Friday, November 29, 2024


  An argument I often hear goes something like; the bible doesn't say anything about this or that, the constitution doesn't say anything about that, or that's what it says, but that isn't what it means. I always have to chuckle at those, although I admit there are times it just leaves me frustrated. Frustrated with the logic being used by whomever to justify whatever. There sure is an awful lot of that going on these days. If it doesn't say I can't, that means I should being the logic. I'd suggest in the vast majority of those cases the person referencing the document hasn't even read the entire document. 
  I just smile thinking the Bible doesn't say anything about a lot of subjects, it wasn't written as a complete guide to the universe and everything in it. No, the Bible is an instructional manual really, stories, proverbs and adages to provide guidance. Remember there are two books in the Bible, the new and the old. Aren't both relevant? Did the new replace the old? No it didn't. It is the fulfillment of the old testament promises. That is the official theological line anyway. That's if you want to view the bible in an objective fashion. But the Bible isn't an objective document, it is a document based on belief. It's purpose is to inspire personal belief, not establish a government. Think the first amendment. Those founding fathers were pretty smart guys, weren't they. 
  That brings me to the constitution. There are a good number of things that aren't directly addressed in that document. The document itself explains what its' purpose is: to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, [and] promote the general Welfare.” It isn't a comprehensive listing of allowed or acceptable behaviors. It is a general guideline subject to interpretation. That is the function of lawyers. They read the law and attempt to have it conform to their clients wishes. In the end a judge will issue a judgement. That's their job. Ever notice how before the judgement is issued most believe that it is a bad thing. But when the judgement goes in your favor it's always spot on! In fact, it is justice personified! People decrying, "you shouldn't judge" are just saying, don't tell me I'm wrong. 
  The constitutions' intent is to promote the general welfare. That means everyone. Now that's a tall order to fill as everyone has a different need, or idea, about their welfare. Is what is good for the goose really also good for the gander? Well, not in every situation it isn't and that applies to people as well. There has to be a compromise somewhere along the way. 
 The bible serves as a guide to obtaining eternal life. That's the message there. It is also designed to promote the general welfare of the people. If everyone did indeed follow the "rules" also known as the laws of God, everyone goes to heaven. If everyone follows the constitution, to the letter, we would all live in harmony. The general welfare would be guaranteed. But we don't. And we don't for the same reason we don't all follow our biblical teachings. We all have our own ideas about that. As a result we look for the loopholes, the exemptions and exceptions. Well, it doesn't say I can't. And I have a lawyer to back that up. All I need is the judgement! If the judge says it's all good, that's all I need. 
  I suspect that is the reason for the variety of Gods that exist in the world. All you need is the proper judgment. It sure works to my advantage when I get to appoint the judge. Funny how you hear about that a great deal today as well. The supreme court has changed in size several times over the last 148 years. Different judges have been appointed and in some cases that has changed the "rules." Are we looking for a completely objective judge, or one that forgives us? Well now that's a big issue isn't it? When the judge (god) is on my side his/her authority is unquestioned and absolute. When that judge(god) disagrees with me I reject that judge (god.) 
  Yeah, that's how that works. I don't have to say you're wrong, we just have a different opinion. The supreme court issues an opinion. Congress then acts upon that opinion. Opinions don't make law, legislators make law. But when it comes to belief that is a different scenario altogether. In that case it is the strength of conviction that prevails. Conviction, to be convinced or to be judged guilty? Same thing right? 
 Well, that goes back to opinion now doesn't it. If I obey the law I won't be convicted of anything. I'm convinced of that. All that is required is that we all agree upon the law. Can we write that down? No we can't write all that down, the best we can do is list the exceptions to the rule. Been doing that since the beginning. According to Jewish traditions there are 613 commandments in the Torah. That's just the first five chapters in the Bible. They have been shortened to ten, to allow for some exceptions is my guess. 



Thursday, November 28, 2024


  Transforming America. It is a thought that came to mind as I read a Facebook posting concerning the greeting, Happy Holiday's. This meme was explaining how that greeting was actually a sign of respect to others because you don't know what they believe. The point being made was that it wasn't a reaction to political correctness. I had to leave my comment, that is , after all what I do, and point out that before all this political correctness and woke ideology that greeting was rarely used here in America. Thinking back I do recall business's using that to be more inclusive or our Jewish families. Still, Happy Holidays wasn't something used much on a personal level. 
  America has had and still enjoys some unique traditions and cultural differences from the rest of the world. That is true of every nation in the world. America was founded as and continues to be a Christian nation. Now I realize that will raise the ire of many and much will be said to dispute that fact. There will be references made to the constitution and the first amendment regarding that separation. Regardless, we are a Christian nation. The very fact that we allow, indeed even encourage others to practice their faith is the proof of that. Did you know there have been Mosque's in America since 1929? Many Muslim nations will not allow a Christian church or Jewish synagogue to be erected in their countries. I'm certain there are other religions that would also be banned from that as well but none here in America. 
  Today being Thanksgiving day my thoughts also turn in that direction. You hear more people saying, Happy Turkey Day than thanksgiving these days. I did feel obligated to make a post about that as well. Today is a day to give thanks and a turkey has little to do with that. The story of the Pilgrims has been told and retold, and today the insistence on the "truth" of that day is being stressed. Today it is told more as an apology that a time of celebration. Thanksgiving, the name says it all, is for giving thanks! To whom are we giving those thanks? Yes, it is to God! The Christian god to be exact. The belief being it was only through divine providence that those Pilgrims survived at all, all the help they received from the natives notwithstanding. All of that was through divine providence from journey's start to that very day. 
  America is transforming. The holiday season. Gone from all government owned properties are any signs of the Christian Christmas. No nativity scenes, no baby Jesus, none of that. In many places the Grinch is more well known than the Wise Men. Christmas now begins with those black Friday sales, not the arrival of Santa Claus. No Christmas tree at the white house, it is a "holiday" tree. What holiday? What other religion in the world uses a decorated evergreen tree as a symbol of Christmas? The answer is none. The whole "holiday tree" thing is so disingenuous as to make me sick. America is transforming, moving away from that Christian tradition and it is becoming obvious to me, it isn't for the better. 
  It is the belief in God, a power higher than ourselves that is the essence of religion. It is not in the way we practice our faith, there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to that. There are over 45,000 Christian denominations worldwide, two hundred in America alone. The majority practice in slightly different fashions but all acknowledge just one God. God isn't a Christian, a Jew or a Muslim. God is simply the belief that there is a higher power than man. In 2023 a Gallop poll revealed that 66% of American identify themselves as Christians. In 1950 that number was 86%. Interesting to note is today 27% of those answering say they have no religious affiliation. 5% of those say there is no God at all or that God does not intervene on the behalf of man. 
  You know it's a funny thing. We usually view the past as better, the good old days when things are going good. We all enjoy nostalgia. But when things are not going so well we cry for a change. The new is suddenly better than the past ever was. That's usually because the new is the removal of the barriers from the past. There are times however when the barrier should remain in place, just as a fence is designed to keep something in. The practice of our religious belief establishes those barriers. That's what denominations are all about. Consider the fact that the Pope has now said, gay marriages may be blessed but not performed in the Catholic church. What is the message there? It's a sin that may be blessed? A transformation indeed. 
  I will continue to say Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy fourth of July or whatever. They are the holidays I celebrate. When I say that to others I am wishing them the same happiness and joy I feel for that holiday. It's true I may not know what they celebrate but that isn't what I'm talking about. If they wish me a Happy Kwanza or Eid al-ADH I would simply thank them, smile and continue on my way. I certainly wouldn't be offended or upset in any fashion. Thank you for sharing your holiday with me. Happy Thanksgiving  


