Saturday, September 23, 2023


  The Office of Gun Violence Prevention. A brand new office established by President Biden to accomplish what purpose? Preventing gun violence? Hey Joe, guns aren't violent just the people using them. In fact, guns are controlled violence, that what causes the projectile to leave the barrel, same principle as an internal combustion engine, a controlled explosion. Maybe we need an Office of Automobile Violence Prevention. Oh, we already have programs attempting to eliminate that, we are calling it green energy. The plan is to get rid of internal combustion engines altogether. And let's be clear about this new office of gun violence prevention, that is the purpose of that office, to get rid of guns. It's really an amazing thing if you think about it, a government office established for the sole purpose of removing your constitutional right to bear arms. The only way you are going to stop people from using guns to shoot each other is to take away all the guns. The fact is, that is impossible! It is estimated that there are over 434 million guns in America. That's just our best guess. 
  Currently we have 18,000 law enforcement agencies in the United States. They include everything from the FBI to your local cop shop. What do you suppose their job is? Prevention is just as much a part of their function as apprehending the criminals in society. We do tend to think there only job is to catch the bad guys but that isn't all they do. They investigate the source of whatever "wrongdoing" is going on. It could be drugs, booze, pornography, stolen goods or guns, both illegal and legal. Yes, a sort of gun violence prevention thing. There are about 800,000 sworn law enforcement officers serving today. Do we really need a new office? The Vice-President will oversee the office. It will have a director and two deputy directors. There has been no announcement on the number of employees. So, we have three people leading the way without anyone to lead. The stated mission: to end the scrouge of gun violence in America. In other words, make people stop shooting each other. No statements about how they intend to accomplish that, however. The reason for that? It's pretty obvious really, they can't just come right out and say they want to ban all guns. 
 But, that's the only way you are going to stop that and anyone with a lick of common sense knows that. We tried the 18th amendment. The results were amazing! It lasted about twelve years before a democrat called for its' repeal. That would have been FDR. The official line was it had led to the decline in alcohol consumption, but it also increased crime. You don't have to be a government analyst or professor to understand why. People have been consuming alcohol since the dark ages. People want their booze. The people will have their booze. 
 The proverbial horse is out of the barn and there is no putting it back. It is the same with guns. Since the nation was formed it has been our constitutional right to bear arms. You cannot take that away and reasonably expect everyone to just stop using them. The result will be about the same as banning alcohol manufacture and consumption. They will still be manufactured, and they will still be sold, and they will still be used by criminals. Oh, you may see a decline in their use but not by the criminal element. The thing is, criminals don't care about the law. The reality is, it is only the criminal element that is "fueling the increase in gun violence" it isn't the sport shooter or the homeowner protecting themselves from the little street thugs. Consider this one simple fact. Switzerland remained neutral for over two hundred years because of one thing, an armed citizenry. They have about 2 million guns in a population of eight million. 
  We don't need an Office of Gun Violence Prevention. What we do need is to enforce the laws as they are currently written. Use a gun in the commission of a crime and you are doing time! You are not getting home detention, plea deals, or probation! You are going to jail. You will be locked up awaiting your trial and locked up right after your trial. You don't even need to bring a toothbrush; one will be provided by the court. When it is known and understood by the would-be thugs that being caught with an illegal gun will also result in jail time, no exceptions, that will curb some of this nonsense. Taking the guns out of the hands of the people that abide by the law isn't going to do anything to the ones that don't! It's just that simple. An Office of Gun Violence Prevention, give me a break. The real name should be, The Office for the Repeal of the Second Amendment. The ORSA 

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