Thursday, August 16, 2018

writing the law

 You can't have a general discussion on individual terms. That seems to be the problem we are having an awful lot these days. I know I run into that all the time. It happens on social media and it happens in my personal interactions. I find myself getting frustrated with the whole thing. There are times when I just have to walk away shaking my head. No wonder we can't reach a consensus on things. If we continue to attempt to litigate and define each and every possible situation and circumstance we will most certainly fail. I'm sure you have heard it before, this concept of the generation of me. It's been said of every generation by the ones preceding the current one. I fully expect that trend to continue. Yes, it's been said before, and it's getting worse.
 This is particularity troubling in the field of government. Government is for the benefit of the general public. Notice that it is the word General that is the operative word here. We must speak in general terms and base our decisions on public welfare in a general sense. We call that the majority rule. It's not hard to understand really, the difficulty lies in acceptance. That is the problem we are having these days, the acceptance of truth. We keep trying to change reality to match our perceptions. The truth is there are no " one size fits all " solutions. That's what we have to accept. There are solutions that will satisfy our needs as a society in a general sense. There will always be dissention, disagreement and disgust. But if we continue to attempt to satisfy each want, need or demand on an individual basis, it will lead to collapse. It's not rocket science folks, it's common sense. You can't rule by exception!
 Are there exceptions to the rule? Yes, everyone will say so, and everyone will also claim to be that exception. That is just human nature. Oh many will proclaim that they aren't publicly, we all know the correct response to that accusation. Truth is we all believe we are special in some way and should receive that exception to satisfy whatever need we are feeling at the moment. Reasons and excuses abound, at least in our own minds they do. And the biggest excuse of all, everyone is doing it, doesn't make the action right. Replacing the word exception with the word " justice " doesn't change a thing. It's a popular ploy, a bit of clever propaganda, but it is a deception. This is especially true when you start justifying what you should be afforded today based on the actions of those in the past. The wrongs of the past can not be " rectified " by granting privilege in the future. Those that were wronged, remained wronged! And that is the truth of it.
 The intent of law, of government, was to define what wasn't acceptable. At least that is my thinking on it. Each country, state, county and community enacts such laws in accordance with their customs and beliefs. Those precepts will change over time and with advances in technology. But law is intended to delineate what isn't acceptable throughout the society in a general sense. Law is totally inadequate to govern man on an individual basis. That's because law is always dependent upon acceptance by the individual. All laws are created by a superior being! Now you can label that superior in any way you wish, by any name or description, but it is imperative to understand that it is a superior force that creates that law. The founding fathers called them unalienable rights, they are laws. There are no exceptions to those laws and the founding fathers made a point of stating just that.
 It looks to me that we are now making laws to define what will be tolerated. It has become necessary to protect those that refuse to acknowledge a superior force. Whether that force is an unseen God enforcing moral standards, or a legislature enforcing ethical practices, we are making laws that are the exceptions. Isn't that what the tax code is really concerned with? Thousands of pages of exceptions! Yes, you can call them exemptions, but the intent is the same. They provide a legal means to circumvent the rule of law by providing an exception. A great deal of the legislation enacted and being proposed today is nothing more than exceptions. It's the whole attitude of, it's not that bad. No one is denying that " it " is bad, just that it isn't that bad, and so an exception should be made. Law by exception. For me, an action that is generally wrong, has to be considered wrong in the public domain, no exceptions. But now we have reached that point where the answer is: it doesn't say I can't do that, not exactly. There are no unalienable rights unless those rights are delineated by the government! We all started out knowing it is wrong to kill one another, yet we have justifiable homicide. An exception made. It's not that bad to kill someone if I save my life doing that, if I had no other choice. Can you argue any other way? No, yet generally speaking it is wrong to kill another person. Exceptions abound, so too excuses. We'll make it a law! All we need to do is write it down. That was the original thinking wasn't it? Ten laws were written in stone, then man started making amendments to those laws.  

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