Wednesday, September 5, 2018

the wild card

 This morning I am thinking about the whole Colin Kaepernick thing. I'm not much of a brand loyalist, I may or may not have Nike gear. The truth is I don't know without looking. I do know if I just spent over a hundred dollars for a pair of their shoes I wouldn't be burning them today. I may refrain from ever buying another pair, but I'm not going to burn what I just paid for or that is still serviceable. If that makes me cheap or less of a " activist/boycotter " I'll have to live with that. And I'm thinking that is what Nike is thinking about as well. Well, that and perhaps a way to develop brand loyalty in an ever expanding market. I mean Nike is thirty years old now, and old people are wearing that stuff. We do need a way to appeal to the younger crowd, the " cool " kids! Yes, and if we can attach our brand to the most common divisive denominator so much the better. After all this is about profit, not social justice. And so that is the plan, market your product as social justice! Some in the news are calling it a genius move. Sure their stock dropped 3% in one day, but that is the gamble.   To me it's no different than the whole kneeling thing with the NFL that Kaepernick is responsible for. Yes, the NFL has seen their profits fall slightly. The thing is overall they are still profitable enough to make it worth the gamble. Yes, they made a few new " rules " and make a show of understanding what the real issue is, but they will allow these protests to go unchecked, all the while finding an excuse for it. The NFL figures, just like Nike, that there are those that will be unwilling to give up anything that pleases them, their entertainment, in favor of social justice whether that social justice is real or perceived. Bottom line, people won't give up their football or their Nikes because they like those products! Same as people won't give up eating deep fried foods until their veins are all clogged up! Call it whatever name you wish, it is a part of human nature. And Nike is now see's an opportunity to cash in on the social unrest in the country. We can target a certain demographic covertly and they won't even be aware of what's happening! Well, the Democrats have been using the same strategy for 150 years or more.
 Barnum famously said, there is no such thing as bad publicity. It's true when it comes to people seeking to entertain themselves. Remember Barnum charged people an extra dime to see the " egress. " When they found themselves outside the exhibit they had to pay to reenter, but they did see the egress! It has been agreed that Colin Kaepernick can take his case to court against the NFL. That will ensure publicity for a good while. We all know how long court cases can take. years potentially. And what is the lawsuit about? The NFL hasn't hired him. His claim is it is collusion, a great catch word these days, by the owners. Now 70% of all NFL players are black men and rightfully should be role models to the black youth in America. Colin Kaepernick, claiming to be black because that's what you do when you have mixed ethnicity, claims that is part of the reason the NFL won't hire him. After all, the teams are owned in a majority by the white folks. Never mind the fact that Kaepernick just wasn't that good a quarterback. Never mind the fact that his talent on the field doesn't outweigh his baggage and distraction off the field. No, he is a social warrior making a tremendous sacrifice!
 Well, the thing is a sacrifice is something freely given. That's just a simple fact. It's what it is. He is suing because he doesn't have a job. That doesn't sound like a sacrifice to me. Can I sue my God for some celestial favor in return? No, the idea is to make a sacrifice to that God. See my point there? If you make that sacrifice and don't receive what you requested you don't get to sue! Not hard to understand is it. But I suppose Kaepernick, who by the way is far from financially destitute, wants to make some money because he is unemployed. Nike comes along and offers him some cash and a deal. In exchange Kaepernick agrees to be their spokesperson. In reality he's just the patsy being used to increase profits and develop brand loyalty among a certain demographic. And that demographic is what? The liberals in this country that demand everything for everyone without any consequence or responsibilty. The people that will use their government handouts, subsidies, fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and social warriors to buy their product. And those folks will never see it coming as they proudly wear their Nike gear and proclaim they are making a change. They are " doing it. "
 Look, if this was a white guy would any of this have happened? The answer is no, You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. But he is black. We mustn't ever question the motives of a black man in America. If he is protesting social injustice it must be his heartfelt emotions and reasoned response. To even suggest anything else will get you labeled a racist. He doesn't have a job because he is not that good! If he was good enough that any team felt he would increase their profits he would be hired! But, he just isn't that good. Sorry if you feel otherwise but to me that's how I see it. I'd like to have a best selling book on the New York Times list but it ain't going to happen. I'm not that good! I know it, you know it and so does anyone else that reads my stuff. I accept that and so should Kaepernick. You just ain't that good. You were almost good enough, you got close I'll give you that. Still, you aren't being hired because you just aren't worth it. You destroyed your own worth, not by sacrifice, but by arrogance. You allowed your sense of entitlement to outweigh your talent. No one to blame but yourself. And so we will play the wild card. And Nike is betting on that wild card.
 I could care less about Kaepernick or Nike. I do care about the truth. And that is the truth as I see it. I'm not that easily fooled or manipulated.

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