Wednesday, November 27, 2024


  Don't make any sudden moves. That was a line I heard often in those old cowboy movies. It was a warning. Any sudden moves will result in catastrophic results. In the movie, you get shot, dead, on the spot. The old time gangsters like Al Capone used the same method to gain control of the situation. You know, it is good advice. I have discovered that I generally follow that advice in my everyday activities. Tempered they call that, I respond in a tempered way. Well unless you raise my ire that is, that I can be impulsive and rash. That usually doesn't end well for the one making me mad, or myself. It all depends. Sudden moves are a bit unpredictable. 
  Today I believe we have adopted a different approach. Now it is all about those sudden moves. Striking while the iron is hot! We want results immediately. Many people will simply abandon the tried and true method and simply rush right in. They call it being creative, thinking outside the box and all of that. That's what you do when you need to justify your actions. We even have provision in the law for that, crimes of passion. That's when you love someone or something so much you just can't help yourself, your emotions took control and you are not responsible for that. I hear a lot of "passion" these days as many believe they aren't responsible for anything they do. 
  That we are living in an emotional time in America can't be denied. Our political picture is all the proof you need of that. Politics is being based more on emotional response rather than considered thoughts. We are seeing knee jerk reactions from congress. They are sudden moves in the context of legislative actions. The rush is on right now, before the new administration enters the pictures. Emotional reactions. It's my thought that it has been social media that is driving the emotional responses we are all seeing in the country. 
  We are all seeing changes that appear sudden to us. Changes in our social fabric. When you begin to challenge beliefs, emotions begin to run high. The very reason society requires a common belief system, a set of guidelines, rules, or ideology. We all have to be on the same page. The page is turning. Some view that as a good thing, while others fear it is the end of the book. I've experienced that feeling, not wanting to turn the page because it will be the end of the story. That is exactly what is being said by quite a few today, it will be the end of America as we know it. 
 That fear comes from both sides. Fear isn't exclusive. Is it justified? Well that certainly depends upon what you believe. None of us can know what the future holds. The average empire lasts a mere 250 years. I know, we are a Republic, still life expectancy is 250 years. We are at 248 if you use 1776 as the starting point. But there is China that has lasted 5000 years. Is that a fair comparison? China has had a myriad of governments. Their focus has always been on commerce, emotional sensibilities not withstanding, what we call civil rights. I believe as long as we follow the "rules" as written in the constitution we will be fine. One rule is what is known as a Convention of the States. It is time to use that rule to strengthen our government, returning the power back to the people, as was the intent. 
  The original constitutional convention lasted one hundred and four days. I'd say there was much considered discussion and thought. The reality is the constitution presented and signed at the end of that convention did contain many concessions. Those concessions were necessary to get the job done. Many of those concessions were later changed, by amendments to that document. We are all aware of the first ten as they concerned us, "we the people" directly. Later amendments addressed voting rights, slavery, prohibition, presidential succession and a variety of other topics. 
  They were/are the slow changes vs any sudden moves. That is one purpose of the constitution, to prevent any sudden moves! It takes a 2/3 majority to make a change. It takes several years, at a minimum. The 27th amendment, the last one ratified, took two hundred and two years, seven months. That one concerned the pay of congress, no sudden moves on that! Back in 1971 amendment 26 was ratified lowering the voting age to 18. In the beginning only white, landowners twenty one years of age could vote. It took a long time for that to change. It wasn't a sudden thing. Changes based in a considered fashion, well thought out, planned and measured. Don't make any sudden moves; still good advice. What's that they say, "only a fool tests the depth of the water with both feet" 


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

one for the pot

  As I put on a pot of coffee this morning I had this thought. It's the ritual that makes it special. I'll try to explain that thought. You see I prefer a percolator style coffee pot. It's what my grandmother Bennett used and what I remember the most about her kitchen. The pot was always "on." She did have an electric one, a bow to the modern world although she kept her coal burning cooking stove lighted at all times. There would sometimes be a stew or soup sitting on the back. I helped Grandma, nana, as I called her make that coffee many times. It was a ritual of sorts. As she counted out the scoops to fill the basket she always ended by saying, and one for the pot. 
  I've had and used various Mr. Coffee style pots over the years. They are more convenient I'll give them that. Fast and efficient but the coffee doesn't taste the same to me. I've had coffee from those fancy Kurig things and wasn't impressed with that either. Easy to use I suppose, just pop in that little cup and away you go. Not much of a ritual involved with any of that. It's my thinking we have lost a great deal of ritual in this modern world, convenience has taken its' place. Microwaves and air fryers removing the ritual from food preparation. I recall nana wetting her fingertip to check the temperature of the oven before doing her baking. A ritual. She did that before ironing her clothes too. I expect there are warning labels about all of that on irons today. Caution, iron may be hot! 
 There are a lot of small ritual type things we all do everyday and are unaware of them. I'd tell you what some of mine are but I'm unaware of them. My father used to lick the tip of his pencil before writing anything. I've been told that was necessary before they had the number 2 pencils. Seems like they should be number one but life is full of things like that. Washing up for supper was a ritual type type thing when I was a kid. I don't remember it being that way before breakfast or lunch though. Wearing your best clothes for church or any formal occasion was a ritual. You did dress for the occasion. Now they say you dress for success. It is the same sentiment really, making a good impression being the ritual practice. 
  The holidays are upon us and they are filled with ritual. Thanksgiving especially concerns cooking rituals. Whether it is a turkey or a ham there is much ritual in that preparation. My mother would always use those little black peppercorns, pineapple slices and cherries on her ham. That turkey was stuffed and browned to perfection, an all day ritual of basting. There are the special pies and deserts. Thanksgiving dinner itself, is a ritual. Grace will be said, although it is seldom said in our home at any other time. It just seems appropriate. A ritual. Many people seem to be confused about all of this today. They are mistaking a "right" for a ritual. The ritual things we do are "ceremonial" in nature and you may or may not have that right. In fact, some acts may be considered a sacrilege to others that practice that very same ritual. That all depends. Are you doing that out of respect, or is it an appropriation? Folks can be touchy about their rituals you know.
  Making a pot of coffee with nana is a memory I cherish. I always thought how kind it was of her to include that "one for the pot." She offered everyone that entered her kitchen a cup of coffee. You could say it was a ritual act on her part. It was automatic, a reflex action, like saying  God Bless You after someone sneezes. It's a ritual, I've been told isn't practiced at all in Japan. People say nothing at all! Maybe you think of it as a habit, issuing that blessing, but its' root lies in ritual. Ritual is an appeal to a higher power of some sort. It is what we do to ensure a good outcome. Then having performed that ritual we do feel more confident, satisfied and content. That's how I feel taking that first sip of coffee in the morning. And yes, I include, one for the pot. 



