Monday, September 26, 2022

It isn't that hard

 It isn't that hard. You get out of bed in the morning and do what needs to be done. Then you do that again the next day. That's pretty much what living is. How you feel about all of that is up to you. You can be resigned, assigned or benigned! Yeah, I know benigned isn't a thing, but it rhymed, and you know what I mean. Personally, I've pretty much resigned myself to all three of those conditions. I prefer to think of it as acceptance, it is what it is. The only thing I can change is my response.
 I do not see life as a struggle, some competition to be won. I'm not a survivor, I'm surviving. There will come a day when I don't! That is just a simple fact, happens to everyone. The vast majority of us will be forgotten about in a generation or two, lost to history. I don't like that, but I have to accept the truth of it. I'm no historical figure by any stretch of the imagination. So far fate hasn't led me in that direction. Well, it isn't something we get to choose is my thinking, it is something that just happens. Forest Gump knew that, it happens. 
 I do believe a lot of this comes from the setting of goals. We are constantly told we should set goals to measure our success. We should accomplish this or that. Others will tell you about that and others will tell you when you don't reach the goal. That's the key though, understanding that others are setting your goals for you. Don't allow that to happen and you will be much happier. It's not easy, I'm not saying it is, but it is the key to being happy. We all want acceptance; we all want praise and acknowledgement for our accomplishments. The quickest way to get that is to do what others want you to do. That may or may not be what you want to do. It may result in a temporary happiness, but it won't last. Others will expect more from you. It doesn't matter what it is. Maintaining popularity is a very difficult proposition. Even more so today. 
 Yes, bad things do happen to good people. The reason is debated by scholars and theologians and has been for centuries. For me the answer is simple enough, there are bad people in the world. The whole debate about why God would allow this to happen isn't that difficult to understand. Just about everything can be misused, it isn't the object, it is the person using it. If you are God and give the people free will, say you are free to do whatever you want, you can't say, except! Exceptions are not part of that. 
 It all goes back to one thing, doing what needs to be done. The only question there being, is it something for you, or for someone else? The someone else will always tell you it should be for them. Doing for others is what we are taught. Who teaches us that? Others. 
 It isn't that hard people, get out of bed and do what needs to be done. Everything else will follow that. I don't set goals. Goals are temporary things always moving. My focus is on doing what needs to be done. There is always something that needs doing. I will never get them all done! I'm resigned to that. I assign my tasks for the day in a rather arbitrary fashion, being retired it is pretty much do I feel like doing that, and yes, it is benign. The only ones thinking it isn't benign are others, the ones wanting me to do what they want. They get upset. My advice to them is simple enough, just do what needs doing. 

1 comment:

  1. You are always writing something about death.... seems you are obsessed with it. We'll all get there, yes, sooner or the meantime, I'd rather choose living, and wisely. Have a fun day
