Tuesday, September 12, 2023


  Car theft is up in the city of Baltimore. It isn't just from some tic-tok challenge involving Kia's and a usb cord but vehicles of all types. Many are being stolen by juveniles and the current laws don't allow for their arrests or to be being held accountable for that activity. At least one child has been reported to have stolen eleven vehicles! That childs' mother was even on television asking the authorities to do something about it because she couldn't. Her concern was her child was going to get hurt engaging in that pastime and if she did it was going to be the fault of the justice system. Yeah, think about scenario for a few minutes. It's crazy, isn't it? But she ain't wrong.
  There is much talk of juvenile justice reform but no action of any significance. The talk centers mostly around the fault of the system to rehabilitate these juveniles. Yes, the feeling is that when they incarcerate these offenders, detain them in any way, they aren't being entertained. The problem is they become bored! And as we all know bored kids get into trouble. They don't have anything else to do. This summer three of the city's pools were closed. The city still hasn't built a dirt bike park or provided entertainment venues and artists. They're bored. If they could only figure out some way to occupy their time, provide them with an outlet, all the crime would just naturally stop. As far as car thefts, the city is now handing out free steering wheel locks to anyone that asks for one. That's the solution to that problem! The taxpayers will buy you a steering wheel lock! Hey, the kids are going to steal the cars anyway, maybe this will slow them down.
  Of course, others point out the fact that these juveniles are mostly from broken homes. Many don't have fathers in the home. It was pointed out that only the mothers were complaining about the problem of juvenile crime and there kids getting shot in the streets and in drive-byes. All that without mentioning any demographic statistics because we can't talk about that. The ones pointing that out are the same ones that say parents shouldn't be able to discipline their children beyond "talking" to them and "explaining" to them the error of their ways. You have to be careful not to damage their self-image or hurt their feelings. All you really need to do is ask politely for them to change their behaviors, and reward them for everything they do. If only they were entertained and had the things they wanted, none of this would be happening. Most are entitled to that anyway, you know, from past injustices to their great-great grandparents!  
  The first day of school and there were two shootings. It was on the news almost as an aside, as a by the way story. The shootings took place outside the school so that isn't too bad. They just locked the doors and didn't let any students leave until all clear was given. The Baltimore city schools are among the lowest performing schools in the nation despite one of the largest budgets! The administration branch of the school system is under continual investigation for grade changing, absenteeism rates and general mismanagement. Still, there are no major changes being made to any of that! It's just business as usual.
  Meanwhile the city is funding a safe streets program paying "violence interrupters" to stop the shootings. The official line is it is working because fewer are getting killed. Fewer aren't getting shot though, just fewer dying from those wounds. Guess the only interruption is in the aim. The city also refused to provide any details about who is receiving those funds and where exactly those funds are being used. That information is more secret than the whistleblower in the basement of the white house. The police department is short over five hundred officers because no one wants to be in the city of Baltimore! The last states attorney all but stripped every power they had to do anything. Officers were ambushed in their patrol cars, and nothing was done. The criminals are suing the city at an alarming rate. 
 The whole thing is just a reflection of what the Democratic party is supporting and planning for the entire nation. You have to let things get really bad, I mean bad, before you can justify certain actions. But, let the situation get to that point and martial law can then be declared! Then it will be justified, and most will not complain because they are scared. When the average citizen is hiding in fear behind their masks, behind the threat of violence, and behind their doors it becomes justified. That's how you gain control! If that sounds vaguely familiar all you need to do is look at history. That's how dictators gain control. The objective is making the citizenry dependent upon the government for everything. You will be told what is good for you and what isn't. You will be told how to raise your children and what those children will be taught. Compliance. That's the goal. Simple, unquestioned, unexamined, compliance.     Remember, this all for the children. It's always for the children. That's the reason we shouldn't punish them for their crimes, we should be entertaining them instead. That's the reason we should reenforce any prepubescent notions they have on sexuality. That's the reason we should have drag queens reading to them at public libraries. That's the reason we should rewrite and reinterpret American history to show just how terrible Americans are! The constitution should be rewritten, and the bill of rights erased entirely. The government will tell you what rights you have, you don't tell the government that. It's for the children. Punish children? No, just educate them to comply with the agenda. Best way to do that is to give them whatever they want. Well alright not the best way but certainly the easiest way. Create that dependence and you got'em. It's for the children, future generations of a culturally diverse population that is dependent upon government. No more of this "yearning to be free" stuff. Only one thing needs to change. Just remove the word United. Then we could be the states of American, back to the beginning. Maybe even bring back that original document, The Articles of Federation. 

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