Friday, September 28, 2018

when all is right

 Hopefully we have a vote today. I spent most of yesterday just listening. I believe it was another moment in history that will be remembered and cited for years to come. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford was obviously quite nervous and at times looked confused. Can't say as I blame her as a lot was riding on her testimony. Her story was somewhat credible but lacking enough detail to be compelling. Most telling to me is the refusal of any one else purported to be at this party to testify. All provided a statement saying they didn't remember any such gathering taking place. Another issue for me was all the information she claims not to remember. I didn't have a problem with her not remembering exactly, it was the excuse for not remembering that troubled me. She and her team attempted to convince me that it was perfectly normal for " survivors " to only remember certain things. Sorry, just sounded like a lame excuse to me and interjecting medical terms like the hippocampus and neuro-whatevers only added to that perception. But perhaps the insistence that the FBI provide her with information so she could testify sealed the deal for me. It came off as desperate for details, but details that can't be refuted. Who better to provide that information than the FBI, can't dispute what they say right? Well, that is my thoughts on her testimony.
  As far as Judge Kavanaugh goes I found him to be credible. I don't believe he was quite as " perfect " in his high school and college years as he would lead us to believe. I also believe that is a part of human nature. I'm just thinking given all the hoopla, all the investigating going on, if the best they can do is present his high school year book, the case is pretty thin. I found it interesting that they didn't present one , not one, other person that would say he had done anything inappropriate towards any woman. Never mind if he got drunk and barffed, I'm talking about inappropriate behaviors toward women. Not one even said, I knew him in College and he made advances! Not one. All they had were letters saying they heard or him, or knew of him, or had heard of him. Not one other woman said he did a thing in the last 27 years! Innocent until proven guilty and I saw no evidence, no proof whatsoever. I saw a yearbook with juvenile entries in it. All I can say is, when I die, if a funeral is held and services conducted, I sure hope my yearbook from high school isn't the defining document of my life! I hope I am not judged on that content.
 Now why Dr. Ford chose to blame Kavanaugh for something that happened to her, and I don't doubt something happened, I really don't know. She looked confused to me. I am thinking that she was later convinced. I'm thinking it was a political thing that inspired her writing that letter. I'm thinking she was hoping it would just end his eligibility, his name would be removed from the list. But, that didn't work out and she got pulled into a circle of political intrigue she is not equipped to deal with. She became convinced she had to stick with that story or face serious charges herself. I can hear a team of attorneys telling her such. I can also hear that team saying, don't worry we will protect you. And there you have it, game on. Just like that old country song says, " that's my story and I'm sticking to it. " I can't see where she had much of a choice. She became a pawn for the " metoo "  bunch, a pawn of the Democratic party and a pawn of the press. Unless she gets abandoned by the whole lot of them she will be rewarded. I see a book deal, a made for TV movie and at least one appearance on the View in her future. She will get to talk about the Hippocampus and neurons. Dr. Ford meets Dr. Phil!
 All of that is just a distraction from the real issue and everyone knows it. The direction of the country hangs in the balance, to coin a phrase. The composition of the Supreme court is of utmost importance. Maybe the average American isn't aware of that as much as those in Washington. I do believe awareness has been raised significantly in the last few years. The Supreme court is the conscience of the nation. That's why they issue opinions. Those opinions are based in what the Constitution says. The interpretation of that document, and all others that are relevant, is their function. Is Judge Kavanaugh a man of good conscience? That is the question and the answer is different depending upon your own definition of conscience. Think of it this way; can you proclaim to be a Christian and believe in the teachings of the Bible while supporting abortion? That is to say, Thou Shalt not Kill, unless I don't want the baby? What does your conscience tell you? That's the type of thing we are talking about here. Right and wrong, moral and immoral. What does the guiding document say? Do we get to rewrite that document every time we change our mind regarding those rights, wrongs, morals, or ethics? Do we get to change the meaning of words? It is really like that lawyer pointed out at the beginning of testimony yesterday, wouldn't you agree that we all have to agree on the meaning of words? That's kinda what the Supreme court does. Some on the court will dissent. They don't agree with the common, previously accepted or officially held opinion. We go by majority opinion.  Do we base law on our moral and ethical leanings, or are those determined by the law? Sadly, I believe law will ultimately form our moral basis simply because it is the easier path to follow. And sadly that path will lead to destruction in the end. When all restraint is removed, all inhibitions vanquished, when there is only " right " remaining we realize it is wrong. It is then we realize you can't legislate morality or ethics. You really don't get to " vote " on that.  

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