Saturday, August 11, 2018

Pride or Defiance?

 Pride and defiance, two words that seem to be confused an awful lot these days. They really do have different meanings. But, in the last few years I have been seeing them used interchangeably. The intent is to minimize. That is the common ploy man has used throughout history. Really it is saying, I know it's bad, but it's not that bad! Pride is a deep satisfaction in what you have accomplished or who you are. Defiance is acknowledging that something is wrong, but continuing with the action. Yes both words can mean different things when taken in a different context, true of many words, but often we leave the context out these days. In some cases the word has come to imply certain things without any context at all. Take Pride for example. If we talk about Pride today what thought is brought to the forefront? We start thinking about rainbow flags and Gay people. Why? The reason is because we wish to minimize that as being perfectly acceptable social behavior. That's the bottom line, simple as that.
 Now set aside my statement implying that being Gay is not acceptable behavior. I realize many will jump at that as evidence of my " homophobia " or some other derogatory term. That's an attempt to minimize my words or thoughts. That's all a part of human behavior. What I do believe is that being gay is an aberration in human behavior, not the norm. The name for that behavior has been changed over the years to, you got it, minimize its' impact in general society. Remember when those folks were called Queers? That's very offensive, or at least it was, but I understand that has now been included once again. In the " LGBTQ " community. Notice how it is called a community, implying they are a separate group altogether from the rest of " us. " The " Q's " can't even decide what they are. By their own admission they are different. But, they aren't that different, is the real message. I can't help but question all of that. Are they truly " proud " or are they just being defiant?
 Defiance is acting contrary to what is acceptable. Wouldn't you say that is a fair statement? It is something we start doing as children and will continue to do throughout our lives. We all have heard of the terrible two's. What is that? Defiance! Instinctively we want things our way. We defy convention because we haven't learned convention. The way we are taught that convention has certainly changed over the years. Fact is, it has changed with each generation. It's a cycle, like most everything you can think of. From strict to permissive. There is a whole gamut to navigate. Some will take pride in being defiant! That's where the two actions get confused. And we hear a lot about confusion these days. The present answer to that confusion is, whatever you decide. The attempt is being made to minimize right and wrong. It's not that wrong! How can we make wrong, right? We accomplish that by reducing the consequence of your choice. If it is a test, we grade on the curve.  If it a contest, everyone gets the trophy. If it is human behavior, morality or ethics, the standard is simply, as long as it doesn't harm me. In that way we minimize the impact on society in general. If everyone gets to pretty much do whatever they want, you have less dissention. Isn't that the plan? Like raising children, its' easier to just let them do whatever, as long as they don't hurt themselves too bad, or destroy your belongings. It's easier to keep your intervention to a minimum.
 It is also far easier to just keep doing whatever it is you are doing. To put that another way, change is harder. Even when we realize that something we are doing is harmful to us personally, we often refuse to change. We call it addiction these days. Addiction is never the fault of the addicted but caused by an outside source. That's the message I keep hearing. That message comes from where? Those that would profit from that is the short answer. The drug companies and mental health professionals! Their message is always the same, you need help. Additionally they can provide that help, for a fee. They don't deny the behavior is harmful or wrong, no they confirm that, but their promise is to alter the consequences of those actions to your benefit. They will even " help " you gain pride in doing what is wrong! That's why they will tell you, it's not that bad, it's only a little wrong. Ah, it's an aberration. Synonyms include, anomaly, deviation, divergence, abnormality, irregularity, variation, digression, freak, rouge, oddity, curiosity, mistake, and rarity. None of which you would want to take pride in being. You may have to accept that you are one, but proud? Is it Pride or Defiance.
 I know that  many will read this and only think I'm talking about Gay people. That is not what my thoughts concern. I only choose that topic because it is easy for people to relate too. What I'm thinking about is the deeper portion of all that. I'm thinking about what thoughts people must have and how they react to those thoughts. Is Pride a good thing? Sometimes it is.  Is Defiance a good thing? Sometimes it is. Is Pride a necessity? Is defiance a necessity? Can we tell the difference between pride and defiance? I guess that all depends, depends upon what we want, what we have and what we intend to get. Or, just maybe, it depends upon what we want others to believe about us. I'm not that bad.    

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