Thursday, August 26, 2010

Doctors and Mechanics

Doctors and Mechanics They both keep us moving. When I was young the doctors would come to your house carrying his black bag, He ( almost always a he, there were shes' but you couldn't trust them unless she was a peditrician ) would take a look and reach into that majic bag of tricks and give you a shot or a few pills. He would look down on you and say, rest drink plenty of fluids and if you feel worse call me tomorrow. Bam,that was that. No large battery of tests,no draining your fluids,no see the receptionist for a follow up. Dad would pay the man and away he went.
Same thing with your car,only difference was you had to take it to the garage. Mechanic would look at it,tell you what was wrong,fix it and Bam that was that. No diagnostic testing, the mechanic would just tell you when he could fix it and that was that. Shoot they didn't have any fancy waiting rooms with tv and free wi fi they just fixed the car and didn't worry about providing you with entertainment.
Things have changed a little over the years,I'm not against change but wonder if some things aren't best left alone. The doctors now are almost all specialists. Why my Dr. was a general practiciner which meant he generaly knew about all your parts and pieces and would attempt to repair them. Not replace them,we'll get to that later. I guess as knowledge increased ( or was it lawsuits ) the Doctors started calling on specialists in the field to be safe.
Same thing with your car. Mechanics, excuse me sir but I am a Automotive Technician,will perform a series of diagnostic tests and refer you to the proper specialist. The specialist will REPLACE (told you I'd get to it ) the defective part and then you can get the financing necessary to pay the repair bill. Thats' why they have started selling automotive repair insurance. ( They took that clue from the health care industry.
So I have this theory about Drs and mechanics, Don't got to the Doctors for just a check up,he will find something wrong. Conversely don't take the car to the mechanic he will find something that needs to be replaced.
I liked it better the old way.If you got sick Mom would give you Ginger Ale and a aspirin. Got a cold a little Vicks Vapo-Rub will fix that.Iodine and something called Macurachrome took care of any possible infection. The doctor visit was the last resort.
Car got a flat,change the tire. Car making lloud and very strang noises have the mechanic take a look.


  1. Haven't heard about macurachrome in years! Loved that little bottle of red stuff!
