Thursday, July 10, 2014


When your children become grown and set out into the world, you are left alone. This is called the empty nest syndrome. For most of us we transition to this without issue. Oh, we are aware and feel a little lonely at times, there are occasions when we feel those bittersweet memories of days gone by. This can be especially true during birthdays and holidays. For my wife and I we have one son that lives far from home and we only rarely get to visit. Our other son, however, lives here in town. We see him almost everyday. I would say we have both felt a little of the empty nest but never have had the full experience. I'll say that is a good thing.
The son that lives here in town has two children. The grandchildren have spent a great deal of time in my nest. They have since birth and have been a constant. This week however they are both off to camp. The nest is empty. The baby birds are on the fly ! Oh, this isn't the first time that has happened. They go to this camp every year. There has been other times when they were gone, off on vacation or various field trips, etc. But for some reason I'm feeling the emptiness of the nest. Perhaps it is because they are not allowed to take phones with them. It is very unusual for it to have been this long without at least talking with them, been three days now ! Good grief, I wonder what they are doing ?
I am prepared for their return. Every year when they return from camp I notice the growth. They leave for five days and return what seems like five years later. They have grown. It is a noticeable change. I am, of course, speaking of emotional growth. They always return just a little more mature, a little more grown up. Yes, a little less dependent and more independent. Isn't that at the heart of this empty nesting ,dependence ? We all what to feel needed. When those that we feel are dependent upon us no longer require that, we feel empty.
Isn't that a strange thing ? We really should feel fulfilled and satisfied. We have accomplished our goals. Is it not our goal to make these little people responsible,mature citizens ? To send them forth to the betterment of mankind ? This should be especially so with grandchildren, after all, we have now accomplished this mission, twice ! But, that is not how I feel. I what them back. It will be alright if  they hang out in my nest for just a while longer. I have treats !
The kids will be back on Saturday. I am anxious to hear their stories and see their smiling faces. We will have a discussion. Yes, these children have progressed to that stage, we can discuss the events of the past week. That is another sign of maturity,when you can sit with the grandchildren and discuss concepts, not just events. Maturity on the part of the grandchildren, not necessarily the grandparents ! Milestones and markers, we all have them in our lives. This summer camp has always been a marker for the grandchildren, and us. Soon this marker will be left behind and we all must move forward. The nest is still here, any time you need a rest.

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