I've got a feeling that we, as a nation, have gotten into somewhat of a rut. I base that more on what I have been writing about over the last fifteen years more than anything else. Mixed in with my random thoughts and memories there has been social commentary. I realize that social commentary is from my perspective and is often not in line with what the media reports. I view that as a sort of different view on history for anyone reading these postings in the future. I surely wish I had the thoughts of my grandparents and great parents in regard to "current" events as they witnessed them. I'm quite certain they would differ from whatever I was taught in school or written in scholarly papers. What is colloquially known as, the common man.
The rut we are in concerns the use of common sense. We, as a nation, have been abandoning that at an alarming rate in favor of the "science." It is what we are pressing upon our children. Don't be influenced by what you see, what you hear, or what is obvious, fact check first. Find the scientific proof to validate those observations if at all possible, if not, write a thesis about it. Science isn't always right, but it is better than being wrong. When the science doesn't agree with reality, trust the science. As an example take the reaction and response to covid.
A vaccine was produced in record time. Now this vaccine didn't prevent you from getting covid, and it didn't prevent you from spreading covid, but it was mandated anyway. People lost their jobs for non-compliance. We are still being urged to get "boosters" because well, the vaccine doesn't really prevent you from getting covid or spreading it. Was any common sense employed? None that I saw anyway, just a knee jerk reaction and the pharmaceutical companies making a great profit. We do have an excess of ventilators now, so that's good. Well except the science tells us intubation often leads to further complications. There is also this thing being called long covid. I wonder if all those vaccines and boosters aren't enabling that, the science is silent on that possibility.
Another prime example is the whole immigration thing. Common sense should tell you you can't just allow everyone and anyone to enter your country. Beyond all else, common sense should tell you that isn't a good thing. You lock your doors to keep people out of your house, not to lock yourself in. Leave the door open and see how long others respect your property. We have immigration laws for a reason. We have set limitations on that and those limitations should be followed. There are currently 1.3 million people that have have had their day in court and ordered deported. None have been yet. Common sense should tell you that is wrong and they should been deported immediately. If you receive a judgement in court how long do you get to wait before the sentence is imposed? How many years?
We are in a rut. I find myself discussing the same topics over and over again. The whole assault rifle thing. Makes no sense at all. But the rifle is black and has a pistol grip and is scary looking. Well, here's the science on that. It is a semi-automatic weapon with the same rate of fire as every other semi-automatic weapon every made. No more deadly or dangerous than the person that uses it. Left unattended, sitting in the corner, even fully loaded with the largest clip of ammo possible, it won't assault anyone. That's a scientific fact. Trust the science, well except in this case, then never mind about that, it's scary. And, you don't need that! You need a vaccine though, whether it actually works or not!
I'm not going to list a bunch of things that defy common sense, people with that are already well aware. Common sense sure does trigger a lot of people that feel they are "educated." They have learned so much they can just ignore the truth altogether. There is always some exception to the rule. It only takes one abnormality, one aberration to justify supporting all of that fully. Anything to avoid being perceived as mean, or lacking empathy. OMG, I have to feel so sorry for you because that's how you feel.
Here's the thing. You can't avoid the truth. You can alter it, ignore it and attempt to create a new reality but the truth remains, the truth. The truth is denial is the path to success. It isn't being empowered, it is acting on the truth. The truth is, we can't afford to take in the world, we can't cure or prevent every disease or ailment and we can't prevent people from doing crazy stuff! Truth be told there isn't much we can do about anything when it comes down to it. The best thing we can do is use common sense. Let's try that for a while anyway. Yeah, it will hurt some peoples feelings when they discover the truth, but it'll be worth it. Truth is, you can't be taught common sense, either you have it or you don't.
I haven't the words that Thomas Paine had nor his ability to write a convincing essay. But he wrote of "common sense" in explaining why the American people should rebel against Britain. Historians argue he did more to get that rebellion support than any other figure. He was a fiery speaker and essayist, no doubt that. Today he would be called a radical by the left, just as he was by those loyalists back in his day. It was his "common sense" that forged the America we have today and I'd suggest we return to that same "common sense" to preserve it.
Author of Common Sense
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