Monday, January 6, 2025

It's a start

  It's an amazing thing really, how silent the political chatter has become now that the results have been decided. I guess those on the left have had their breath taken away. They do seem surprised. The current administration is rushing to pass whatever legislation they can and repaying favors as quickly as possible. But all of this is to be expected really, politics as usual. Now the focus will shift to how bad a job this new group will perform, instead of how great the current one was. I expect the media will concentrate on all of that as opposed to trying to get Trump arrested. You will hear a lot about Project 2025! That is going to be presented as more dangerous than any virus! And there is no vaccination against it! Yes, it will end life as you know it. 
  But I was thinking about Facebook. I am one of those that spend too much time on that platform, a guilty pleasure I suppose, and with the winter upon us I can't see that changing anytime soon. I'm not much on outdoor activities in the cold. I do like to stay warm and close to the coffee pot. I have noticed a decided lack of chatter about the political landscape. All those that were so active and so vocal leading up to the election have grown, for the most part silent. Stunned, you might say. And I say that is what usually happens when reality sets in. The truth is stark to those engaged in a fantasy. 
  It is time to get back to business. Make no mistake about that, government is business oriented, it isn't about feelings. For far too long government has engaged in a policy of appeasement rather than reality. Yes, punishment is far more effective than saying,  "I'm disappointed in you." The purpose of the penal system is to punish, not reward! The consequence of breaking the law is punishment, not some remedial housing units. The government isn't a charitable organization! That is not the purpose of government. The purpose of business is to be profitable. Our business is currently 36 trillion dollars in the red. Yes, time to get back to business indeed. 
  That is the stunned silence from the left. Reality has set in. You can't please all of the people all of the time. Despite all of their untiring efforts to do just that, the Democratic party failed and failed miserably. That party still has not learned from their past. Yes, they "switched", as some will attempt to tell you. When they could no longer just subjugate people based on skin tone or "racial" purity they switched to simply trying to please those folks. 
  Oh, it didn't happen overnight, they fought and fought that hard right up until 1965, a full hundred years after their defeat. Then they switched to using additional tactics of appeasement, calling it reconciliation and now reparations. The intent remained the same however, control. And now, control is slipping away as reality rears its' head. All their efforts at patronizing every single minority group in the nation wasn't enough! They appointed, hired, promoted and gave hero status to hundreds in those "marginalized" groups all to no avail. They fully supported and promoted that woke ideology they were so convinced would keep them in power. 
  All it did was wake up the population to their ineptness. Even the most charitable of people get tired of giving. We have gone from being the model for the world to simply being the best playground in the world. Go to America where they will feed you, clothe you, house you, teach you their language and allow you to practice whatever "traditions" and "customs" you please. You will be protected against any pushback on that. There is no requirement for any moral or ethical standard to be met. Criminals welcomed with open arms. You don't even have to obey the law, you're exempted from that because, well, you're just a dreamer. All that is required of you is to vote for the proper candidate. Do that, and you're welcome. Go ahead break the law, we won't write any of that down, it will remain undocumented. Well, because as long as something isn't documented it can't be proven that it ever happened at all. 
  Many people have been infected with a disease. A mental illness recognized by the professionals. It is called Savior complex. It is a mental condition where people believe they are responsible for assisting other people even when it is harmful to themselves or others beyond those being helped. They may experience empathy, impulsively volunteer, continue in their efforts even when it isn't helpful, and is closely associated with bipolar disorder. I submit the entire democratic party has been afflicted with this disorder! It's a mental health thing. The cure begins with acceptance of the truth. Let's hope this is the beginning of recovery. The first step of a twelve step cure. Step two follows. I'm sure praying for that to happen.  


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