Monday, November 25, 2024

the creation of dependence

 I realize I'm old and a bit behind the times. Yesterday on the news there was a human interest story. It was a plea that every child in America should have access to the internet at home. It included a vignette of a child, sitting in the back seat of an SUV, with a laptop, in a McDonalds' parking lot. The voice was saying how concerned this child was about this homework assignment, it had to be completed, the implication being, it was vital. Naturally this child was depicted as of "Latin" descent and by extension, underprivileged. Yes, his parents drive a 40,000 dollar SUV, he has a 1000 dollar laptop and was dressed nicely but no home internet. Being that old person that I am, I just questioned, why not go to the library? They have free internet access there. Problem solved. Then I thought, why are schools even giving assignments that can only be completed by using the internet? Could it be that is part of the problem?
 This isn't the first time I've heard about this proposal to provide free internet services to "low income" homes. Thing being, nothing is free. And you tell me they wouldn't insist upon the fastest, the fiber optics cables and unlimited access, you know, to be fair. I did maintenance for a section eight housing unit some years ago. They were provided with free basic cable television and a color tv! The justification being, they needed entertainment. Yes I suppose they did, they weren't working and the days are long, especially after drinking a few beers. I thought then, there are books in the library, free to check out, that should be enough to keep you entertained. Maybe even learn something! 
 Has the internet become a necessity? Or the better question is, should the internet be a necessity? In my way of thinking the answer is a resounding, no. The internet is a wonderful thing no denying that, a great tool and can provide almost unlimited entertainment and distractions. It has become vital in our banking and billing systems. My issue is, what happens when that crashes? And it does crash we all know that. 
  Hackers, what used to be called spies in the old days, are the greatest threat to all of that. City governments have been held hostage until they paid up. Educational systems have been attacked as well. Apparently, according to the story I watched, internet access is now a requirement to complete your assignments in elementary school. I wonder just what that assignment would be? Is it something that can't be found in the card catalogue, using the Dewey decimal system? Oh, that's right, I forgot. You have to use a computer to look up a book these days. Just what happens when that computer goes down? The library is closed. 
  I wonder if anyone has considered that if the government is providing that internet service, the government is also controlling that as well. The creation of dependence is essential to establishing control. It's the oldest play in the book for the acquisition of power. Control the water, the food supply, the medical system, and the movement of people and you control those people. Once that is established all you need to do is provide some entertainment and distractions to keep the people happy. The "games" in that famous coliseum served that purpose. 
 What is being provided today? "Free" stuff mostly. I get the same as everyone else. Barring that, the government will provide me with an affordable alternative. The internet is becoming the life blood of America and the world. I'm thinking we should at least teach our children how to survive without that. That should be the basic education provided, a foundation based in using their own thoughts and intellect in solving the problems. The internet should only be a tool not a necessity. It certainly should not be required to complete your assignments in elementary school. 


Sunday, November 24, 2024


  I enjoy looking at my "memories" page on my Facebook account. It is one of the features they got right in my opinion. I also like the birthday reminders. They are something I do check almost daily. But the memories thing is also a reminder of just how quickly time passes us by. They include the date and I often find I'm surprised by just how long it has been. The pictures of the grandkids, the little items of interest or some craft I may have posted, all from years ago. It just doesn't seem possible at times. Ten years ago? I remember that like it was yesterday. Now, what was I writing about? Strange how that works isn't it. I've been face booking for 14 years now. Prior to Facebook I did enjoy the "chat" rooms on AOL. They amused me because it was like a fantasy world, you couldn't believe a thing that was said. I certainly never took any of that seriously. It was sort of like the CB radio craze where everyone had a handle and pretended to be someone they weren't. Well, I didn't have a handle then and still don't. I'm just Ben.
  Social media has certainly changed things as information and misinformation is spread in seconds. Lots of new terms invented, acronyms added and the birth of emoji's. According to the internet they were born in 1999 by a Japanese engineer. I haven't looked up the stickers and when they appeared. Today those things may be suggested by the computer along with predictive text. I find the latter annoying most of the time. I'd just rather write what I want to write, thank you very much. I chuckle when I hear the term misinformation used, what they mean is a lie. Someone is lying about something. Yes it may be what we called a white lie but now it's misinformation. Any way you look at that, it's just wrong. All of that is being spread farther and faster every single day. 
  Facebook has become somewhat of a habit with me. I go on there every day and post my good morning. That is a habit I began years ago when I decided that the purpose of social media was to be social. I'm rethinking that assessment however as there isn't all that much cordial conversation going on. I suppose that is simply because so many feel safe and secure in their castles. Sitting in their ivory towers, their keyboards before them, they wage war. Has anyone ever been convinced of anything by a argument on Facebook? I have my doubts about that. I haven't, as far as that goes. It's a war of information or misinformation. Truth is an elusive commodity these days. It having been decided that the truth is simply what we wish it was. You are expected to "affirm" that in others regardless of your feelings. 
  It was Facebook that introduced me to this blogging stuff. I had read a blog posted by someone I knew from years back. I just thought that was pretty cool, an unknown voice on the world wide web, a published piece. I remember writing to my local newspaper, to the editor, and that being printed. That feeling remained for a while, I felt like I was being heard. Yes, it is a bit of a fantasy, I understand that, but even Mark Twain had to start somewhere. I began posting a blog of my own. I haven't stopped since I first began that on Aug 19, 2010. Still waiting to be discovered though. Well you know Alexander Pope said it best, "hope springs eternal in the human breast: man never is, but always to be blest" I'm told that what goes on the web, stays on the web, forever. An eternal voice? You should take that as a caution. Just where is all this Facebook stuff being stored and for how long? What about blogger? Just what are those "servers" serving up? Is it what you ordered? 



Saturday, November 23, 2024


  How do you feel about handmade gifts? I'm talking about beyond all the sentiment and it's the thought that counts stuff. Do you really feel that way? I admit I don't always feel that way at all, there are times when I just smile and say thank you. If the gift is from a child it is always the appropriate thing to do, act thrilled and lavish them with praise for such a job well done. At what age do you feel that should end, if ever? Personally I will never let on to anyone at any age that I'm less than pleased. Secretly I may harbor a different thought altogether, depending. I do feel guilty at times because I am being less than honest but it's justifiable deceit; right. That's what I tell myself.
  Now from the giving side of that situation I do like to give handmade gifts when that gift holds a special meaning to myself. What I mean by that, I'm extending a sentiment to you. It is something I want to share with you in the hopes that you will feel the same attachment as I do. That's what sentiment is all about, attachment. I'm giving a small piece of me when I give those sort of gifts. I do feel like it is a risk however. A risk to myself. You may reject that sentiment altogether. That means I missed the mark. A gift is meant to bring pleasure to the one receiving it. A delicate balance exists between sentiment and indifference. 
  As a child the best gifts I ever received were the ones I asked for. Whether I had written to Santa Claus or simply circled the item in the Sears wish book, getting those were the best. My siblings and I sometimes made things for each other simply because we had no money. That didn't happen much though as mom or dad usually slipped us a few bucks. I had a couple aunts that helped out in that area too. I always had to do some "job" for them to earn that money. It was supposed to teach me responsibility and the value of a dollar. I'm not sure that lesson took but I always agreed. As I grew older the best gifts were the ones I didn't expect. They were those "thoughtful" ones we all hear about. It was a part of the lesson taught to me as a child. Think about what the person you intend giving that gift to would like, not what you like. The old, stand in their shoes thing. 
  The strange thing is when you reach a certain age you don't even think about gifts anymore. I don't look for, expect or tell anyone I want this or that. I don't even enjoy buying gifts for others anymore. It isn't about the money, but that is certainly a factor to be considered, but about giving them what they might like. For adults that is a difficult thing, usually it is just a simple trinket type of thing, a joke or some amusement. In these modern times you just give a gift card and call it a wrap. Gift giving has lost its' luster as far as I'm concerned. I do try to give that gift that holds some meaning beyond a purchase. Hence, the handmade gifts. And it isn't always something I actually made but something I may possess. An object of some type I have decided to pass to you for safe keeping. That's the sentiment part. But is that what you want? How do you really feel about that? 
  Brigham Young, the founder and leader of the church of Mormon said, "love the giver more than the gift" That is the risk we take in gift giving isn't it? 


