Monday, January 15, 2024

my advice

  I was thinking I miss the days when a man with a basic set of tools could repair or build just about anything they would need. It wasn't really that long ago. When I was growing up my dad did just that. As a result, I did learn the basics of many different trades. I also took what we called industrial arts in high school. Shop class as it is more commonly known. We didn't have to purchase the materials used as long as we constructed the pre-approved projects. You could certainly do more if you wanted to purchase additional materials. The basics were taught and practiced. I took every course available with the exception of auto body. Mr. Sherill Webb was my favorite instructor and the lessons he taught me I still use almost daily. 
 All of that was in the time before everything had to be professional. That's become somewhat of a pet peeve with me, all this professional stuff. I even hear "professional tailgates" being advertised. Not sure how a tailgate on a truck becomes professional but they claim it is. Professional is just a code word for, it costs more. Something that I've always known is professional just means you get paid to do that job. I also know it doesn't mean you are necessarily good at it or knowledgeable about the profession. There was a time when I upholstered furniture for a living. I was a pro! Occasionally when I delivered the finished piece to the owner's home I would be asked for decorating advice. I always happily provided that advice. Then I laughed all the way back to the shop. I know absolutely nothing about interior decorating. What was funny was those folks taking my advice.
 Google and the internet in general surely have created a lot of professionals. Some of them are influencers. They are professionals at influencing your thoughts, decisions and the things you purchase. I'm old enough to remember when they were called pitchmen. Billy Mays jumps to mind! Who could forget. Oxiclean is a miracle product. It wasn't Billy Mays but following him was Sham Wow. But even before that I remember K-Tel and Ronco. Both were famous for their o-matic products. Pop-O-Matic poppers and a hundred other things. The pocket fisherman! All used by the professionals. Now they are professional influencers. Being an influencer is a very bad thing if you are a Russian but not if you're selling Starbucks coffee. Have to be careful about elections being influenced by professional influencers. 
 I remember being warned about that when I was little. My mother would tell me stay away from that kid, he's a bad influence. There were times I was accused of being the bad influence as well. And those city girls, well I was certainly warned about them and their fast ways, there were all bad influences on a young man attempting to live a good Christian lifestyle. There were even "professionals" that would tempt a young man, usually found on a street corner in the city. But there were good influences too. There were the ones you were told to "be like." And that is what these professional influencers are trying to accomplish. They want you to be like whoever or whatever. Maybe that is why we all started asking, what it be like? 
 I have seen where I can monetize this blog of mine. I haven't looked into it a great deal but apparently my blog would come with advertisements. Then I would get some money for every visit or something like that. Thing is, if I did that then I would be a professional blogger. I'd have to file taxes on all of that cash! I'd need an accountant, a lawyer and possibly a larger desk. Being a professional I would have to be more concerned with content and inclusivity, not to mention grammar and spelling. The stress of being a professional would most likely cause me to seek professional help! I could become addicted to medications. 
 No, this being a professional isn't for me. I enjoy being more of a tinkerer. There was a time when you could have been a professional at that. A professional tinkerer! Although that didn't work out as no one gave a tinkers' damn. That's because folks were influenced to buy a new pot, a better pot, a professional grade pot! And today we just smoke pot. Some are professionals at that as well. I saw that on television. A sort of guide to give you the desired effect. Like a person that is expert in fine wines only it's pot. You can get that professional advice. Doesn't mean it is good advice just professional advice. Don't be influenced by that word, professional; that's my advice.        

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