Transforming America. It is a thought that came to mind as I read a Facebook posting concerning the greeting, Happy Holiday's. This meme was explaining how that greeting was actually a sign of respect to others because you don't know what they believe. The point being made was that it wasn't a reaction to political correctness. I had to leave my comment, that is , after all what I do, and point out that before all this political correctness and woke ideology that greeting was rarely used here in America. Thinking back I do recall business's using that to be more inclusive or our Jewish families. Still, Happy Holidays wasn't something used much on a personal level.
America has had and still enjoys some unique traditions and cultural differences from the rest of the world. That is true of every nation in the world. America was founded as and continues to be a Christian nation. Now I realize that will raise the ire of many and much will be said to dispute that fact. There will be references made to the constitution and the first amendment regarding that separation. Regardless, we are a Christian nation. The very fact that we allow, indeed even encourage others to practice their faith is the proof of that. Did you know there have been Mosque's in America since 1929? Many Muslim nations will not allow a Christian church or Jewish synagogue to be erected in their countries. I'm certain there are other religions that would also be banned from that as well but none here in America.
Today being Thanksgiving day my thoughts also turn in that direction. You hear more people saying, Happy Turkey Day than thanksgiving these days. I did feel obligated to make a post about that as well. Today is a day to give thanks and a turkey has little to do with that. The story of the Pilgrims has been told and retold, and today the insistence on the "truth" of that day is being stressed. Today it is told more as an apology that a time of celebration. Thanksgiving, the name says it all, is for giving thanks! To whom are we giving those thanks? Yes, it is to God! The Christian god to be exact. The belief being it was only through divine providence that those Pilgrims survived at all, all the help they received from the natives notwithstanding. All of that was through divine providence from journey's start to that very day.
America is transforming. The holiday season. Gone from all government owned properties are any signs of the Christian Christmas. No nativity scenes, no baby Jesus, none of that. In many places the Grinch is more well known than the Wise Men. Christmas now begins with those black Friday sales, not the arrival of Santa Claus. No Christmas tree at the white house, it is a "holiday" tree. What holiday? What other religion in the world uses a decorated evergreen tree as a symbol of Christmas? The answer is none. The whole "holiday tree" thing is so disingenuous as to make me sick. America is transforming, moving away from that Christian tradition and it is becoming obvious to me, it isn't for the better.
It is the belief in God, a power higher than ourselves that is the essence of religion. It is not in the way we practice our faith, there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to that. There are over 45,000 Christian denominations worldwide, two hundred in America alone. The majority practice in slightly different fashions but all acknowledge just one God. God isn't a Christian, a Jew or a Muslim. God is simply the belief that there is a higher power than man. In 2023 a Gallop poll revealed that 66% of American identify themselves as Christians. In 1950 that number was 86%. Interesting to note is today 27% of those answering say they have no religious affiliation. 5% of those say there is no God at all or that God does not intervene on the behalf of man.
You know it's a funny thing. We usually view the past as better, the good old days when things are going good. We all enjoy nostalgia. But when things are not going so well we cry for a change. The new is suddenly better than the past ever was. That's usually because the new is the removal of the barriers from the past. There are times however when the barrier should remain in place, just as a fence is designed to keep something in. The practice of our religious belief establishes those barriers. That's what denominations are all about. Consider the fact that the Pope has now said, gay marriages may be blessed but not performed in the Catholic church. What is the message there? It's a sin that may be blessed? A transformation indeed.
I will continue to say Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy fourth of July or whatever. They are the holidays I celebrate. When I say that to others I am wishing them the same happiness and joy I feel for that holiday. It's true I may not know what they celebrate but that isn't what I'm talking about. If they wish me a Happy Kwanza or Eid al-ADH I would simply thank them, smile and continue on my way. I certainly wouldn't be offended or upset in any fashion. Thank you for sharing your holiday with me. Happy Thanksgiving
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