Friday, November 22, 2024


  Everyone seems to be in a hurry this year for Christmas. I'm seeing more decorations than ever, the pilgrims are being trampled. Well, I guess they deserve that for what they did. And now a days we don't have to give thanks for anything, after all, we are entitled to everything! Why, it's a constitutional right. If I don't get whatever I want or need someone is getting sued. And Christmas, well that is the time when I get what I want so let's hurry up. I'm seeing Christmas trees, fully decorated everywhere I go. Can all the outdoor light displays be far behind. 
  I am from a different time. Birthdays lasted one day back then, not weekends, a week or a month. Holidays occurred on the actual day of the holiday, That was before the "new" arrangement back in 1971 to make all of that more uniform. It was decided Monday was a better day for celebrating Washington's birthday, memorial day and Columbus day. Thanksgiving came before Christmas and was actually celebrated without a single Christmas decoration in sight. Not until St. Nick showed up at the end of the Macy's parade was any of that allowed. Ah, but the times they are a'changin'. 
  Seeing all these decoration I began to wonder what the big toy for the season is. It's been a long time since I had any kids young enough to be concerned with that. I do remember when it was the latest version of Atari that was hot. Then Play Station took that spot but I haven't heard much about that. I'm thinking today it is all gaming computers, I hear some about that. But, as I said, I'm from a different time. I remember getting a can of sticks for Christmas. Yes, and I was happy about that. A few years later it was some Tonka trucks and a bicycle. 
  I don't watch that much television, and no cartoons on Saturdays mornings, so I'm not seeing many ads for toys. What are the kids playing with these days? I haven't heard a thing about any of that. No cabbage patch kids, no dolls that wet their pants or guns that shoot around the corner. No GI Joe! I don't see any Chatty Cathy or baby carriages, no dream houses or easy bake ovens. Just what do these kids today want? I suppose whatever it is it is available on Amazon. You just create your list and share it. I'm not sure how all that works but I know my granddaughter knows all about that, but she is 22. A cyber child. The grandkids all think I'm just pulling their leg when I tell them the pocket calculator wasn't invented until I was a senior in high school. They wonder why I didn't just use my phone. 
  It is thirty three days before Christmas. I just got finished with my Veterans Day celebration and am looking forward to Thanksgiving. I do like to just take my time, enjoy one holiday at a time. For me it is like getting that candy on Halloween. At first I wanted to rush through it, eat it all at once. That ended in me being sick. I did learn over time to just spread it out, eat a select piece one a time, over a few days or weeks. I did discover it is the anticipation that excites you the most, the actual event usually goes by quickly, often disappointing. Actual events seldom exceed our imagination. 
  "People don't realize that now is all there ever is; there is no past or future except as memory or anticipation in your mind." ( Eckhart Tolle )


Thursday, November 21, 2024

Not really surprised

  I often write about things that surprise me in the news. I guess I should have been paying attention more over the years. My ninth grade English teacher Miss Bird urged all of us to read about current events. I believe we were required to write reports about that. But I grew up in a small town and our current events were pretty boring. Not much happening that piqued my interest. Yes I grew up in East Hampton and there were celebrities about but I didn't pay them much mind, bunch of silly rich people. My current events centered around the time and tides. Fishing, clamming and a little bit of hunting, whatever the season allowed. That's what was current in my mind.
  I wasn't paying attention to local politics, or national politics for that matter. About the only time I noticed was during election season. The parties would establish their headquarters in a rented shop and hand out all the goodies. I got everything from book covers to pot holders. It was a competition between the Republicans and the Democrats; who was giving out the best stuff. That was the extent of my political interests at that time. I had absolutely no idea which side my teachers were supporting, that wasn't mentioned in the classroom. Back then teachers were educators not activists! I wish it had stayed that way. It's apparent that isn't the case today. even though I haven't set foot in a classroom in many years. I hear about the issue of flags being flown and the battle over books. Of course I grew up with Uncle Remus, Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn and a host of other offensive characters. 
  I was listening to the local news and was surprised once again. The governor of Maryland, Wes Moore, was on the news explaining the need to hire a consulting firm. He had engaged a firm at the cost of $290,000. The stated purpose of this consulting firm is to inform the governor and the state legislature about the possible effect a Trump presidency could have on the state. They are so taken aback at the results of the election they needed to hire outside help with the fight. The general feeling is that Trump will upset the applecart. Business will not continue as usual. What are they going to do? 
  When Moore took office the state of Maryland had five billion dollars in their rainy day fund. The budget was balanced and in fact, there was that excess. Today, Maryland has a deficit, a serious one. It is estimated that the deficit will grow into the billions in just a few years. If the Trump administration doesn't keep funneling money  to the state it is going to be bad! 
 The answer to that is hiring a consulting firm. I was surprised because I genuinely thought that is what we elected those officials to do. I really thought the state legislatures' job description was to legislate, to confront the fiscal issues of the state. Turns out all they are doing is hiring others to do the work and they just go along with that. I think I would rather pay the $290,00 to those consultants and just send the legislators home. That would be a more fiscally responsible thing to do, save all that money being paid out to legislators, wouldn't even need to fund the capital buildings, staff members, maintenance or any of that. There are 141 state delegates. Not sure how many people working for that consulting firm but I'm guessing fewer than that. I'm thinking a lot smaller office space would be required.
  Facing a 2.7 billion dollar deficit, the largest in twenty years for the state of Maryland, the response is; hire a consulting firm. The big problem, the one they need help solving, expert advice on, is what will they do if they can't continue with this deficit spending? The Trump administration is saying they  expect there is wasteful spending taking place. The Trump administration is calling for, gasp, fiscal accountability. The plan will not be to simply tax and spend anymore. Cuts will have to be made. Programs may even have to be eliminated. Trump is even talking about deporting all the illegals living in the state. Well hopefully this consulting firm can provide some answers quickly. Once Trump is in there, it's game over. It's panic time in Annapolis. The state is starting to "lawyer" up to fight back. 


