Tuesday, September 25, 2018

it's magical

 It is a source of constant amazement to me. I hear and read every day how the government of this country or that country pays for this or that. I see posts on social media about how the united states is the richest country in the world, fact is we are not even in the top ten, and how the government won't pay for healthcare. I have read quite the missives regarding all of this, some from folks proclaiming great intelligence, they have letters after their names to prove it! And yet, this is the amazing part, they don't understand where that government money comes from. Nope, the government just has money. That money is magical! You can keep paying your taxes, at the current rate, and spend vastly more.
 I'm amazed. Take a look at the overall tax burden in the United States, that includes personal and corporate, and we have one of the lowest rates in the world at about 25%. Everyone else has an average of 34%. When it comes to taxing corporate profits however, the United States has one of the highest minimum rates at 35%. I'd say that was taxing the wealthiest segment of the population but yet many of these folks claim otherwise. There are too many rich people in the United States that should pay more! Isn't that what you hear and read all the time? The government should pay more. But where should the government get that money from? The government doesn't have to get money, the government has money. That's the general perception here and I am amazed!
 Then I hear about the socialist approach. Everyone gets the same, everyone has the same. The government pays for healthcare for everyone and everyone gets treated exactly the same. It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, you get the same thing! Of course that doesn't mean you shouldn't be rich or poor, you can still keep your money, it's only that magical government money that should be spent on these programs and benefits. If that sounds ridiculous that's because it is. Yet, try this the next time someone starts complaining how the rich people need to pay more. Ask that person if they are blindly willing to put their wallet on the table. You will put yours next to it. Whoever has the most must give the other person enough to make them equal! I haven't had anyone willing to accept that challenge yet. It is usually met with laughter, a nervous laughter, because they don't want to risk their money. Now try that with bank accounts. But that is exactly what these folks are proposing aren't they? If I can't afford whatever, someone, in this case the government, should have to pay for it for me, an equal amount. Government money isn't my money, it's your money. That's the thinking and again I'm amazed.
 The government should have far more money to spend but the taxpayers shouldn't have to pay more taxes. No, only the rich people should have to pay that. I shouldn't have to shell out another dime but those fat cats should have to pay up. They should empty their wallets until it is equal to mine! Well, unless I should become one of those fat cats, then that's different right? I will never have too much money. They have too much money! That's the thinking. And there is the crux of the matter. How much is too much? How much is that amount we call discretionary? That's what the rich folks call it anyway, discretionary money, to be used at there own discretion. Thing is you want to be in control of that fund. That's basically what socialism amounts too. You get to work and earn all the money you want. Then the " government " decides what to do with the discretionary funds you have left after paying your " fair " share. Mostly they just give it to those that aren't as successful as you. Hey, it's only fair right? Then you get that warm fuzzy feeling that I live in a country with a caring, compassionate and loving government. A government that's not like an Uncle, more like a grandmother. Making sure everyone is treated exactly the same and everyone gets an equal share of the pie. Yes, that's wonderful. Who needs a poor Uncle that expects you to contribute when you can have a Grandma that just gives you stuff. Grandma has government money and it's magical.  

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