Friday, January 3, 2025


  I was talking with my wife yesterday, just shooting the breeze as they say, when the topic of vaccines came up. I keep hearing about a newer one, something for RSV that will kill old people in particular. Well, if it isn't children it will be the elderly. Strange how both are treasured in one sentence and aborted or euthanized in the next. Yeah, all of that is supported by science and the medical community. But whatever the case may be the amount of vaccines being injected into our bodies is most definitely on the rise. When I was born it was four, today it is at least 15. They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I'm guessing a gallon of vaccine is worth more than your immune system. 
 Now I'm not saying vaccines are a bad thing, they are medical miracles in some instances. That vaccines have saved many lives isn't in dispute. I just subscribe to the advice given in my Bible, moderation in all things. "All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be dominated by anything." That's good sound advice whether you believe in God or not. It applies to everyone regardless. Lots of stuff like that in the bible. It does cause me to wonder if we aren't getting carried away a bit. I don't believe we can vaccinate ourselves into immortality. Maybe with enough we will preserve the body but I'm thinking we will all still die from something. 
  As the wife and I talked about this I began to wonder. Has any scientist ever studied that white paste we all had in kindergarten. I mean from a viral standpoint. It seems to me it must have provided a great of protection. We didn't use hand sanitizer twelve tines a day, we ate lunches our moms had packed, mayo sat for a few hours unrefrigerated, we played on the playground crawling in the dirt, and I don't recall a single kid having a peanut allergy requiring a complete isolation of peanut butter sandwiches. I do remember the doctor coming to the school at the beginning of the year and we all got an exam. That was all that was necessary. Of course it could be that we were just subjected to fresh air and exercise at least twice a day. Our classes weren't air conditioned and the windows were open when it was warm enough for that. We did go outside regardless of the temperature, we just stayed indoors if it was raining. 
  Is this all progress? 15 vaccines and counting. Wearing masks, social distancing and all of that? There are warning signs on all our food products, like this is peanut butter, it may contain nuts. Yes, I've seen that. We have lots of warning to not ingest things like battery acid or super glue. Warning hot coffee may be hot! Can we be far from wearing O2 generators on our waists to protect us from air pollution. I heard cow farts are a big problem, destroying the atmosphere. And we can't say Al Gore hasn't warned us all about global warming! No vaccine for that, not yet anyway. Have you heard about the Oropouche virus? Well, you soon will and it's deadly, mostly to child and old people. No vaccine for that. How can you protect yourself from that? I don't know. 


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