Saturday, September 10, 2022

In time

 We are fully one third of the way into September. It's something we say often, how time flies, and it is certainly true. I'm already seeing the mums and pumpkins popping up everywhere. The fall grass is sprouting its' seeds. The kids are all back in school and the air was cool this morning. The holiday season is rushing at us. For me though that train isn't as crushing as it used to be. What I mean by that is I don't feel pressured in any way. My intent is to simply have a Merry Little Christmas. I'll place my traditional decorations about, the familiar ornaments on the tree and celebrate with memories of years gone by. In our youth it is anticipation, then it becomes a stressful time, and finally I think, sentimental. 
 But I'm rushing ahead a bit, aren't I? There are other celebrations to consider before the big day. Halloween has filled the aisles at Walmart and the Dollar stores. It's been a number of years since I was excited about that. I'd say a decade or so since the grandkids were all excited about that. I was never one to get very excited about the whole deal. Even as a kid it was just an opportunity to snag some candy and not much more. That's probably because I've never been interested or entertained by scary things. I have no fascination with such. Thanksgiving is just a day for a big meal as far as I'm concerned. Yes, sometimes other family members gather around that table, but it hasn't happened often for me. No Hallmark holidays for me, at least not like the ones depicted in all those movies. 
  It is hard to grasp at times that it is the year 2022. It's hard when so many times in a day I speak of things that happened in the last century! It's the twenty first century for Gods sake. No flying cars in a briefcase, instead we are worried about global warming and a virus! Wasn't supposed to be like this. Now it feels like this year is almost over. We are in the final quarter after all. The mid-terms elections are coming up fast and will undoubtedly change the political landscape once again. Never can I remember a time when the mid-terms carried so much weight. It seems almost like lighting a fuse. It comes with that much anticipation and anxiety. We all have our expectations when that fuse is lighted and every time, we are surprised. 
 I just watched as Charles was proclaimed King of England, televised from the throne room for the very first time in history. Surprisingly it didn't take all that long, his speech was brief, the witnesses signed the documents and that was it. Pip Pip, Cheerio's for all. It was all very dignified and organized. No shouting reporters, no asking questions. I am King Charles the third and will do my duty. That was pretty much the statement made.  

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