Tuesday, September 18, 2018

at one time

 The current topic is Kavanaugh and the confirmation hearings. I'm not going to delve into all the political bashing of the Democrats as it is my belief we all know what the agenda there is. They are desperate to prevent this confirmation or at the very least stall it until after the mid-terms. Election time in America, It should bring out the best in America but sadly it draws out the worst in some cases. Well whenever money and power are involved that really should be expected. And that is just the way of the world. But the latest ploy, this accusation of wrongdoing from 36 years ago is just a reflection of that. Yes, it is a ploy by an ally. I can't help but wonder what was offered in return for her cooperation. But, I said I wouldn't attack the Democrats so I'll just leave that out there.
 I'd tell you I don't want to be a " I told you so " but the fact is that is one of the more gratifying things in my life. Yes, I love being able to say that. I admit it freely and without apology. I can say it in this instance because I did write about this whole metoo movement in the past. I had pointed out how this could be used as a weapon to malign, disparage or even destroy innocent people. It goes along with this whole I'm a survivor mentality. The whole I deserve so much more, it's a right attitude. Me too, Me too! Like kids in a candy store, it's not fair, me too. Makes me sick. There is no evidence, nothing but the word of a women from 36 years ago that she was assaulted. Yet, we are supposed to believe every word she says because its', " me too. "Thirty six years after the fact and now I need to tell my story. C'mon we are supposed to take that seriously?
 That's about how I feel. If she was so concerned why didn't she say so when his nomination was announced? I'll give her the benefit of the doubt that she didn't follow his career and so wasn't aware that he became a judge at all. Okay, so now it is announced he is a candidate for the Supreme court. Why not speak up immediately? Why wait until the Democratic party, having submitted four times the number of questions asked of any previous candidate, the political party you affiliate with failed to disclose anything derogatory. Could it be we will submit a question that can not be answered?  But it's not a question, it's an accusation that can not be proven or disproved. We will employ the me too tool! You have to believe what the woman says or risk being labeled in a very negative way. Notice the hesitation by the GOP to point all that out and just dismiss it altogether. No, they are forced to posture at the very least. It's a no win situation and the Democrats are well aware of that. My hope is that it blows up in their face and takes some of the momentum out of this me too movement nonsense. We need to return to innocent until proven guilty. I say, investigate. If wrongdoing is discovered remove Judge Kavanaugh from the bench, if no wrongdoing is found, the woman should be subjected to penalty equally as severe. Strip her teaching credentials and get her a job at McDonalds. That's the only me too that should be involved in this fiasco. I'm accusing someone of wrongdoing. A fair and impartial trial is held. That person is found innocent, the accuser pays the penalty for lying. That's how it should work. It did work that way at one time. 

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