Tuesday, June 9, 2020

something special

 There are times when I just sit here in the morning with nothing particular on my mind. I wonder what to write about. I get tired of commenting on the obvious. Like today there is talk of defunding the police departments. I'm assuming we are going on the honor system. I'm certain that'll work out. Joe Biden was asked if he supported defunding the police. He said no, I don't support defunding the police department BUT if they don't meet certain standards government funding would be withheld. At first I was puzzled by that answer, then I realized, he was talking about government money and government money is different from other money. You can withhold that without withholding funds! Okay, that's cleared up now. Nothing more to talk about. The weather is getting hot! That's what the weather man reports. I'm not really surprised, I've been around for a while and noticed something, it gets hot every summer. But, that's always a topic of conversation. Don't hear a lot about global warming these days though, guess Greta has been defunded.
 As I sat here just thinking I was looking around. You know how you do sometimes? You see those commercials on television about going nose blind, I get that. You also go blind to all the little things in your home. Now I'm one that has lots of things sitting around. Knick knacks is what I call them. Some are mementos, and some, some my wife just calls junk. No matter, I enjoy having them around. It's not like a decorator came in and selected certain items, no it's what they call an eclectic mix. It's a philosophy of life as well. Eclectic and eccentric are easily confused, I'm a little of both! But these items often go unnoticed for quite a period of time. They are just there. This morning I took notice of my chicken butt coaster. It's been on my desk for a while now. You could say the novelty has worn off a bit. But for whatever reason, whatever force acts upon us at such times, I noticed it once again, and smiled. It is gaining a permanent place. What I mean is a novelty that will retain that quality over years. At least that is my feeling. A while back I started a catalogue of my stuff. I admit to not having followed through as diligently as I should but we all get excited about things, then the interest fades a bit. The purpose of this catalogue is to explain to others what that stuff is, why it means something to me and hopefully make it more difficult for whoever has to clean out my stuff to just discard it. It's something that has always bothered me, personal items thrown in the trash. You see old photographs, old knick knacks and I've even seen military medals, trophies, and certificates in the trash. What an inglorious end to items that once held some special meaning, some sentiment, for someone at some time. Memories and mementos discarded. It's a sad thing. But I've wandered off a bit. What I'm trying to say this morning is simply, today I'm ignoring the news, ignoring all the gloom and doom, ignoring the weather reports and I'm just going to enjoy my chicken butt. It was hand crafted by my wife just for me. It's not just any old chicken butt, it's special.



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