Sunday, September 4, 2022

making history

 Yesterday we were celebrating the birthday of Foghorn Leghorn and the barnyard dog. You have to be from a certain generation to know who those characters are. At least to fully understand the comedy in those episodes. Younger generations may get triggered or suffer PTSD after watching just a few episodes. Remember the dog is tied up, with a rope, to the doghouse! He was frequently hit with a 2x4 by Foghorn. There was a chicken hawk, just a little guy, that was constantly trying to catch Foghorn. Foghorn would generally swat at him and say, beat it boy you bother me. Yes, it was a violent show alright and quite disrespectful of others' feelings. And Foghorn was always making misogynistic remarks about the hens in the hen house. Well, he was a Rooster after all.
  It got me to remembering all those cartoons I enjoyed so much growing up. Mr. Magoo with his houseboy Cholly, whose name is really Charlie, but he is Asian and can't say Charlie. He had large buck teeth, a pony tail, wore Oriental clothing and funny shoes. He always walked with a shuffle and called Mr. Magoo boss. Learned about Asian culture watching that show. He wasn't the funny guy in the cartoon though, Magoo was. Charlie always helped Magoo out of trouble. I don't think any of that would fly today. Oh Magoo, you've done it again.
  Elmer Fudd was always after that wasically wabbit. He carried a double-barreled shotgun and wasn't afraid to use it. How entertaining was that? Learned some classical music from watching that cartoon, Opera was often featured for the background music. Larger women in a brass bras and hats with horns on their head sing Opera. I'm hunting wabbits, I'm hunting wabbits. Nothing like a hunter with a speech impediment to brighten up your mornings. That might be followed by Popeye. Conflict resolution is what the lesson from Popeye was. Eat your spinach and stay strong to the finish! The finish was when Brutus got the starch kicked out of him. Also learned about credit in those cartoons, I'd gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today. Wimpy, Popeyes friend, was always trying to mooch off somebody. Everyone knew that Wimpy had no intention of ever paying for that hamburger. You could say it caused a lot of kids to grow up skeptical and untrusting of people making promises. 
 Those cartoons were all aired during the golden age of cartoons. All the best characters. Remember Speedy Gonzales? How about Pepe Le Pew. Top Cat, Huckleberry hound, Yogi Bear and Boo Boo. Woody Woodpecker, Marvin the Martian, Tom terrific, Fearless fly, and Rocky and Bullwinkle. Natasha and Borsis were the original Russian spies! Learned about world history and current events watching those shows. Marital advice could be learned watching the Flintstones. All that mostly ended in the early part on the 1970's when digital animation became quick and easy to make. Then cartoons changed into political statements and superheroes. Can't see were much was learned from those shows. Transformers, He Man and the Master of the Universe? What was that all about? No, give me George of the Jungle or Heckle and Jeckel any day. Magilla Gorilla, Tom and Jerry, Sylvester and Tweety. Mighty Mouse to save the day and the Ant and the Aardvark! The road runner always outsmarted that coyote. Acme provided al the products, rockets, bombs, dynamite or anything else you might need.  Remember Mr. Peabody? He had a segment on the Rocky and Bullwinkle show called improbable history. He would travel back in time and teach you about history. Sure could use him today! 
I'll just leave this here should you wish to learn some history, unbiased and factual.  

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