Wednesday, November 20, 2024


  I was listening to the politicians promising affordable housing. This housing would be available to everyone that met the income requirements, IE: a lack of income. The government sure has a wide range when it comes to income thresholds. The level for "poverty" for a two person family is 20,782 dollars. If both people worked for minimum wage their combined wages after taxes for a year would be about 32,000. That's 50% greater than the poverty level. To qualify for affordable housing your income generally needs to fall below 80% of the median income for your area. According to the latest government census the average median income in America is 80,610.  So that means if you make 63,681.90 you qualify for affordable housing. To earn that I need to earn $30.29 an hour. I don't know what others make but it sure seems to me a whole lot of folks would qualify for this affordable housing. So I'm left with a question, just what is going on here? 
  Well the first thing we need to understand is just what affordable housing is. The narrative is a home you can afford. That isn't what the deal really is however. It is housing where in exchange for your labor or money, you can live. This housing will not in the same area as those providing you with that housing, not with those that do not qualify, but tucked away somewhere in a less desirable location. That is by design. The land being cheaper there being the top priority. A larger profit margin is obtainable in that fashion. The politicians promising you affordable housing using the taxes they collected from you to finance that deal. Those politicians are concerned about you. They need you to be available to do the work and cast your ballot. If you can't afford to live there, you will leave there. It is a sort of quid pro quo situation. 
  Housing has always been an issue. Back in the beginning of this country you could simply build your own housing with little interference from the government. All you really needed to obtain was the land upon which to build it. That was the first restriction, the first interference from government agencies. Original land grants were the top priority for those settling our cities and towns. Those folks did receive the choiciest pieces by virtue of being there first. Those coming later had to settle for the outskirts of town. Those outskirts grew larger and larger. Then government decided to add restrictions, called codes, to the building of your home. As with most everything the government does, it was for your own good! You can't just build that any old way you want, you have to comply with these standards. It is in the best interest of public safety! 
  Following the civil war and the abolishment of slavery housing was required for all those freed. The original plan was to award each family forty acres of land upon which to build their homes and establish a farm or whatever. With the assassination of Lincoln that was quickly rescinded. So where were those freed people to live? The sharecropper was born. It was "affordable" housing in exchange for labor and a small stipend. What choice did most have? Then the promise of higher wages and indoor working conditions beckoned those to the industrial areas. Affordable housing was provided by those companies, for a portion of that pay. They became known as tenements. The focus was on profit, not comfort. Remember when the Indians were displaced. Their affordable housing was a reservation. At first they just took their teepees. Then shacks began to appear. The government was there to help! To provide that affordable housing. 
  Not much has changed. Today all this affordable housing you hear about is the same thing. A condo, an apartment complex, a townhouse or a single family home provided by a group that requires your labor. They don't want you living next door, they just want you to be available whenever you are needed. Those same folks will raise your taxes to pay for that. But they have you over the proverbial barrel don't they? You have been regulated out of any other choice. You are the low income people. I haven't done any big research paper on any of this, no government funded study, but my feeling is this. If you examine all of that closely you will see that wages are always far lower than housing costs. The government, those legislating things, have always ensured that will be the case. And it has always been, for your own good. It's the only way. 
  What is your largest expense? It was and continues to be a home. The median price for a three bedroom home today is 400,000 dollars. That's $192 an hour for a year. If you obtained a good rate, say 6%, your monthly payment will be about $2398.00 a month. That's fifteen dollars and 58 cents an hour just for that payment. That's just not affordable for most of us now is it. For housing to be considered affordable, by government standards, the rent/mortgagee should not exceed 30% of your gross income. If you are making that $400,000 that means you should be paying no more than $1200 a month. But don't worry, the government is here to help. We will provide affordable housing, all that is required is you pay for it. See how that works? 


                                              Welcome home ( this is a low income housing area) 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


  Modified behaviors. That is what came to mind this morning as I read a posting on Facebook. This post was one of those informational ones concerning sanitizing the handle on your shopping carts. The big warning was drug users leaving residue on those handles that would get transferred to your hands. These drugs like Fentanyl will kill you! It only takes a micro-gram on your skin to do that. Yes, it isn't just germs any more, we need to protect ourselves from those hazards as well. A behavior modification is in order. Do not touch anything without first sanitizing that surface! 
  I see a good number of people doing just that, I've even known some that practice that all the time. I refuse to become that paranoid. Yes, that is exactly how I view all of that, a bit of paranoia. It is a state I feel being fostered by our own government. We are being subjected to a constant barrage of warnings and advice to "protect" ourselves from these invisible enemies. If it isn't a virus or a microbe, it's the climate or someone spreading drugs on door knobs and handles. Ever try opening a door with that little foot thing they have taken to putting on the bathroom doors? Ridiculous. 
  Now as far as Fentanyl on the handle of your shopping cart I fail to see how that would happen. If indeed a small speck of that stuff on my skin will kill me just how did the person with it on their hands get to the store? Shouldn't they be dead! That's what I'm being told. But ok, wipe that handle with the little sanitizing wipe if that eases your fears. It will clean the handle, no doubt about that. So now you go shopping feeling all secure. Well, what about all the objects you pick up while shopping? Are they all sanitized and germ free? I don't see how they could be but no one is concerned with any of that. Well drug users wouldn't' be touching anything in the store they wiped their hands on the shopping cart handle first, you're good.
  I wash my hands after using the restroom and before eating, common sense actions. I do not sanitize shopping cart handles. I grew up in the time when a little dirt on your hands wasn't a big concern, just wipe your hands on your jeans, good enough. I didn't sneeze into my elbow either, I still don't do that. I just cover my nose as best as I can and turn away from other people that are present. I do the same if I'm coughing, just cover my mouth and turn away from others. Today I see those burying their face into their elbows, making a big show of that to send that message, I'm protecting you! 
  I remember when I was told I had to get that covid vaccine to stop the spread, to protect others. My issue being the same doctors saying that also determined getting that vaccine did not stop you from spreading it. You could still transfer that virus regardless. The real reason for that insistence was to ease the fears they had already created. In short, if you don't do that, you will die and kill everyone else by spreading the virus. Your only hope was staying six foot away from others or isolation! After that keep getting those boosters! Forever! 
  I do see a trend in behavior modification. I see a marked increase in paranoia in the general public. Oh it can go by many other names but what it is is fear. Fear of germs, fear of microbes and virus's. Fear of everything! Fear of voicing your opinion. Fear of being ostracized by the inclusive people because you aren't including them. And the biggest fear of all, the government isn't going to help me! I'm going to be expected to take care of myself! I can't do it alone! The government should provide for my needs. I need my emotional support goat to function and the government should enforce that. I can take my goat to work and my employer should be required to accommodate that. The government should provide me with the funds necessary to start a business. If that business fails I don't need to pay the money back, I just get another loan and try again. Yes, the biggest fear today is that everyone will receive equal treatment. There has to be exceptions and exemptions. 
  There is a change in behavior. It's a shift from independence to dependence. A dependence on government to provide, not to protect. The purpose of government is to ensure a level playing field, to protect us from those that would exploit others. Government exists to provide for the common defense, maintain order and discipline and provide for common services. Government is dependent upon people, the people should not be dependent upon government. Now that's a behavioral modification we need to institute. A return to independence is in order. 


