Thursday, December 5, 2024

My opinion

 The supreme court is hearing arguments regarding the legality of some transgender legislation. I really haven't been paying close attention to all of that as it isn't a concern of mine. I don't know anyone that is transgender and certainly no children that claim to be. I suppose I'm just living in my own little world and not "with it." I've been that way all my life and see no reason to change that now. I don't have any illusions that I'm here for a higher purpose, to effect any great changes. I'll live out my time in anonymity, as will the vast majority of us. What others do is of little concern to me, until it effects what I'm doing. Strange how that works isn't it? Us old folks call that minding your own business. But I'm wandering off the topic a bit.
  From what little I have heard this legislation prohibits parents from allowing their children to obtain life altering drugs or surgeries as it relates to their gender. Trans children? In my view there is no such thing as trans children, just children. If you are going to allow puberty blockers, chemicals to alter the natural order of development, how can they ever know what it is to be whatever. Isn't it like your mother would say, you don't know if you like it until you try it. You have to allow them to "try" it. Just might turn out they like being a girl or a guy after all. Childhood angst concerning development is quite the normal thing you know. I had two older brothers that I was compared too. Both were bigger and stronger. My parents didn't give me steroids to boost my strength. And yes, there were other comparisons made, brothers do that.  
  I seriously have to question any parent that would even consider doing that to their child. Are you really that insecure that you would do that to a child? For what reason? So you can tell the neighbors what a great parent you are, how caring you are? You are that parent that tells their child, go ahead jump off the bridge. Yeah, kids love it when they can manipulate their parents, I know, I tried doing that myself. All kids attempt to do that. And now you are telling me these children are telling parents they want these procedures because they feel a certain way? And the parents are going, alright we will spend thousands on this, altering your life forever and insist that everyone else congratulates you in that decision. We'll even fly a flag for you! Hooray.  
  When a person reaches their age of majority they can then make their choices. If they can convince others to finance, encourage and support them, good for them. If their choices, whatever they are, cause no harm to others I really don't care what they do. I just say, make stupid choices, get stupid results. We have all been there and done that. Parents have an obligation to protect their children from that, usually by a simple, no. The only explanation being, because I said so. That is the authority of a parent. Yes, that is the way it is supposed to work. 
  I'm sure I will hear whatever the courts opinion is on this matter. Remember the court will issue an opinion only, the actual legislation has to be voted upon by congress. I understand the anxiety from those on the left. Conservative views are in the majority in the court today. Trump seated three justices and the democrats aren't happy about that. I get it, they are not on your team. But the court is supposed to be unbiased, justice is blind, and party affiliation shouldn't be an issue. Those opinions are based in law and precedent. The function of the court is to provide that legal opinion to congress. 
  Does the 14th amendment to the constitution actually guarantee children equal protection under the law? That's the argument. Those supporting this claiming it is a form of discrimination based on gender. What they call gender affirming care. Does the 14th amendment support parents having their children given puberty blockers and hormone therapy? Is a "feeling" really a medical condition? Isn't that actually a mental condition? 
 Can we use medical procedures to "cure" mental issues? Shock treatments and lobotomies certainly worked out well. Should we use medical procedures in an attempt to alter reality? You really can't change the DNA of an individual. And as far as I know that is what we are talking about here. Those children that have the normal and expected DNA, they are boys and girls. But they feel like they want to be the opposite and so medical intervention is appropriate before they even complete the biological process of puberty. Before they have even completed elementary school. I don't think so. I think the 14th amendment should protect them alright, they deserve equal protection, even when it against themselves! Protection against unwise parents and unscrupulous doctors as well. That's my opinion. 


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