Tuesday, May 23, 2023


  Am I a pessimist? Yes, I guess you could say that, although I would personally choose realist to describe my general outlook and attitude. I have known for many years, having learned at a very early age, that the world doesn't revolve around me. Now being the youngest I was often thought to have been spoiled, had it easy and always got my way. That's what my siblings said anyway. That wasn't the way I remember any of that. I was always being told, when you're a little older, maybe later, and you wouldn't understand. I had to learn to be patient. I had plenty of time to see that things just didn't always go the way I thought they should as well as seeing how it worked that way for my brothers and sister, their plans didn't always work out either. In general, I soon figured out things will go pretty much the way they want to despite any plans I may have made. Also, in general, it isn't favorable to me. I call it being prepared for the worst-case scenario. Still upsetting when it happens, but not a surprise. I'm not expecting the unexpected, it isn't expected in the first place. That's my view.
 It all speaks to motive in my opinion. What motivates a person to behave in the way they do. We all tend to manipulate others to gain favor in their eyes. The old, when in Rome do as the Romans do type of thing. Every civilization, every society experiences varying social trends. In the beginning of this land, we call America, righteous indignation and anger fueled the revolution. Following that a surge in patriotism swept across the nation lasting well into the twentieth century. That patriotism began to decline in the latter half of the twentieth century. The baby boomers, the generation that was enjoying all the freedom that had been so hard won by previous generations, began that decline. The hippies as they were called began to "drop out" and "tune in." The "man" became the enemy. It was the same "man" that had provided the freedom and protection to enable that movement. Freedom became weaponized! I can stomp on the flag because there is no law saying I can't! I can say and do immoral and unethical behaviors in public because that is what freedom means! And what was the motive for all of that? It was an experiment is socialism. Everyone was cool and everyone was the same, until they weren't. That's what happened with the communes and other social constructs of that era. It all fell apart. 
 Today a new wave is sweeping the nation. I'm calling it the empathy era. Today many are saying it isn't for themselves that they want all this freedom, it is for others. They can feel, relate and empathize with all the others. It's not the "me" generation anymore, it's the "them" generation. You are surely a much better person if all your concern is for others. But what is the motivation? I'm saying the motivation is popularity. You can be a far more popular person if you just go along with everything, ride that bandwagon of progressive thinking. And what is the thinking? Socialism. Yes, once again socialism is getting a new package, a new outward look and feel. We'll call it equity and equality this time. It is the all-inclusive system where everyone is valued and treated with respect. The system where I get what I deserve! The crowning jewel in the system is I get to decide what I deserve. I'm the hero and the survivor! I deserve it all. So far, the empathy era has led us to moral degradation, the brink of defaulting on our national debt, and losing our country entirely to foreign invaders. 
 The pendulum swings wide and I have seen its' progression from one side to the next. I haven't been around long enough to see the full extent in either direction, but history shows that clearly enough. If you take an unbiased look at the history of the world you can see it plainly enough. Our time here is brief when viewed in the context of time. My time, my remembrance begins with the greatest generation. I remember those people, my parents and their contemporaries. The pendulum was on the right and began that swing to the left. From conservatism to liberalism. From offering charity, to demanding charity be extended. From welcoming home those that fought for our freedom, to spitting on those same returning heroes! From a sense of pride and patriotism to being apologetic! And the motive for doing so is to escape reality and responsibility. Not all that different from "dropping out" and "tuning in." 
 And like that movement, doomed to failure. Socialism will always fail! And the reason is quite obvious. Motives are individual things. Motives center on the individual not the whole. You can't govern a nation in that manner. You can't even manage a small commune in that manner. There will always be those with personal motives contrary to this utopian dream of equality. Not everyone is equal in their morals, ethics or philosophy. The only one that is, we call God! And that is true in every culture that has ever existed. Today we are even being told there is no God. The thing about a God is, they always get their way! Think about that. They aren't equal to their worshippers. Why is that? Because we all need guidance and motivation to behave ourselves in a manner that benefits the whole. Same reason for laws!  
 The pendulum will continue to the left until it doesn't. Will the shift come suddenly, unexpectedly or violently? Only history will record that. Individual nations will experience their demise and reconstruction just as they have done over the centuries. The League of Nations was formed in 1920 following WW1 in an attempt to create a more stable world. That failed. Mostly due to the outbreak of WW2 but there were signs before that. The United Nations was formed after the war with generally the same purpose and intent. For some the dream remains, one world, one nation. The New World Order. When that happens, and I believe it will one day, it will also mark the beginning of the end. We will destroy ourselves in the name of equality! That's how it works. When you concentrate all your resources on "others" to the exclusion of yourself, you will suffer. Works that way with people and with nations. The pendulum will swing back. Popularity and motive. It is individual motives that shape the world. And those motives always benefit the one with the motive, either indirectly or directly. Masking our motives is the greatest deceit each of us practice. Am I a pessimist? Yes, you could say that. I just think I know the motives. That's my feeling anyway. A more realistic view, I think. 

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