Monday, November 18, 2024

in time

  Each of us grow up in a unique way. That's true even with siblings. I was the youngest and according to my siblings, spoiled. I was also named for my dad, a junior version, and felt like I was expected to be him. Dad was certainly the measuring stick. He was a man among men. That is how I thought of him, a role model of intelligence and skill. He was a man of his time no doubt about that. I tried my best to be that man growing up. It took many years for me to reach this conclusion, I'm not living in his time. Seems like it should have been obvious to me long ago but it wasn't. Was it admiration or respect? Or was it something else?
  My fathers time was as a member of the greatest generation. It it what was he was born into, his circumstance. I came along in 1953, a boomer. That term wasn't used until 1963 however, published in a newspaper, the Salt Lake Tribune. It meant someone born more or less after world war two. That meaning has been expanded over the years and is now generally applied to anyone that is "old." It means more than age, it indicates the values or concerns a person may hold. To some it is also an insult to be called a boomer. It is not an insult to me as I am indeed a member of that generation. I had absolutely nothing to do with that. I can't take credit for it or use it as an excuse for anything. it is what it is. 
  Now I am a boomer just like my dad was a member of the greatest generation. He passed away in 1990 and I'm not certain he ever heard of that. I know he never said anything to me about that. He wasn't a rebellious sort to the best of my knowledge, just a bit of a wild child by all accounts. I did know and work with some of his peers and heard some great stories about him and his youthful antics. He did have a certain zest for life as that used to be called back in his day. I remember his three piece pin striped suit, fedora and those shoes with the white tops on them. All quite the fashion in his early years. I heard his friends talk of his dance moves as well, old swivel hips they called him. I did see a glimpse of that at my sisters wedding. He was only sixty six when he died, I'm now seventy one. 
  I'm expecting my first great grandchild in January. Starting with my dad she will begin the fifth generation. According to the internet, generation Alpha. I guess she will be an Alpha female. That's if we are still using that term seventy years from now. She will grow up in a unique way, same as all of us. Her father is studying to become an attorney and her mother is a registered nurse. She will most definitely grow up in a far different environment than myself, my son, and my grandson. She will have all those opportunities I have been told I was denied by circumstance. My hope is she does get to know her great grandfather just a bit. I knew mine, just a bit. He didn't seem all that different than my father, just a bit crankier. I did admire him, especially when he told my father he was wrong about things and my father never argued with him about that. Dad just stood there and took it. Afterwards I might hear him muttering and complaining but he never said a thing to Gramp. 
  All the generations before me have accomplished great things. Those generation fought the revolutionary war, the civil war, the war of 1812, WW1 and WW2. Some fought in Korea as well. In all of those wars we were victorious except Korea which ended with an armistice. My generation, the boomers fought in Vietnam and many other conflicts across the globe but have never tasted victory. I was there for Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm and that is as close as we came. But it wasn't really a war at least in my eyes it wasn't. We were just there to help. 
 What have the boomers accomplished? According to one source on the internet, which we boomers invented, although Al Gore likes to take the credit, "The sixties defined the era of social change, and the Baby Boomers led the charge through activism, social change, and freedom. Baby Boomers opened our eyes to social attitudes with a decade of riots, boycotts, antiwar demonstrations, and protests for civil rights." That is our legacy and for that we are called "boomers." And just what is the current generation doing? Well, telling us boomers how wrong we are about everything while protesting and rioting for the very things we have already done. But history will write a different story I'm certain of that.  
  The Alpha generation is on the way. I wonder what they be told of the boomers, those people from the dark ages. Boomers believed there were only two genders. Boomers believed in a God more than science. Boomers even thought you should have to work for everything! It was a dark time for sure. The time the white people ruled! I wonder what my father would have to say today if he knew he was a part of the greatest generation. Would he agree? To be honest I think he would, and I couldn't disagree with him on that one. It's a strange thing that takes a while to understand, things are always better in the past, yet our hope is that things will be better in the future. It is what each generation aspires too. In order to do that however, you have to learn from the past.  


Sunday, November 17, 2024


  Is money always the answer? It sure seems like that is the case. Whenever their is a problem, an issue to be resolved, the response is always increased funding. If we only had more money. Listen to the news and what the response ultimately will be, an additional tax, fee, or allocation of funds already collected by taxes and fees. That will solve the problem. Except that the truth is, it doesn't. What it does do is mask the problem a bit further. It just moves it down the road a bit. Money isn't everything but it sure beats whatever is in second place. My mother had a small figurine of a hobo holding a little sign with that written on it. I remember seeing that as a small child and the lesson stuck. 
  Money may be the answer, but it isn't the remedy. If that where the case all the great civilizations of the past that enjoyed such great wealth and influence would still survive today. Every one of them has fallen in spite of that, proof that wealth isn't the answer. It truly is as the Bible records, "the love of money is the root of all evil" often  misquoted to place the blame on the lack of money. If I had money I wouldn't want to steal it. That's the thought there. It's the justification of evil acts. The transferring of blame to something outside of yourself. Not my fault I don't have enough money therefore I'm justified in stealing that. If I only had money.
  Why do civilizations collapse? The answer to that is a complex one and varies a bit with each civilization and time period. The population, the availability of food sources, the collection of taxes and the division of labor are all contributing factors. It's my feeling however that a unified belief system is the most important of all. It is belief that drives the motivations of men. When men believe that wealth is the answer, the drive for that wealth will ultimately destroy them. Power is necessary for the acquisition of wealth. Shared power requires the sharing of that wealth. And that is the big issue every civilization faces. What they now call the redistribution of wealth. But it is power that drives that narrative as well. I want the power to decide just who is getting the wealth. That is the ultimate goal, the control of wealth.
  The establishment of belief is the building block to a successful civilization. A unified cause. That was the objective when the United States was established, the ideal envisioned by those forefathers. They weren't the first to have such ideas however, far from it. Religion has always been the foundation in any civilization. Today we tend to think of religion as a belief in a single deity. That isn't the reality though, Hindu's for one have multiple gods. Still all their gods have a unified message. The ancient Greeks believed in multiple gods ruling from Olympus. Zeus was the top dog though, and ruled over all the other gods. The gods existed to protect and help humans. In exchange you had to pray to them and please them in various ways. If you did not, you were punished. Not all that different from what religions teach today really. My point being, when belief collapses, so too the society. 
  It is a delicate balance between power, wealth and belief. Any one of those can cause the collapse of the others. Belief is, by far, the strongest of the three. You can't buy belief. You can't enforce belief. The Egyptians, for one, tried that with forced compliance and we all know the results of that. It was belief that created the exodus. Those enslaved had no power, no money, but they had belief. The balance was tilted in their favor. " Freedom is not procured by a full enjoyment of what is desired, but by controlling the desire." (Epictetus)  That applies whether the desire is for wealth, power or belief. All three are dependent upon the acceptance of truth. Only you can determine that truth. All anyone can do is share their truth. It is when we all believe in the same truth that we prosper. 


