Thursday, September 29, 2022

I'm good with that

 Finding where you belong. That's the key to happiness, or so that's' what I've heard and read. I'm still trying to figure that out. I could just accept the explanation offered by my religious instruction, I'm exactly where God says I should be. The instruction there is simply to accept your circumstances. The issue with that philosophy however is that I was also given free will. So that means I can go wherever I want and do whatever I like, like I would know better than God where or what that is. That's also the reasoning behind just accepting what is and being happy with that. It's a real conundrum. I'm thinking the only person you have to convince is yourself. And therein lies the problem. You really can't fool yourself can you. I suspect that is what causes so many to have mental issues. They keep trying to do that.
 I'm where I chose to be, whether that was a conscious decision or not. I reacted to circumstance and chose what action to take in response. Certainly, I have been influenced, that is the purpose of religious instruction, education and experience. That is what we base those choices on. So, I have to say I'm where I'm supposed to be, where I belong. It is, after all, what I chose. Do I regret the choices I have made? To be honest about it, no. No, I do not regret the choices I made even though they may not have all worked out the way I had hoped or anticipated. I do think I could have done better though, thing is, you don't get a do-ever. I should have made those choices then, today does no good. Lots of people attempting to rewrite the past these days and that won't end well, but it's their choice. They will wind up where they are supposed to be. 
 The question being, where do I belong, still hasn't been answered. That answer would depend upon whether I'm where I belong for myself, or where I belong for others. I'm thinking they can be two different places. Can you be in two places at the same time? I think you can marry the two. Living life for others is considered the noble way! Those people are made into saints. They are the ones that step into that proverbial breach and pay the price of self-sacrifice. The problem there is when the others don't feel the same way about you. When they don't feel like they are where they want to be. That's when the marriage falls apart. Does that mean you weren't where you belonged? Is that God, or the other person telling you that?
 Well, I don't know the answers to all of that, but I think you don't really get a choice at all. I do believe in fate, preordained by a higher power. I don't think I can change that fate by any action I take. It's a good thing when you can convince yourself otherwise though, we all want to feel like we are in control at some level. The devout will tell you to give it God, just relax and trust God. It's a comfort, no doubt about that, the method of last resort for most of us. That's what we do when there is nothing else to be done. Is that where we belong?
 I don't think you get a choice about what happens to you in your life. I think the only choice you have is how you impact others. But even then, if I don't get a choice, I have no choice about that either. I'm just here doing what I am supposed to do. That means I'm where I belong at any particular moment in time. I am just a piece of the machinery designed to do a job, for a predetermined length of time, and then get discarded or recycled. I think recycled because you can't destroy energy only transform it from one form to another, so that makes sense to me. So, I don't believe it is about finding where you belong, I think it is being aware of where you are.  Yeah, I'm good with that.  

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