Wednesday, July 2, 2014

I'm a

I read a small article the other day and couldn't help but comment. The story was about a 73 year old Vietnam Veteran that worked at a Cracker barrel restaurant. The headline said, 73 year old Veteran fired for act of kindness. That headline did its' job, as I read the rest of the article. The deal was this, this man had worked at this Cracker Barrel for some time. His intentions, I have no doubt were well meaning, but he had given away food in violation of the company policy. It was explained that he had committed other infractions in the past, on at least five other occasions. He was terminated. No where in the article do they say this Veteran protested his termination. In fact, his only comment, as reported, was " I would do it again." He didn't claim any special exemption from the rules due to his veteran status.
It is this implication, from the headline, that raises my ire. The headline seems to say that his being a veteran somehow played a role in this decision, or at least should have. As a veteran myself I take exception to that. I strongly feel that my status as a veteran, along with a few million others that share that same status, does not exempt me from following the same rules and regulations as anyone else. I find it irritating that there are those that think otherwise, including some veterans ! I find it equally irritating other groups feel somehow " special " and exempt. In fact I wrote a blog about this very thing a while back. I called those people the " BUTIMAHS " pronounced but I'm a , add a description, such as a tourist, local, or whatever. Those claiming elite status ! No matter the infraction they will start their sentence with butimah.
I have been accused of being somewhat of a stickler for the rules. I do try to adhere to the rules and regulations. I admit to be being somewhat of a slave to a sign. I have a tendency to read them and pay attention to them. Some would say it is a compulsion, but I say it is as it should be. I, of course, wish everyone would pay attention to the rules. I may disagree with the rule, but that does not give me license to ignore it. If I feel strongly enough about it I will voice my objections and work towards repeal ! I can be quite annoying when it comes to that.
There are far too many claiming exemptions. When following the rules and regulations become inconvenient, claim some sort of exemption. There are many people out there today that feel a sense of entitlement. Courtesies extended in the past are now demanded as a matter of right. Humility has become a bad word. Righteous indignation is far more prevalent. The attitude seems to be, I should be rewarded for choosing to do, or be, a specific thing. I am a Veteran therefore I deserve special treatment or I am a volunteer fireman, I deserve special favors. That is what annoys me. We choose to do the things we do and act the way we do. That does not guarantee we will be shown appreciation or that we will receive special favors or consideration. We are all subject to the same rules,regulations and laws. Very seldom do these rules,regulations and laws contain the phrase, " unless you are " in there composition.
That is my rant for this morning. To all of you that have been subjected to these " butimahs " parking in handicapped spots, when they are not handicapped, or cutting ahead of you in lines because they are whatever, I feel your pain and anguish. It is enough to get me to shorten my vocabulary to four letters ! 

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