Monday, September 17, 2018

it's accidental

 Let me begin by saying I purchased my purple light bulb and have it illuminated on my porch. You do know about that right? It is a national campaign to raise awareness about drug overdose. That's what the brochure says and it's a national crisis. On the bright side, no pun intended, those overdoses are accidental. Hey, it happens when using street drugs that are of questionable quality and purity. But those folks are addicts, it's not their fault, it's an accident. We need to raise awareness of this problem. We will burn purple lights, wear tee shirts and ribbons and make everyone aware that using illegal drugs in dark alleys can be lethal! I admit that's about as far as I will go, not sure what everyone else is doing. I suspect it is like a lot of things these days, we will pronounce the obvious, show our righteous indignation that such should take place, or even exist in the first place and feel better for having done so. We acknowledge the obvious and then move on. How many ribbons do you wear? It is a sign of the times you know. Ribbons show your support!
 As you probably guessed by now I'm not all that enthused with the purple light campaign. My problem is this concept of raising awareness. I wonder just who are we trying to make aware of what? If you need a campaign to tell you using illegal drugs is a bad thing, you have more problems than I can deal with. If you are not already aware that people are overdosing on illegal drugs you do need to get out more. But it's accidental! I don't think so. Those drugs don't wind up in your system by accident! They are injected or ingested on purpose. I've never used them but I am aware of that much. No one is restraining these people and making them take drugs. It is their choice. It is a risk they assume and I'm convinced they are well aware of that. This whole narrative of it being accidental just rubs me the wrong way. No, those people are responsible for their own demise by choosing to use illegal street drugs of questionable quality and purity. It's crisis alright, a crisis of stupidity and poor judgement. And in my eyes we are enabling it. As long as we keep telling those addicts that they can't help themselves, and it's not their fault, it will continue. When they are not held to account for their choices they will continue. As long as we continue to hold up someone that " survived " and made a " recovery " as a shining example, it will continue. How many do we hold up as examples that are saying, I've never used illegal drugs because I realize the dangers involved in doing so. No, those folks are ridiculed  as " not knowing what they are talking about " because they didn't choose to make very poor choices and survive that. Listen to the addict instead, they know the deal. Yeah, they know the deal alright.
 But, I bought my light and have it lighted. When you drive by my house and see it you can think, their lives a compassionate man that's trying to make a difference. That man be " woke. " And isn't that the real purpose of displaying that light or ribbon? We need to let others know, we know. We know that people overdosing by accident is a bad thing. We know that it is a crisis. Thing is, we also should know there is little we can do about it because that is a personal choice. But that is the part we will delude ourselves about. It's the same thing with any number of causes these days. Man will control the climate of the earth, and erase prejudice from the minds of man. Well, at least we are aware of that right? Right and that's good enough.
 Well, I have to go for now but this was on my mind. Raising awareness? Aware of what is my question. That it's not their fault? It's accidental?            

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