I have noticed that using the acronym "pov" has become the equivalent of an apology. The person is stating what they believe but apologizing for saying that. It's a defensive mechanism that we all employ to varying degrees. That amuses me because it is "degrees" that frequently empower those folks stating their opinions. The degree is supposed to affirm the truth of that opinion. If I possess a degree in a particular area that automatically makes me the expert, I have a degree! Yes, that is what you paid all that money for. It wasn't really for the knowledge, that is freely obtainable, it was for the paper to prove it. Same reason for the multitude of licenses required in todays' world. You must pay to be recognized.
I understand I feel that way simply because I do not possess any degrees. I have quite a few "certificates" and hold or held various licenses. I can't play the degree card. I'm not jealous of those that have that card however, I could have gotten one or two had I chosen to do so, but I didn't. That's no one's fault but my own, if you consider it a fault. I do not. I'm not making any excuses or offering any apologies for that. I expect having that degree does make you feel more confident in your opinion. I get that. I spent twenty years in the Navy and so feel more qualified to speak about that than someone who has not, it's my degree card. Experience is the best teacher is an old adage and one that holds a simple truth. It takes experience to understand that. But there is no "card" for that, just wrinkles and old age.
The only time I get annoyed with that is when people attempt to use their degree to validate an opinion that has nothing to do with what their degree encompassed. I have a liberal arts degree so that makes me an expert in rocket science for instance. I have a degree. I'm especially amused with those on Facebook because they write that in their profile page. I wrote on mine, studied at the University of Life, and often get disparaging remarks concerning that, along with my employment at the grocery store. I wonder if I wrote I have a PhD or some other letters to put after my name, would those reading believe that as readily? I highly doubt that. Without the actual paper, skepticism would definitely be the reaction. I could get this new AI stuff to create that for me, might be an interesting experiment sociologically. I'm thinking someone has probably already done that. I have seen on television where some just flat out lied about all of that and still got the job. No one, other than my navy recruiter, has ever asked to see my high school diploma. Stolen valor is the most despicable of things I can imagine, stolen degrees falls into the same category in my opinion. No apology for that.
In order to change my opinion you have to change my belief. You will not accomplish that by presenting any paper to me. Belief has little to do with facts. That much should be obvious to anyone in todays' world. There is an entire political party basing their "facts" on opinion. Remember an opinion is the same thing as a belief. That is my point of view of things going on in the country today. Power may be obtained by the suppression of reality. But it is a power that doesn't last as reality has a way of imposing itself upon you. You can only deny the truth for so long. Then you have to look for excuses. The electorate has voiced their opinion. No more excuses, time for a reality check, as unpleasant as that may be. Well, that's how I see it anyway.
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