside a favor, holding him back.
 I finished building it yesterday evening. Today I need to do some finish work on it. I figure a little paint, maybe a piece of indoor/outdoor carpet and a little dressing it up. I do want it to have a good appearance. I showed him how to go in and out . This morning he has done so several times already. Seems he has learned quickly. I'm quite pleased with that. It's supposed to rain today, it'll be interesting to see what he does then. I don't think he has ever been outside in the rain. And I wonder about the snow and cold. I read were cats enjoy heights and he does have a commanding view from his catio. I like it because it does have that pet door. I don't have to worry about the a/c or heat. He can just come and go as he pleases. The fresh air and sunshine has to be good for him. It's just a small catio but who knows, maybe an addition will be in order one day. I do plan on putting up a flag by his catio, Morris is, after all, an all American cat. He's a tabby. Did you know that's not a breed but merely describes the coat? He does have the distinctive M shape on his forehead and the attendant stripes. As far as breed, he's just a common housecat, with a private catio.

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