Thursday, September 14, 2023

professional opinion

  Was listening to the medical reporter on the news this morning and her closing remark is what really caught my attention. "Make your doctor prove to you that you don't have ovarian cancer." I heard that as make your doctor prove to you that your diagnosis is wrong. That was because of the way the story was presented. A lady had been going to her doctor for years and had undergone numerous tests. The issue was eventually determined to be ovarian cancer, but she felt like that should have been diagnosed sooner. She had, after all, told her doctor all the symptoms of that disease. Well, that is after she learned she had ovarian cancer and listed all the symptoms she had experienced. 
  We go to doctors because they are experts in medical issues. Seems quite obvious to me. I go to experts for almost everything. Today we even have relationship experts! Are we now to go to the experts for verification of our own diagnosis? To have them prove I am right or wrong. I read this or that on the internet; prove to me that I'm wrong! I should go to the experts and tell them what to do. I don't know about doctors but as a mechanic I never liked it when the person tried to tell me what was wrong, or how to fix it. Tell me what the problem is, and I'll figure out what needs to be done. If you already know what is wrong and how to fix it, then my suggestion to you is, fix it. If you don't have the time or equipment necessary, take it to a professional who does. But when you do that, don't attempt to tell the professional their job! And that advice comes from someone who believes if you want something done right, do it yourself. I understand what that really means is, if I want it done my way, I need to do it.
  The story was about a missed diagnosis. I get it, the individual was upset that happened, I would be too. The thing is it wasn't just one person, one doctor or one test. According to the story this had taken years to come to light. The thing that bothered me is the proclamation that I should make my doctor prove his diagnosis to me. I wonder just how he or she is supposed to do that! That individual attended many schools, has many hours of "on the job" experience and is the expert. How are they to prove to me, a person that most likely has only a rudimentary knowledge of the subject, that they are correct. I either believe them or I don't. For me I'm taking a calculated risk. That's my view of it anyway. Currently the CDC insists I should have a covid vaccine along with all the boosters. I have chosen to have none. So far, I'm right as I have never gotten covid, I'm still alive! But okay, that's prevention not a diagnosis. If I go to my doctor insisting that I have a medical condition, just how does that physician prove otherwise? It's all a matter of trust. Either you trust the doctor, or you don't. If you don't, find one you do. If you don't trust any of them become a doctor yourself! 
  I don't know it just seems to me that when it comes to experts you just have to trust in them. As for doctors it has to be tough these days what with all the advertising and the internets' WEB MD. Everyone feels like they are an expert nowadays. I should be prescribed this drug or that drug. I googled my condition and checked all the blocks. According to that, I definitely have that disorder! Prove to me that I don't. What you are asking is that the doctor prove his opinion. You know, doctors are like the supreme court in that regard, what they give you is their opinion. An opinion based in knowledge and experience. In cases when something happens contrary to the prevailing medical opinion, the patient makes a recovery and survives, it is called a medical miracle! 
  Stories like that irritate me because they have no redeeming value. They are sensational, no doubt, and make some folks feel better about themselves. I told you so. That was one person out of thousands that had that experience. The story would have you believe it is a regular occurrence. If the doctor doesn't give you the diagnosis you are expecting, he/she should have to prove otherwise. You should insist that they do. My advice to you is simple enough, get another opinion. In my experience you can find an "expert" to agree with just about any opinion you want. There are "experts" saying Bruce Jenner is a woman! There are experts proclaiming there are multiple genders. If you are willing to pay, there is an expert that will agree. All experts share one thing. They have "credentials" of some type to prove they are experts. That's what gives them the power to say, "in my professional opinion." Sometimes, it is wrong. 

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