Saturday, November 16, 2024

were you entertained

  I stayed up to watch the big fight on Netflix. Yes, I even signed up with the basic subscription. I will be canceling that, most likely, after thirty days. I'm quite certain those in the board room will be quite upset with all the technical difficulties that streaming service had. I know I grew quite annoyed with that. That's America today, we want it now, we want it fast, and we want it right! Any little glitch or failure is met with anger. I did watch the entire event, and for me, it didn't live up to the hype. It was a lesson. Even prize fighters get old. Iron Mike is just plain old. I can state that unequivocally because I'm old. 
  I have never been what you would call a fan of professional boxing. It is just a passing interest when a big event is scheduled. I haven't heard much about the heavyweights in recant years, not like when I was younger. The names of Ali, Frazier, Holyfield and Tyson were all very well known. Who is the world champion today? I certainly have no idea and don't recall then mentioning his name last night. Was that man in attendance? I don't know. I've heard of Jake Paul because of his brother Logan Paul. I'm a professional wrestling fan and have been since the 1960's. Sports entertainment is what they call it now. They are athletes in their own right. They say Jake Paul is a you tuber and a celebrity. Couldn't prove that by me but he also received about twenty million for that fight. Really, it wasn't a fight, it was sports entertainment. Did you know that Ali made 9 million for that fight called, The Thriller in Manila. How much would he make today? 
  The undercard fights were all amusing and they all fought their hearts out. It is the first time I have watched the ladies fight. They are quite intense and I certainly wouldn't want to challenge any one of them. Still it came off to me as a bit of a novelty act. But I realize I'm from a different time and place in that regard, from the "proverbial" old school. I don't feel like woman can't fight, just that it isn't very ladylike. As I said, old school. I didn't realize there were as many weight classes are they mentioned. I googled that and there are seventeen. A few pounds can make all the difference apparently. All in all quite a night for the fights and the promotion of that sport. I have to say I'm rather surprised that it is still allowed at all without the use of safety equipment. But then again, when it comes to entertainment not much is not allowed. Morality and ethics are often set aside in the name of "entertainment" or "sporting" events. 
  It does appear to me that the sport of MMA has overshadowed professional boxing. I certainly hear more about that than I do boxing. I see it as a blood sport. The objective isn't to outscore your opponent, the objective is get them to submit. You can choke them out, dislocate joints, whatever it takes. There are prohibited actions in the interest of avoiding killing one another. I am amused by one rule, you can't swear or use offensive language in the cage! A bow to civility? Well all civilized societies have had sporting entertainments with varying degrees of danger. No matter how smart we become, how civilized, compassionate and woke, we retain that primal instinct. We love a good fight. We are willing to pay a great deal to witness it. The purse last night was twenty million apiece for that main event. I'm not sure what the undercard fighters made. It was substantial though. Were you entertained? I was mildly so, I did want to see a knockout. That's that primal instinct I was talking about. 

Friday, November 15, 2024

before policy

  I'm loving the civic engagement I'm hearing concerning Trumps cabinet picks. Now that's being a good citizen. Everyone should be involved, providing input and suggestions for the best possible candidates. I have to say I'm impressed with the knowledge, the expertise, and input being shared on platforms such as Facebook. I have to admit I'm sorely lacking in that regard, a good number of the candidates I actually know very little about. Oh, I've heard their names before, especially Rubio, but to be honest not enough present a recommendation. I must really be out of the loop when it comes to politicians. 
  It's amazing how so many on Facebook know these people intimately, like they are old friends or their nemesis. They can certainly tell you all about their personal lives! Take Gaetz as an example. The subject of an investigation that has yet to be released many believe him to be guilty. No one is certain exactly what those charges would be, remember that's a secret, but he's guilty. There is speculation that the results will be leaked before the confirmation process can take place. Lots of folks believing that is a good thing, leaking sealed documents. Well, until it is their documents being leaked, then it is criminal. Whatever the case actually is, I'm just amazed at how many know so much about Gaetz. And Tulsi, well, she's just a turncoat! Imagine an incoming president choosing people that displease the losing party. How rude is that? 
 Yes even though I write a great deal about political things I do not think of myself as well informed regarding politicians. I struggle to remember who the governor is at times, let alone the vice-governor or the head of every department. I can look it up when I have a need to know. It's like checking boxes on my local ballot concerning judges. The judge of this court or that, who knows who they are? I'm thinking only friends and family members, perhaps attorneys that have to deal with them in those courts or golfers. Yeah, probably those who  play golf at the clubs know those people. My political writings are generally concerned with a policy, not a person. 
  You see that's where the wheels start to get loose on government. When the concern becomes more about personality than policy. We should vote for the person that will support our policies. The political party they identify with shouldn't be the biggest influence on that. The idea being, not all republicans or democrats think alike! Yet, we do hear about "falling in line" a great deal in these discussions. The republicans have gained a majority in all three branches and that has upset the democrats greatly. I get it, I'd be upset too. A lot of democrats just don't like their Republican counterparts. Some become vindictive, mean and unyielding, unwilling to compromise. 
  Trump is selecting his cabinet. Without looking it up how many members of the cabinet are there? I looked it up because I didn't know that answer. Who is currently the interior secretary? Who is the United States trade representative? I had to look all that up. Does he know all those folks well enough to make a selection? I'd say no and is relying on others to advise him. But, he is the boss and gets to make that selection. The Senate must then confirm that choice, unless the Senate happens to be in recess, then the president can fill that seat, until the next term expires. Yeah that's a part of the Constitution. (Article II, Section 2, Clause 3:) I looked it up. According to the congressional calendar the Senate will only be in session three days in December. Congress will be in session for twelve days that month. The twelve days of Congress, so to speak. I haven't seen the calendar for Jan 2025. 
  So, the answer is fifteen. There are fifteen cabinet positions. How many did you know? Be honest with yourself. If you want to get to know them, join Facebook. They are certainly all well known there judging by the comments I'm seeing, My faith is restored in America. Such an informed, unbiased and concerned citizenry can't fail. No one is putting personality before policy, I'm sure of that. And by the way, big foot is real. 


