Thursday, May 18, 2023


 Numbers and perceptions. Numbers create perceptions and may reenforce them or dispel them. The latter happens far less frequently. Consider this, 7.2% of the population identify themselves as gay. That 7.2% includes all the "variations" of that identity. Bi-sexual, gender neutral, trans, homosexual and even those questioning what they are. If you listen to the news, you will think that number should be much larger. The perception according to recent gallop polls is that the number is much, much larger. This is a group that has certainly gained the attention of the majority. Many in the majority now rushing to their aid, to cement the idea that the numbers of gays are much larger and are the norm. 7.2% isn't the normal or expected. If you only received a work performance rating of 7.2%, I don't think you would have a job very long. 
 Other numbers to consider are the number of blacks in America. That figure is about 14.2%. Most people would definitely say the number was much larger. Indeed, blacks themselves feel they should receive a 50% share of everything, that is equitable. No, 14.2% is a fair representation. All the other groups total 2.9% of the population. Whites are about 71% of the population. I realize the numbers don't add up to 100 but that is what the internet tells me the figures are. My point is simply, numbers create perceptions. I'm almost seventy years old. That creates a perception to others, especially those that know nothing about me. The perception will most likely be, he's old. And what's the perception of old? 
 According to the FBI of all arrests last year 67.7% were white, 21.1% were black and 2.9% were others. This same report states that blacks are ten times more likely to be arrested than whites. What it doesn't point out is that is because of numbers. Percentages are based on the whole. Blacks comprise 14.2% of that whole. It takes far fewer arrests to increase the incidence of arrests when compared to the whole. Saying blacks are ten times more likely to be arrested implies there is some bias involved. It could also mean that blacks are ten times more likely to be involved in some criminal activity. So, percentages are a tricky thing. Consider this. About 8% of the 14.2% that identify as black are millionaires. That's according to the statistical evidence. Incredibly 76% of the 67.7% of those identifying as white are millionaires. How can that be?  That's what numbers can do for you and for creating a perception.
 Now logically speaking who is most likely to be arrested? Those committing crimes is the answer. Setting aside any reasons, excuses, and justifications that is the answer. If blacks are being arrested at a rate ten times more frequently than whites/others, can we say it is because they are involved in criminal activity at a rate ten times more frequently? 13.3% of law enforcement personal are black. Are they targeting other blacks unfairly? They are, after all, an almost equal representation of the entire population. Setting aside all other factors poverty is the leading cause of crime. That's a simple fact. It's also true that white families have significantly higher incomes, on average, than black families. The reasons for that are many. 
 Can all of this be made right with money? There are those that believe that is the answer. Just make everyone financially equal and equality will have been achieved. That's the basis of a socialist society. Of course, someone has to run the show and they are exempt from that equality because, well, they are just a cut above everyone else. And it will always be those that are the ones telling you how much you have suffered, how much you deserve better, and they are the ones that will provide that. It is those making the promises that will reap the reward in the end, of that you can be certain. Numbers don't lie but can certainly distort the truth. It's all in the presentation. I am doing this for you! You will be so much better off. 
 According to the 2020 census of the United States about 71% of the population identify as white Christians. It really should be no surprise that the majority of the population supports white Christain values, ethics and traditions. It really should be no surprise to anyone that it is a white Christain culture. What should be recognized is that that 71% allows, endorses, indeed give support to all the other groups in the society! The 71% is doing the Christian thing! Yet, the perception is that this is somehow prejudicial, racist, and a host of other names. 71% of the population are setting aside their values in the land of the free in the interest of justice. In support of a Republic of the people, by the people and for the people. And then it is that 71% that is being persecuted! Numbers create perceptions. Most often the perception being created will be negative. Numbers used as a tool to distort the truth. Numbers don't lie, that's the truth. Understanding the numbers is the far more difficult task. We all say, it happens all the time, but does it? If it's bad it does.

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