Monday, December 23, 2024

the bottom line

  Starbucks workers go on strike. I keep hearing that in the news. I couldn't care less what they do. They are people that have learned to make a cup of coffee. That's how I see it. They are on the same level as any other fast food worker. If your life goal is to be a barista at Starbucks you really need to accept that reality. It isn't a career. Starbucks has a worth exceeding 99 billion dollars. Ranked number 166th in the world. But who is reaping those profits? The majority are institutional investors. Just people riding the wave of popularity. Let that popularity fade and soon there will be no Starbucks at all. How much and for how long will consumers pay for fancy coffee? As the cost of doing business rises, so too the cost to consumers, that's just how business works.
  Barista is an Italian term for someone that makes coffee, especially expressos. That is all it is, someone that makes the coffee and serves it to their customers. There are no specialized skills involved in all of that. There are no certifications required and anyone can be a barista simply by calling yourself one. The reality is a barista is just a bartender serving coffee, lattes, expressos and other drinks. Yes, some barista do serve alcoholic drinks as well. The strike is about demanding higher wages, less hours and more benefits. It's the same old thought process. The owners are making more money than I am and that isn't fair. I should get more! The owners know one thing for certain however, you can be replaced. And you will be when it is no longer cost effective to retain you. When the return on the investment just becomes too little. 
  Starbucks is successful because of an image they created by clever marketing schemes. It's hip, it's cool and where the professionals hang out. They created this idea that Starbucks coffee is somehow superior to other brands although those that are the real "experts" on that will tell you otherwise. It's a brand name, like all the others. Kleenex means tissues and Starbucks means coffee. I'm old enough to remember when a Lacoste shirt was the thing. You remember them? They have the alligator logo on them. Today it is the Nike swish. Will this image last if the prices continue to increase? Currently a Pumpkin Spice Latte will run you about seven dollars, without the tip. How much are you willing to pay? Eight bucks, nine ? I remember when Keds, Puma and Adidas where the shoes to have? Where are they today? Popularity dwindled and they have been replaced. Nostalgic today. 
  I know, I know, none of that means I shouldn't earn a decent living. I'm a human being and deserve respect. If it wasn't for me the company would go out of business. Well if you force the company to reduce their profit margin enough, you will be out of a job. That's the reality of this situation. Starbucks is not a vital service to the American public. In my opinion you really don't have a lot of leverage. I can go to Dunkin' Donuts, 7-11 or any number of places to get my cup of Joe. And yes, those places will begin offering everything Starbucks has to offer if it becomes profitable for them to do so. That's how it works. Your wage is solely dependent upon profit! It is not dependent upon "feelings" or "compassion." No, it is commensurate with your worth to the company. Make them money and you will be rewarded. Cost them money and you find yourself unemployed. And that is the bottom line. 


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