Thursday, November 14, 2024


 I have noticed that using the acronym "pov" has become the equivalent of an apology. The person is stating what they believe but apologizing for saying that. It's a defensive mechanism that we all employ to varying degrees. That amuses me because it is "degrees" that frequently empower those folks stating their opinions. The degree is supposed to affirm the truth of that opinion. If I possess a degree in a particular area that automatically makes me the expert, I have a degree! Yes, that is what you paid all that money for. It wasn't really for the knowledge, that is freely obtainable, it was for the paper to prove it. Same reason for the multitude of licenses required in todays' world. You must pay to be recognized.
 I understand I feel that way simply because I do not possess any degrees. I have quite a few "certificates" and hold or held various licenses. I can't play the degree card. I'm not jealous of those that have that card however, I could have gotten one or two had I chosen to do so, but I didn't. That's no one's fault but my own, if you consider it a fault. I do not. I'm not making any excuses or offering any apologies for that. I expect having that degree does make you feel more confident in your opinion. I get that. I spent twenty years in the Navy and so feel more qualified to speak about that than someone who has not, it's my degree card. Experience is the best teacher is an old adage and one that holds a simple truth. It takes experience to understand that. But there is no "card" for that, just wrinkles and old age. 
 The only time I get annoyed with that is when people attempt to use their degree to validate an opinion that has nothing to do with what their degree encompassed. I have a liberal arts degree so that makes me an expert in rocket science for instance. I have a degree. I'm especially amused with those on Facebook because they write that in their profile page. I wrote on mine, studied at the University of Life, and often get disparaging remarks concerning that, along with my employment at the grocery store. I wonder if I wrote I have a PhD or some other letters to put after my name, would those reading believe that as readily? I highly doubt that. Without the actual paper, skepticism would definitely be the reaction. I could get this new AI stuff to create that for me, might be an interesting experiment sociologically. I'm thinking someone has probably already done that. I have seen on television where some just flat out lied about all of that and still got the job. No one, other than my navy recruiter, has ever asked to see my high school diploma. Stolen valor is the most despicable of things I can imagine, stolen degrees falls into the same category in my opinion. No apology for that. 
  In order to change my opinion you have to change my belief. You will not accomplish that by presenting any paper to me. Belief has little to do with facts. That much should be obvious to anyone in todays' world. There is an entire political party basing their "facts" on opinion. Remember an opinion is the same thing as a belief. That is my point of view of things going on in the country today. Power may be obtained by the suppression of reality. But it is a power that doesn't last as reality has a way of imposing itself upon you. You can only deny the truth for so long. Then you have to look for excuses. The electorate has voiced their opinion. No more excuses, time for a reality check, as unpleasant as that may be. Well, that's how I see it anyway. 


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

an exodus

  The news was reporting on the incoming administrations immigration policy. That policy would be the immigration laws as they currently exist, the only thing different is they will be enforced. In the news story they showed this caravan now carrying signs proclaiming they are migrants, not criminals. They received the news of the election via their smart phones and tablets. Both of those items being necessary when fleeing for your life from drug cartels or when migrating. The reason they are migrating is there are no jobs in their countries, they are hungry and don't feel safe. At least one individual being interviewed was from Honduras. The shortest route from Honduras to Texas is over two thousand miles! That's quite a walk.
  I do have questions though, ones the main stream media seems to avoid or overlook completely. I wonder about the logistics of these caravans. Let's start with an obvious requirement, a place to go to the bathroom. Are all these people really just stopping behind a bush along the way? I mean , like in the movies those folks seldom have to go, I don't recall a single instance of any cowboys having that issue. That is pretty much what they did on a wagon train though so, ok, you're just going alongside the road. Where is all the food and water coming from? I haven't seen any pictures of any wagons or anything like that. Are they simply carrying everything in back packs, is that why they abandon those backpacks once they cross the border? I've seen pictures of a lot of trash along those routes. And for people fleeing because they have no jobs, no money and no opportunities they sure have a lot of electronics with them. Just how do they keep those phones charged and who is paying the bill? It ain't them, they're starving people struggling to survive.
  Ok, so you're fleeing oppression, dreaming of a new life in a foreign land, broke, desperate and walking over two thousand miles in the heat, the cold, the wind, the rain, battling climate change and prejudice. But, you stop along the way to make signs. Just where did those materials come from? Did you bring your poster board and markers along with you? You know, pack them just in case you needed to protest a bit along the way. That seems reasonable enough. It is certainly something I will add to my "preppers" list. Never know when you might need to protest. I guess it is likely when your plan is to enter another sovereign nation illegally and that nation starts to get upset about that. The signs saying, I'm an immigrant, not a criminal. Maybe I'll just carry a sign down to the bank, I'm just broke, I'm not a criminal. Maybe the bank will just give me some of that money. You know, undocumented like. 
  I'm not buying the notion that literally thousands of people, entire families with infants, decide to walk to America. No, that's not the case at all. There is something far more behind all of that, some group or groups enabling that to take place. It just doesn't make any sense. And no one dies along the way, no one falls gravely ill, and by the looks of things nobody is losing weight either! They are arriving in pretty good shape, all things considered. Amazing that the media seems to have turned a blind eye to those things, I certainly haven't heard much in that regard. And if they are not, why isn't that being talked about? Shouldn't the United Nations be concerned about all of that? What about the World Health Organization? Crickets from those groups. If the conditions are so bad, so tragic in those central American countries to warrant mass evacuations, why isn't the United Nations getting involved? I'm no mathematician but things just don't add up! There's something fishy in Denmark. 


                                                    they can afford spray paint and bed sheets though
        back packs, cell phones, food for a two thousand miles journey and designer shoes and jackets. 


Tuesday, November 12, 2024


  The electorate has spoken and Trump will resume the office of president. If you look at that map of results a red wave did indeed sweep the nation. It's not official yet, but it sure looks like a trifecta for the republicans. All three branches of government holding that majority vote. It needs to be noted however that they will not have a super majority, their decisions will not go unchecked. The senate and the house will continue to operate as usual and the congress will continue in its' function. All of that just the way the founding fathers envisioned it to be. To those on the left I would say, we elected a president, not a dictator. And project 2025 is not the platform of the republicans. No one is proposing a complete and utter ban on abortion, those medically necessary will continue to be performed, as they always have been. Not once in the history of this nation has a doctor faced prosecution for performing a medically necessary abortion. Abortion should not be an "elective " procedure. 
  The governor of Maryland and the mayor of Baltimore where on television outlining their plans to push back on this new administration. They are not looking for ways to compromise or work together they are preparing a battle plan. Amazing to me that they just come right out and state that intention. Perhaps they have never heard of the old adage, you get more flies with honey than you do vinegar. Yes, the inclusive, empathetic and equitable left is preparing to fight! That's the plan because they are concerned that their free ride may be over. No longer will monies simply be handed out without accountability. The rush is on to spend whatever funds have been earmarked before the end of the year. The democrats have taken Maryland from being in the black, with a "rainy day fund" to operating in the red, with a large deficit. A great portion of the "recovery" funds have been spent providing raises and creating new positions in state government. If the government quits giving them money how are going to pay those employees? It's a dilemma. 
  No one is above the law is a a cry I've heard from the left for the last four years. I guess that doesn't apply if you are an illegal alien denied asylum in a court of law. Well over one million of those people have had their day in court, given every legal option and opportunity, paid for with you your tax dollars and were denied. The "sentence" for that is deportation, a return to your homeland. But, according to the left, they shouldn't be deported. The law says they should but the law doesn't apply to them. Why? Because, according to the left it could negatively impact our economy. What are you saying, they are cheap labor? Yeah, you democrats have always been about cheap labor, historically speaking. You did try separate but equal and had to compromise on that policy. Now Trumps promise to enforce that law by deporting those denied is somehow evil. Enforcing the law is wrong? 
  Yes there will be changes made, new policies enacted and old ones rejected. That's the way it works with free elections. The objection here is to do what is best for our country. That seems to have been lost somewhere along the way. While many women are screaming about bodily autonomy the left appears to have abandoned the concept of a national autonomy. That isn't nationalism, that is common sense. America first! Yes, that's how it should be and no one should be surprised or angered by that. A clear majority has spoken. Time to balance the books. You know it isn't about spending money, it is about how that money is spent. That's the big change about to take place. The republicans will have more control over the purse strings, that sure upsets those on the left. I get it, I hate it when that happens. I really wanted that new toy!