Wednesday, August 15, 2018

a simple thing

 There are times when it is the simplest thing that brings you joy. Yesterday when returning from the post office I stopped to pick some wild flowers. I walk to the post office , it is less than block away. Just across the street from my place there is a log cabin. This cabin belongs to the Greensboro historical society. Surrounding the cabin are gardens, once tended by the Caroline County garden club but they seem to have been neglected this year. The gardens are overflowing and gone well, wild. The grass hasn't been cut and the whole thing looks abandoned. It's a shame and I will have to speak to Mr. Nashold the president of the historical society about this. I was a member for some time and even a docent at that cabin. But, I hate to have to admit to it, I quit attending the meetings and let my interest wane. I have become one of those folks I am apt to complain about. Well, I took note yesterday.
 I did stop and pick some of those flowers with the thought of giving them to my wife. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. I was enjoying life and wanting to share that joy. What better way than to bring some joy home with you? Those flowers smell so nice. I can't say with certainty what kind of flowers they even are. I'm not much of a horticulturalist. I can only identify the major ones, like roses and daises. I know a black eyed Susan when I see one and sunflowers. These aren't any of those. But what they are isn't important, unless they will kill you or something. I don't think that is the case. Neither I or my wife have had any allergic reaction to them so that's good.
 Those flowers and that simple act served as a reminder. I was reminded that it is the simplest things that can bring the greatest joy. I only picked a few, a spray, I believe that is the proper term. You wouldn't notice them missing from the garden and they fit into the vase just right. The cost was zero, provided gratis by mother nature herself. The smell doesn't fill the room, it's not overwhelming but every now and again I catch a whiff. Ah, the smell of fresh flowers. A reminder of the days when I would pick wildflowers for my Mom. That was a simple act of love as well. The best things in life are truly free.
 It isn't that far off now, autumn. Soon the leaves will begin to fall and the earth turn shades of brown. Mums and pumpkins will dominate, corn stalks standing proudly by their side. The smell of burning leaves will replace the smell of flowers. Sunny days and cool evenings. And autumn, autumn is a comfort. It is relief from the dog days of summer. Autumn is the time to pack your summer memories away and prepare for the long cold winter. We have the holidays to carry us through until the springs arrives and the cycle begins anew. But right now I'll enjoy the flowers, and my wife. Life is good  and the earth provides if we but pay attention. The simplest things often bring the biggest joy.

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