Friday, May 19, 2023

History, science and belief

 The quest to alter reality. That appears to me to be the big campaign of the twenty first century. With all our advances over millennia this is what we have decided upon? We have decided we are smart enough to change reality. We have scholars proposing just that. Scholars having decided that what we feel is the true reality not what actually exists. We are told to trust the science until the science disagrees with our perceptions. Never has this been more evident than with this transgenderism narrative. The science very clearly delineates what gender a person is. Some saying it is assigned at birth. It isn't an assignment, it is reality. Yet some now declare that isn't so and that reality can be changed based on how you feel. We can facilitate all the outward changes necessary to create the illusion. Thing is, it is still an illusion, a deceit, and the reality remains. And it isn't solely that reality that is in question these days. The concept that inanimate objects are to blame for the actions of people is another glaring misrepresentation of reality. Guns aren't violent, people are violent. Yet, it is gun violence that is being talked about, being blamed. Truth is, it's violent people with guns, or knives, or clubs, or as was determined in the early part of the 1970's, metal lunch boxes for school children. Oh, and don't forget about those elastic straps we used to hold our books, dangerous weapons! Our guns stayed in our pickup trucks in the parking lot where they wouldn't assault anyone.
 Here's another reality. Some people aren't going to like other people. Then, not liking them much they will be prejudicial towards those people. Yes, it is going to happen. The majority opinion is the reality! That's one of those inconvenient truths. Your opinion will not change that. Oh, you can make it uncomfortable for others, maybe even force them into acquiescence or tolerance but it won't change their opinion. In my opinion the bank should deposit a million dollars into my account, their opinion differs. Still the bank does business with me, and I with them. This despite I feel like they are prejudicial to me because of my financial status. I'm being marginalized. No, it's reality. Another truth is that birds of a feather do flock together. Yup, that's how that works. It doesn't indicate that the flock hates everyone else, it indicates the flock feels most comfortable with, well, the flock. Gets uneasy when a predator wants to join the flock, creates a bit of a trust issue. Natural instincts kick in. It isn't really a learned behavior at all, it's a natural response to the world around you. 
 Even our government is getting in on the altering reality bandwagon. It keeps borrowing money to get out of debt. Our leaders have decided that is the best course of action. Just keep borrowing the money to finance the dream. And what is that dream? It certainly isn't what I was taught was the American dream. No, the American dream as it was told to me was to work hard, be honest, and treat others as you wish to be treated. The dream has certainly been altered! It appears now the dream is to have the government finance your dream, and have your fellow citizens pay for that. They'll do that by borrowing some more money. Fiscal responsibility? That certainly isn't the reality today! We are borrowing money to make payments on the money we borrowed. That's the reality. And there is one thing I know for sure, that is an absolute certainty. Reality will come back to bite you in the ass! Call it karma, call it universal justice, call it whatever you like, but it will happen. But the attitude today is, it's alright as long as it doesn't happen to me. 
 Now to help with all of this we have also decided we can simply medicate reality. When we are feeling stress, feeling that tinge of responsibility or feeling a bit accountable, we have medication for that.  Then when you start taking that medication everyone else has to acknowledge that "illness" and empathize with you. That to reenforce the illusion. It's an attempt to mask reality. The reality being, sometimes we don't feel great. Sometimes we just get sad, mad, depressed, stressed out and fed up. It's what happens. You can either learn to deal with that, or medicate it away. People have been doing that since the beginning of time. It's what created alcoholics. Today it has created an opioid epidemic! Of course the Doctors, Pharmacies and Pharmeceutical companies that are to blame for that. Same as an AR-15 is responsible for a mass shooting. Not your fault, it is the fault of the object itself. I got wet because it was raining not because I went out in the rain. That's the thinking today. 
 The twenty first century sure isn't shaping up at all to be what it was predicated to be. The technology has advanced, but the people have regressed. Back to superstition and belief. Trust the science but not too much, we can change the science to suit the narrative. It's just a revision in the textbook. We can rewrite it all! History, science and belief. Depends upon how you feel. All reality is based on belief. History is what you believe it to have been. And belief is a conditional state. It all depends. How do you feel about it? Do you feel like the husband or the wife? Everyone agrees you are one of the other, gender doesn't play a role in that, it's about love. Yes, in the 21st century we have to ask about such things. How does your wife identify? What pronouns apply? What gender where you assigned? Did you receive the correct assignment? Well, it all depends on how you feel about that. It's a choice.  

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